Dear Friends,

Isn’t It Time?
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month and seems like a good time to talk about prioritizing children. Thanks to our many partners and supporters, maybe we were able to prevent some child abuse this past year.
As children return to school, CISSC staff is working to address the multiple layers of trauma accumulated during 12 months or more of isolation from teachers, friends and the supports found in most school environments. Kids are disclosing their circumstances and, in some cases, staff is experiencing vicarious trauma trying to get resources to help the really bad situations.
When this all began, we asked for children to be considered in the response to Covid-19 by those making decisions. Schools like the children, had little say in the wave of fear that kept kids away from their lifelines. 
A task force of the smartest tech people in Western Washington issued a report in January of this year called, “Learning from Calamity.” The latter detailed the failure of technology to adequately address the educational needs of children. Low level internet access was temporarily provided by some ISP’s which will end in June. 
The pandemic clarified the digital divide and makes clear that children without high speed internet access will continue to be at a disadvantage. The American taxpayers have funded the bulk of the internet backbone and when we needed it the most, it wasn’t there for so many of our kids.
The pandemic might be coming to an end, but the effect on children will last years. Let’s work to continue focusing on children as a priority. Isn’t it time?


Chuck Teegarden
Executive Director
CIS Superstars

Rogers students learn to find commonality and connection with each other.

Spring is here at Rogers High School and students are back in session!

Spring brings about warmer weather, new buds on trees, and new friendships. Here at the Rogers Communities in Schools site we have a Lunch Bunch group, which provides students the opportunity to meet new people. This environment is not as hectic as a traditional lunchroom setting. CIS Lunch Bunch allows students with different stories and backgrounds to come together and share a meal with people they may never cross paths with. Providing opportunities to connect after being isolated for a year is important for our students.
You never know what discussion will take precedence at Lunch Bunch. Some topics that have been covered are: 407 cc motorcycles, WWE wrestling, in-person schooling vs. at-home schooling, and the trials life throws at students.

A trial that came up often for students was fighting. At one Lunch Bunch this week, every student who was in attendance said that they had a history of physical altercations leading up to high school. Expressing anger or frustration physically was a commonality amongst all students involved. While this could be viewed as delinquent action or poor emotional regulation skills, each story came with a silver lining of maturity. One student detailed how they came to realize that fighting was "stupid" and they could spend their time doing much better things. Another discerned that when they bullied people, it usually led to more violence targeted towards them. As a result, they began to seek out ways to manage anger differently. Student maturity surrounding fighting and how it created more problems than it fixed, was inspiring to hear. 
While the students may come from varying backgrounds, their new found friendships show that no matter how alienated two people feel, they can always find something in common. This commonality is a building block for understanding and connection between Rogers High School Pirates.  

Kindness Rocks Garden
Chelsie Price Hawley
Site Coordinator Medical Lake Middle School
The pandemic has put a strain on students across the country. At MLMS students seemed to struggle to connect with one another and the transition from isolation back into the classroom was a bit bumpy. In order to aid in this transitional process, I wanted to engage students in a positive activity which would allow them time to be creative, take breaks from their screens, and interact with each other. The students and I started a Kindness Rocks Garden at MLMS in order to promote positivity and encouragement among students.

Students who needed a break from their screens or needed a bit of encouragement could come to the CIS room to decorate a rock for the garden. The students could use their creativity to paint and decorate the rocks however they wanted; the only requirement was they needed to write a message of encouragement, kindness, or positivity on the rocks once it was dry. Students really enjoyed painting and decorating the rocks.

Initially, I wanted to display the rocks in front of the school for all of their art work and messages to be on display for students, families, staff and community members. However, the students came up with an even better idea! The students thought it would be fun, and a better use of the positive messages, if they were able to hide the rocks around the school for other students to find and replace, so that’s what we’re doing! Students are also able to make a kindness rock for another student or staff member they think could use a little encouragement. The students have loved exchanging the rocks and finding them around the school!
CIS Success Story

Community Partners

Earlier this month, our Site Coordinator for North Pines M.S., Maria , reached out to LUSH Cosmetics and asked them if they would be willing to do a group consultation with the students that are in their girls lunch group!

Maria collaborated with Bella and Kate, who were enthusiastic about the idea and sent her with some products to take back with her for the zoom call!

Bella met with our twelve girls and spoke with them about hygiene habits, self-care and walked with them through choosing products that worked the best for their skin type.

This was an incredible opportunity for our middle school students, and we are so thankful for this new partnership! 

We asked LUSH about their experience partnering with CIS, LUSH shared the following with us.

Bella had such a fun time sharing some tips for self-care and skin care with the girls at North Pines.

We talked about the importance of skincare, as well as what products might work best for each girls' skin type.

We at Lush believe in clean, minimal skincare that caters to the needs of the individual's skin, helping it to be its best natural self.

We help people find ways to care for, treat, and love their skin. Each girl went home with a couple of cleansers, a moisturizer, and a face mask for an at-home spa night. 

by Jada Richardson
The adultification of black girls is an issue erased from conversations surrounding education reform. I often analyze the intensity of words, punishments, and policies used towards black girls, I’ve come to the conclusion that many are weaponized against us. Black women and girls stand at the crossroads of both sexism and racism, these issues are highlighted throughout one’s k-12 education experience.
I clearly recall the report cards from my early education days. Not the grades themselves, but the comments made on my behavior. My frequently asked questions and insistent hand-raising were a threat to the productivity of the classroom. Some educators believed that my behavior was malicious and troublesome, instead of recognizing that my behavior was a result of boredom. They believed that my advancement was a dysfunction. In classrooms where “normalcy” was superior, my strengths were a threat. I was experiencing adultification, the idea that black girls are less innocent than their peers. This categorizes black girls as challenging/disruptive for exhibiting age-appropriate behaviors.
This experience is not uncommon. Instead, a reality for many black girls navigating primary and secondary education.
It is imperative that as we make progress in areas of racial and gender equity/equality, we address the intersectionality between the both. Letting black girls be children and students is a great first step. For me, this looks like calling out how adults speak to young women and girls like me. Being clear in correcting those who use negative descriptions to describe age-appropriate behaviors. It is time to broaden our understanding of the unique experiences of black girls because we deserve access to childhood.  
Upcoming Events
3rd Annual Blue Jean Ball

Saturday May1st, 2021
Break out your boots for the
3rd Annual Blue Jean Ball! 

Tickets for this years virtual and in-person event can be purchased at

Sponsorships are available. Contact Debra Raub at

Volunteer Opportunities

We are looking for volunteers!

We are in need of support from community members like you. Please see the volunteer opportunities listed below. Please contact our Volunteer Director, Kelley Hinrichs for more information.

PrimeTime Mentoring – Serve as a Virtual Mentor through our PrimeTime Mentoring Program. Do you have 30 minutes once a week? We have students waiting to be matched with you.

PrimeTime Tutoring - Serve as a Virtual Tutor for students needing educational support. Weekly sessions are 45 minutes in length. We will work to match you with your preferred student age/school subject.