Business Focus Weekly
A publication focused on helping your business to grow and become more focused.
Hot Tip of the Week

Do you have a set calendar that you use throughout the day, or is your schedule more of a "take it as it comes"?

If it is the latter, you may want to work on how to set goals and priorities.

  1. Setting 90 day, monthly and weekly goals is a great start to becoming more organized.
  2. Prioritizing each goal is important - from #1 - #100
  3. Scheduling the goals into your calendar each week will help you to accomplish them.
See below for more detail.
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Origin Forensics
Owner: Jarrod Carter

Accidents are a complicated business. First, there is the challenge of injuries and the medical side of the accident. Then there is who and what was responsible and the costs of the accident.

Many parties are involved from the insurance carriers to attorneys and they have a stake in the outcomes of decisions about what happened.

This is where Origin Forensics comes in. They are a forensic consulting firm that investigates the accident to determine what happened based upon data.

They conduct accident reconstruction, look at heavy and commercial vehicles as related to the accident, injuries within an accident and analyzing the industry.

Their work includes product liability cases, for example, a car, tire or supplier company is sued because someone claims their product is ineffective.

They ask, what happened in this event, how does that relate to the product we are investigating. And, what can we glean from this event to determine what happened?

They conduct work for insurance companies, defense attorneys, and plaintiffs’ attorneys for reconstruction and analysis on criminal side - Also, trucking companies, individual plaintiffs or groups; criminal defendants or prosecutors, law enforcement officials, sheriffs, and police chiefs.

Carter operates a solid business, but he said it wasn't always that way and he made his share of mistakes early on by trusting the wrong people.

Now however, he does what he can for his employees to ensure their comfort and safety in the process.

The company is now 20 years old and is going strong. Carter invests in the local community through his church group and employees.

Origin Forensics
(509) 926.2566
23403 E. Mission Ave. Suite #223
Liberty Lake, Washington 99019

By Jennifer Ferrero, APR, DTM
NAI Black
Owner: Dave Black

NAI Black is a local subsidiary of NAI Global, a commercial real estate organization with 375 local offices worldwide.

NAI Black, headed by Dave Black, also offers property management, develops subdivisions, advises building owners on future expansion, manages both commercial and multi-family buildings and provides CPA-led accounting services.

If it is a property of any type, except for home sales, NAI Black may be able to help.

Their target audiences are real estate property owners (commercial, or multifamily owners) or they represent investment buyers; retailers or office owners, and industrial buyers who want a location.

Black said, "We help people buy, sell, lease, and help national retailers." They have helped Walgreens, Starbucks, and local restaurant investors.

"We are a broad based commercial real estate brokerage, made up of specialists," Black said.

They have investment brokers, industrial specialists, land and subdivision specialists.

With regard to COVID, he said, that the greatest impact has been the shutdown in the economy, retailers weren’t paying rent, which was a challenge. He said now they are. 

He is seeing tremendous regional growth with businesses and investors coming to the Spokane, Coeur d'Alene regions.

NAI Black
Dave Black, SIOR CCIM
Location: Spokane, Washington
Title: NAI Business Manager, CEO
Phone: 509-623-1000

By Jennifer Ferrero, APR, DTM
Capitol Benefits Exchange
Owner: Dallas Richardson

Dallas Richardson has a six step strategy for eliminating capital gains tax, and lowering taxes significantly for retirees.

"I help people retire tax free in a safe place where they can grow their money on their own," Richardson said.

He also helps small business owners with exit and succession planning and buy/sell agreements. He said he can serve a one person business to large businesses with planning, strategy and tax consequence work.

He can also help employees of the federal government.

He said that a hazard of business ownership, and business owners that he speaks with, is that they should be conducting succession and tax planning, but "It isn't a fire that has to be put out, so they put it off."

But when he talks to business owners he said, "You see a lightbulb go off,"

His ultimate goal: Protect people through advanced strategies. 

Dallas Richardson
Capitol Benefits Exchange
1959 W. Hampson Ave
Coeur d’ Alene, ID 83815

By Jennifer Ferrero, APR, DTM
Victor Foods
Owner: Victor Azar

Victor Azar is a foodie entrepreneur with a focus on manufacturing hummus and other Mediterranean food. He delivers throughout the northwest. 

Azar has been operating businesses since 2003 to include cafes within corporate buildings and at the Museum of Arts and Culture (MAC Spokane).

Azar makes hummus from scratch in a variety of flavors: Basil Hummus, Caramelized Onion Hummus,
Chocolate H’Mousse, Falafel,
Jadra, Jalapeño Hummus,
Lemon Zest Hummus,
Roasted Garlic Hummus, and
Toasted Sesame Hummus.

He is also launching a new rice pilaf through his line.

Azar sells direct to grocery stores in the northwest and delivers in person.

He said one of the challenges of running a business this year is that many grocers aren't ready to make decisions and offer new products, everything is on hold.

But despite that, he said that he is very optimistic for the future of the country and his business.
Victor Foods
Phone: (509) 768-3940

By Jennifer Ferrero, APR, DTM
Coming Events
Space is limited, register today!
UPDATED! ActionCLUB - Business education in a weekly format for business owners. Meets Wednesdays from 11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m., 12 weeks, weekly sessions. Free to clients, only $99/month for non-clients. Learn more. The next cohort of ActionCLUB begins January 13 and runs for 12 weeks.

UPDATED! GrowthCLUB - Quarterly business planning event for business owners to set goals and learn from experts. You just missed out on 4th quarter planning for your business! Save the date for the next one, January 8, 2021.
Useful Business Thought of the Week
What is the best way to set goals that you can use?

Priorities vs. Goals vs. Strategies

If you want to set SMART Goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results Driven, Time Focused), you will want to understand the difference between priorities, goals, and strategies.

Priority: An area of focus or theme for the company (limit to 2-3 words).
Example: “Increase Revenues”

Goal: An objective, end result, or a desired outcome that can be measured or observed.
Example: “Achieve $250,000 in Net Profit”

Strategy: A means to achieve a goal.
Example: “Train the sales staff on new products”

If you need help setting goals and getting organized in your business, call ActionCOACH Northwest 509-455-5053.