November 2019: News and Updates
A monthly newsletter from the Center of Human Health and the Environment
Upcoming Events
11/12/2019 - Seminar
CHHE and Toxicology Program Co-sponsored
Daniel Menendez, NIEHS, “siRNA-based Synthetic Lethal Screening to Enhance Cancer Treatment Responses of Specific p53 Mutants”
4:00 pm Toxicology Auditorium

11/26/2019 - Seminar
CHHE and Toxicology Program Co-sponsored
Kym Gowdy, East Carolina University, “A Fishy Story: Alterations in Pulmonary Lipid Metabolism Drive Ozone Induced Lung Inflammation”
4:00 pm Toxicology Auditorium
November 2019 - Calendar. Isolated on White Background. 3D Illustration
Welcome New Members
Harlyn Skinner, Dept. of Biological Sciences, NC State, Affiliate membership

Shannah Witchey, Dept. of Biological Sciences, NC State, Affiliate membership
Save the Date!
What: The Fourth Annual CHHE
Symposium "Interactions Between
the Brian and the Environment"

When: February 20, 2020
9:00 - 6:00

Where: Talley Student Union
NC State University
Raleigh, NC
Label_ Cubes_ Cartoon with Save the Date wedding
Update Your Information

We are updating the CHHE website! We want to be sure that we have the current information about you up there. Please go the website and check your information. Send any updates (including photos) to Jackie Broughton. Also check to make sure you are in the Research Interest Group that you want to be in (you can be in more than one). We reorganized the RIGs when we submitted the renewal grant. 
Handwriting text writing Time To Update. Concept meaning act updating something someone or updated version program Human Hand Holding Tightly a Megaphone with Sound Icon and Blank Text Space.
Congratulations to Rob Smart, CHHE Director, on his recent appointment as the Goodnight Distinguished Chair in Molecular Toxicology . This professorship was made possible by a gift from longtime NC State supporters Jim and Ann Goodnight and recognizes the many contributions that Rob has made to the university.

Congratulations to Randy Jirtle for being this year's recipient of the Research and Innovation Leadership Award from the  Personalized Lifestyle Medicine Institute in Seattle, WA

Congratulations to Seth Kullman and Ed Levin (Duke), they received a grant from the Autism Research Institute entitled "Using Zebrafish to Help Identify Which Environmental Toxicants Could Increase Autism Risk,”  
Mike Cowley (PI) and Marine Baptissart (co-I) won a Feasibility Study grant worth $30,000 from the NIDDK-funded P30 Center at UNC Chapel Hill, for their project "Epigenetic dysregulation of the Imprinted Gene Network in the programming of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease". Way to go!
Marine Baptissart (Mike Cowley Lab) won a Best Poster Prize at the Center for Gastrointestinal Biology and Disease Research Day at UNC Chapel Hill. Congratulations!

We want your good news! Please send it to Jackie Broughton or Jane Hoppin.
Interest Groups News
 Environmental Epigenetics Interest Group
Leaders:   David Aylor   and  Mike Cowley
This group will build a community of faculty, staff and students interested in the mechanisms and consequences of interactions between the environment and the epigenome. We will discuss current trends, exchange ideas, share technical knowledge, and foster collaborations with the goal of addressing outstanding questions in the field.

Behavior and Neuroscience Interest Group
Leader:   Emilie Rissman
This group will focus on research examining the influences of the environment on issues in Neuroscience. Examples of the environment include sensory, diet, behaviors, neurotoxicants, etc. Goals include increasing research collaborations, grant submissions, enhancing trainee presentation skills and our presence at the Society for Neuroscience meeting.

Pulmonary Interest Group
LeaderKym Gowdy 
The Pulmonary Interest Group will work to establish collaborations between basic and translational scientists and clinicians that are interested in understanding mechanisms behind environmental exposures and lung diseases. This group will hold meetings at both NCSU and ECU to facilitate exchange of ideas and expertise that will result in interdisciplinary groups that can apply for external funding opportunities.

Emerging Contaminants Interest Group
Leader: Jane Hoppin
Are you studying PFAS, BMAA, green space, nanoparticles, other emerging topics of interest? If so, think about joining the Emerging Contaminants Research Interest Group.  Jane Hoppin sent out a survey to help identify how we want to organize this group. If you didn't get the invite, or lost the link, here it is again:  survey . We will find a time to meet soon to get ourselves organized.
Community Engagement
Katy May moderated the community stakeholder panel at the Environmental Health Collaborative's 
2019 Fall PFAS Symposium: Integrating Science and Solutions in NC. The panel included a small town water provider, representatives of DEQ and DHHS, a local riverkeeper and a community activist from Wilmington. This panel was integral to demonstrating the importance of the emerging science of PFAS.

Career Development
All investigators but particularly Early Stage Investigators are encouraged to work with the  Career Development Core  in development of their grants. Talk to  Nanette Nascone-Yoder   to set up a chalk talk to help organize ideas for your next proposal.
Remember to cite our  CHHE grant   P30ES025128 in publications if CHHE has provided you services, facility core use, seed/pilot project funds etc. NIH tracks this as an important CHHE metric.
CHHE Resources and Facilities Page for NIH Grants  is available on the CHHE   website .
PINS:  Remember when submitting your grants, be sure to select "Center for Human Health and the Environment" as a center in PINS.

CHHE Cited Publications 

Click  here   to check them out!