Happy Holidays!
The KALB staff would like to wish you and
your loved ones a safe, healthy, and happy
holiday season, filled with joy!
Recycling During Christmas Time
With the Christmas holiday being just around the corner, there are most likely boxes being shipped and delivered to your home, and if you are like me, there are many more than usual! Cardboard boxes are just one of the many items that can be recycled at Christmas time. Recycling these items will elimate extra garbage in your home receptacles and will also keep these items out of the landfill.
Here is a list of some common holiday items that can be recycled at the Athens-Limestone Recycling Center:
- Gift Bags (when they cannot be reused)
- Electronics - Bring your old Christmas/string lights, or other old electronics that are being replaced ($10 charge for televisions, all other electronics accepted for free)
- FOG Recycling (see article below for details)
*Reminder: please remove all bows before bringing your items. Bows are NOT recyclable (unless made of paper).
Please note the Holiday Business Hours for the Athens-Limestone Recycling Center. These are listed under Recycling Center Updates below.
Old Town Cemetery:
Dressed Up For the Holidays
The Athens-Limestone Beautification Board has dressed up
the Old Town Cemetery for the Holidays! Wreaths have
been placed on the wrought iron fencing and on the headstones,
drawing attention to the historic sight holding some of
Athens' first citizens. The addition of the fencing, landscaping, and headstone repair have been some of the projects that
the board has completed over the last several years at this special cemetery. The Old Town Cemetery is located on Washington Street between East Street and Beaty Street.
Cooking for Christmas, New Years, or Both?
Another Reminder That You Can Recycle
Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG)!
This information was included in the last newsletter, but with the holidays coming up, it is important for everyone to keep this progam in mind, and to keep those fats, oils and grease (FOG) out of your plumbing!
FOGs are created when we cook meat, use cooking oil, butter, or other similar products. Pouring these FOGs down the drain can cause serious plumbing and sewer issues that can easily be avoided.
Cooking fats, oils, and grease can be recycled in LImestone County!
How To Recycle FOG:
- Pick up a free FOG container from one of the cages located at the Athens-Limestone Recycling Center, at the KALB office, or at the Athens Utilities Building.
- Fill your container with fats, oils, and grease from your kitchen.
- Return the full container to the bottom shelf of any of the FOG cages and take an empty one.
Let's do our part to keep FOGs out of our drains and sewer systems!
Mark Your Calendars!
NORTH POLE STROLL - Dec 1-31, 2020
Athens North Pole Stroll in Big Spring Memorial Park (100 North Beaty Street in Athens) open until Midnight. Bring the family and stroll among the beautifully and creatively decorated trees that twinkle to life as the sun goes down. Santa's coming to town on December 19th for photos and wish lists too! Free and Open to the public. Coordinated by Athens-Limestone Tourism.
ARDMORE TINSEL TRAIL - Dec 4, 2020 - Jan 1, 2021
Ardmore Tinsel Trail on Ardmore Avenue near Bryant House/Ardmore Town Hall & Museum (26494 1st Street in Ardmore, AL). Enjoy an array of trees decked with amazing collections of baubles and lights decorated by area businesses and organizations. Coordinated by Greater Ardmore Chamber.
SIPPIN' CIDER - December 12th - 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Visit the Square in Downtown Athens to eat, shop, and sample all the delicious cider specially created just for this event. Sip and vote on your favorite. Just look for Elves in Santa hats outside the participating merchants. They will have maps to direct you to participating merchants. There will be FREE carriage rides compliments of Athens Main Street from 5 pm -
8 pm. Be sure to look for Stan Smith and and his carriage on the west side of the square, at the Judge Horton Statue. Live holiday music on the east side of the square beginning at 6 pm. Coordinated by Athens Main Street.
CLEAN UP AT SWAN CREEK WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT AREA - Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday - Monday, January 18, 2021 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Join KALB as we clean up this area near the river. KALB will provide trash bags, gloves, and litter grabbers. Meetup location and more information to come. Call 256-233-8000 with questions.
KALB invites all interested citizens to enlist the help of friends, family, clubs, and other groups to help clean up litter from Limestone County. KALB will provide trash bags, gloves, litter grabbers, food, and more. Details to come!
Our 2020 collection was such a huge success that we are holding another event in the spring! Start gathering your household chemicals for proper disposal. This includes cleaning solutions, auto fluids, pool chemicals, fertilizers, insect repellants, rat poisons, paints, and more. More detailed information will be forthcoming. Watch this newsletter and our Facebook page for details. Location to be determined.
The Recycling Center Manager and Ass
istant Manager are working in the
Monday, Dec. 21st - 6:30 am to 2:30 pm
Tuesday, Dec. 22nd - 6:30 am to 2:30 pm
Wednesday, Dec. 23rd - 6:30 am to Noon
Thursday, Dec. 24th - CLOSED
Friday, Dec. 25th - CLOSED
Saturday, Dec. 26th - CLOSED
Sunday, Dec. 27th - CLOSED
Thank you in advance for respecting these holiday hours, and allowing our employees time to spend with their families. No collection bins will be available while closed. Please do not leave any items at the center when closed. This is considered illegal dumping.
Monday through Friday -- 6:30 am to 2:30 pm.
The Recycling Center Manager and Assistant Manager are working in the plant full time handling and baling materials. They will not be in the office to answer calls, but will return messages. If you do not leave a message, they cannot return your call. Please be patient as they are doing double duty to accommodate the needs of the community as best they can with less than half of their staff.
NO PLASTIC will be accepted at this time. Watch for updates on the Athens-Limestone Recycling Center and Keep Athens-Limestone Beautiful Facebook pages.
The Recycling Center will accept the
following materials at the
Please SORT BEFORE ARRIVING. If bringing items in a plastic bag, empty your items out of the bag into the correct bins. Do not leave the plastic bags.
Electronics (if you have heavy items, please bring help to unload. We currently do not have staff at the plant to help you. There is a $10 fee for TVs of any size. All other electronics are accepted free of charge.)
- Cardboard (including paperboard: cereal boxes, drink cartons, etc.) (Cardboard MUST be broken down. Unbroken boxes take up too much space!)
- Newspaper (must be separate from other paper)
- Junk Mail, Office Paper, Magazines
- Steel/Tin Cans and Other Steel Items
- Aluminum Cans and Other Aluminum Items
- Glass Bottles and Jars - All Colors (Glass must be sorted by colors: brown, clear, and blue and green. NO other types of glass accepted!)
NO COUNTY TRAILERS will be in place. Materials must be brought to the Lucas Ferry Rd. facility. We do not know when the trailers will be put back in place. We will update on the Keep Athens-Limestone Beautiful and Athens-Limestone Recycling Center Facebook pages.
Athens-Limestone Recycling Center
City of Athens Sanitation Department
(Athens City Curbside Recycling)
Here is the link to our most recent articles featured in Athens Now:
November 20, 2020
December 4, 2020
Athens Now can be found twice monthly in local grocery stores, pharmacies, doctors offices, etc. KALB's article is always on PAGE 12.
You can also read KALB's Clean and Green articles (current and past) online at www.KALBCares.com.
Keep Athens-Limestone Beautiful | 256-233-8000 | Fax: 256-233-8012
KALBCares@gmail.com | KALBCares.com