I kind of like it after the Holidays when all the decorations, lights and revelry are over and time away is spent back home, and life sorta gets back to its "normal" rhythm. Kids back in school, people working. This break was an odd one and one that made it tough to get back in the groove. But, that's all behind and it's full steam ahead. Yasutaka Tsutsui wrote, "Time waits for not one.", and neither does the Chamber.
2020 is "the Year of Elections" here at the Chamber. We here in California have a major change being implemented. Beginning in 2020, all of the state's primary elections - including those for statewide, legislative and congressional offices - will be held on the first Tuesday in March. That's March 3rd. And of course Tuesday, November 3rd, is the General election.
There may never be a more important time to vote here in Escondido than this year. Critical choices must be made at literally every level of government on decisions of which candidates to support. Ballot measures and propositions affecting Escondido directly are awaiting voter approval, or not.
An active and informed citizenry is critical to our democracy. Here is a link to all local election information. The Chamber will have more throughout the year to help you navigate through the process.
Results from our last poll: 100% of the responders said they'd be staying local over the Holidays!