1. RIP Linda Zuern
  2. Thursday 7/22 Back The Blue Standout
  3. Recap: 7/18 Big Nick's Ride For The Fallen
  4. The Cape War Dog Memorial
  5. Mass GOP Ballot Question Initiatives for 2022
RIP to our beloved friend & fellow patriot Linda.
Those of us that knew Linda know exactly how she would want us to carry on. Let's make her proud at today's Back The Blue standout, and continue to grow the Cape conservative movement Linda helped start many years ago.

Linda passed away last Friday after a long battle with complications from COVID. Disputing liberal media, she did not die from her criticism of the World Health Organization, challenging Dr. Fauci's stance on hydroxychloroquine, or her support of President Trump.

The mere fact that liberals would use Linda's death to further their agenda speaks volumes of their character, and their scorched earth approach to all those that oppose them politically. Sadly, is on full display.

Question: when an unvaccinated Democrat dies of COVID, is the headline "Unvaccinated Biden Supporter DIes of COVID"? No, they wouldn't say that because it conflicts with their agenda. The fact is that the lowest vaccine rates are among blacks and hispanics that overwhelmingly vote Dem. That's the awkward truth.

RIP Linda. Watch us continue to grow the movement you started. We will continue to defend our constitutional freedoms, our flag, and our way of life even when unpopular with those that oppose us. We will not back down. We will not give up. We have not yet begun to fight.

Back The Blue Standout @ Bourne Bridge Today!
UCP is teamed up with MA Backs The Blue today at the Bourne Bridge from 5 to 7PM!

With pending "police reform" legislation on Beacon Hill, patriots are asked to defend the police! There is clear evidence of a spike in violent crime from communities across the nation that have defunded / restricted police.

We cannot allow this misguided social engineering strategy to be implemented in the Commonwealth. Please join is today!
UCP Supports Big Nicks Ride Sunday 7/18!
UCP welcomed ~ 500 riders at both the Bourne Bridge Rotary and the Sea Dog Pub last Sunday.

Thank you to all for your generous donations to the Cape War Dog Memorial & the Nicholas G. Xiarhos Memorial Fund!

The event is named after Fifth Barnstable State Representative Steven Xiarhos’ son Nicholas Xiarhos, a United States Marine who died in combat in Afghanistan in 2009.

The ride is also the biggest fundraiser for the Nicholas G. Xiarhos Memorial Fund, a non-profit organization designed to support local veterans and military families in need. 
Help UCP Raise $ For The Cape War Dog Memorial!
UCP continues to put our thumb on the scale in support of our Military and Law Enforcement. We will never allow the woke mob to disparage either!

These are our real heroes not the squad, David Hogg, Jesse Smollett, Greta Thunberg, or any other misfit they roll out.

You can make a donation at our events, or mail a check to the address below.
Mass GOP Announces Ballot Question Briefings!
Members, Thanks in advance for your leadership in the effort to place a question on the 2022 ballot requiring voters to present identification at the polls. I look forward to working with you on this project in the coming months. 

There are similar efforts needed for ballot questions regarding Infant Healthcare, and also preventing Critical Race Theory in our schools.

Below, is Cape Region kickoff event for these initiatives. The meeting is aimed at motivating, educating, and activating the statewide network of folks who will volunteer to gather signatures.

Mark your calendars!

Monday, Aug. 2, 6:30 p.m.
Monument Beach Sportsman Club
MacArthur Blvd
Buzzards Bay, MA 02532