April 1, 2022
Ray-Pec Community,
I have shared in a few emails to you this school year that the Ray-Pec School District Board of Education is in the process of renewing our Strategic Plan. The current strategic plan runs through the end of this school year. It is time to revise our plan with new opportunities to make Ray-Pec the very best version of itself. We have solicited survey feedback on three different occasions from our community, school staff, and junior/senior high school students about a variety of issues critical to the renewal of the Strategic Plan. A strategic planning steering committee has taken the survey feedback and worked on the development of a draft plan for the Board of Education. I invite you to take a look at the work-to-date on the plan by visiting this website link.

I am thankful for the input we have received and the work the steering committee has done to help guide our strategic plan renewal. Without a doubt, we have used this year to move forward for the betterment of students. 

On behalf of the Ray-Pec Board of Education, thank you for entrusting your children to the Ray-Pec School District. 

Mike Slagle