720 N Broadway
Escondido, CA 92025

November 6 , 2019
November Business After 5 Mixer:
~ Tardeada ~

California Center 
for the Arts
~ Sculpture Courtyard ~
340 N. Escondido Blvd.
Escondido, CA  92025

Thursday, November 14th
5:00pm - 7:00pm
Community In Unity

Escondido City Hall
~ Under the Dome ~
201 N. Broadway
Escondido, CA  92025

Thursday, December 5th
5:31pm - 8:00pm
Sear's Escondido
Hiring Event
Friday, November 8th

Click here to find out more!

CEO Women's
Business Summit
Thursday, November 7th - Saturday, November 9th

Click here to find out more!

Center Stage Production's
Zombie Prom
November 8th-10th
@ Cal Center for the Arts

Click here to find out more!

ADA Service Dog Seminar
Tuesday, November 12th

Click here to find out more!

EDD Federal/State
Payroll Tax Seminar
Friday, November 15th

Click here to find out more!

1st Annual Math Olympiad
presented by Mathnasium
Saturday, December 7th

Click here to find out more!

Coastal Communities
Concert Band's 25th Annual Holiday Concert
Sunday, December 8th

Click here to find out more!


I do a fair share of my thinking while driving. That and a couple of my favorite podcasts mixed in with a little Kai Rysdahl/Marketplace and I'm unaware of the traffic mess I'm stuck in. So as I'm driving home in the dark now I was particularly struck by a quote I heard on air and this is it: We Cannot Go Back and Start Over, But We Can Begin Now, and Make a New Ending.

It resonated with me on a couple of levels and I Googled it's origin and went down that rabbit hole before realizing it doesn't matter who said it, as it simply is the truth. Sometimes we must rid ourselves of the past in order to build for the future. I share this with you in the hopes that maybe it can resonate with you.

Ok along those same lines I'm embedding a link to a program I highly recommend be watched by anyone who is intrigued with what the future will look like In-the-Age-of-AI should be a must watch. This Frontline show was both captivating and worth sharing.

And just when you thought Sacramento is letting us down I share with you one of the most enlightened pieces of law coming into effect, AB1291. Californians for Consumer Privacy sponsored the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) Ballot referendum signed by 629,000 Californians to qualify for the November 2018 ballot. After the initiative qualified, the California State Legislature passed groundbreaking consumer privacy legislation in June, which was signed into law by California Governor Jerry Brown. The CCPA gives nearly 40 million people in California the strongest data privacy rights in the country starting January 2020.

Next week, I'd like to begin inserting a poll into my weekly newsletter. Each week I'll ask a question and report results the following week. Of course all responses will be anonymous.


James Rowten (JR)
        Chris Cochran, Marketing & Development Director

        Tina Inscoe, Membership Executive

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