Cornwall Public Library Newsletter May 2022
From the Director's Desk...
Thank you, all, who came out to the Annual Library Budget Vote and Trustee Election on April 5, 2022, to exercise your right to vote. I am pleased that the library budget passed with an 80% margin.  It is wonderful to belong to a community that is so supportive of CPL. I look forward to working with the two re-elected Board Members, Meghann Chyla and Lynn Daniels, as well as newly-elected Michelle Query. Michelle had a friend launch her into the fray on the day of our Trustee election by asking her if she would like to be a Library Trustee. When she answered that she would, he and eighteen people they both knew wrote her in on the ballot. I look forward to working with my 'new' Board of Trustees beginning in July. 

Charlotte A. Dunaief
Library Director

Saturday, May 7
Outside Library Portico

The Friends of Cornwall Library are holding one of their fabulous used book sales. Come browse through an outstanding assortment of materials and leave with a host of treasures, all for bargain prices! Proceeds go to support great library programs for all to enjoy.
Library Board of Trustees Meeting
Wednesday, May 11
All meetings are open to the public. The current agenda and meeting packet can be found here.
Memorial Day

The library will be closed on Monday, May 30 in observance of the Memorial Day holiday.
Programs For Adults
An Afternoon with the
Main Street Jazz Ensemble
Sunday, May 1
Munger Cottage

Celebrate May Day with a fun afternoon of jazz standards. Please register via the library website.
Midday Matinee
Tuesday, May 3

Enjoy a break in your day and take in a movie. May's selection is King Richard - Rated PG-13.

Please register via the library website or call 845-534-8282.
NY State of Health Exchange
Info Booth
Wednesday, May 4

Drop-In Event – No Appointment Needed
Two certified Health Insurance Enrollment Assistors will be at the library to educate patrons about enrolling in quality, affordable health coverage. They can provide in-person assistance to answer questions, schedule appointments and help with enrollment. They can also educate consumers about expanded federal financial help through the American Rescue Plan Act, including to higher-income New Yorkers who may be eligible for the first time.
Make May Flower Candle Holders
Friday, May 6

Learn how to make these beautiful candle holders, using flowers in all sorts of creative ways.This is a craft program for adults. All supplies will be provided.

Please register via the library website. If registration is full, please call the library at 845-534-8282 to be placed on a waiting list.
Card Making with Joanne
Thursday, May 12

Enjoy an afternoon of spring-themed card making with Joanne Barclay. All supplies will be provided.

Please register via the library website. Space is limited. If program is full, please call the library at 845-534-8282 to be placed on a waiting list.
via Zoom

Join Janet Mandel, retired art history/world languages & culture instructor, as she shares the full story of this important, oft-neglected piece of art history in two illuminating parts.

Register via the library website. A Zoom link will be sent to registrants on the day of the program.
B.Y.O.C. (Bring Your Own Chair) Series
Select Thursdays
May 12 - Mark Henderson
May 19 - Benji Kaplan

Enjoy music under the stars this summer, featuring a variety local artists. Each concert is an outside, drop-in event. Be sure to bring a chair or blanket to sit on!
Great Decisions
Wednesday, May 25

Join America's largest discussion program on world affairs created by the Foreign Policy Association. May's topic is "Myanmar and ASEAN." Please register via the library website. A course briefing book is available for purchase at the library for $22 (a course-reserve copy of the material is also available to review at the reference desk).
Hate is Not
Welcome Here
Monday, June 6

Presenter Mike Melasky will share the story of a Jewish cemetery in Florida, NY that was desecrated in 2016 with anti-Semitic iconography. He discusses the immediate and long-term impact of this particular event, but also presents a broad-based look at hate speech, offering proactive strategies on how to counter it.

Registration opens May 1 via the library website. Space is limited.
Creative Writers

The Creative Writers group is back to meeting in person at the library. Note the new time. A virtual option can be made available. Call the library at 845-534-8282 for more info. Hope to see you there!
Member's Choice
Book Club
May 4 @4:00pm
The Worst Hard Time
by Timothy Egan

New members are always welcome. Please register via the library website. A Zoom link will be distributed on the day of the program.
Book Discussion
May 19 @2:00pm
Open Season
by C.J. Box

Get your mystery novel 'fix' with fellow mystery lovers. The group is meeting in person once again. Please call 845-534-8282 if you need info about a virtual option.

Hard copies available at the library. Digital eBooks are available through Libby; eAudios available on hoopla.
Out & About
Book Group
May 25 @7:00pm
The Echo Wife
by Sarah Gailey

We are finally OUT & ABOUT once again! Meet at the patio of the Rock Wall Pub & Grub in CoH.
A Drop-in Event.

Hard copies are available at the library. eBooks and eAudios are available through Libby. eAudios also on hoopla.
Virtual Book Chat & Chocolate
May 26 @7:00pm
The Husbands
by Chandler Baker

eBooks and eAudiobooks are available through Libby. Hard copies are available at the library.

Please register via the library website. A Zoom link will be distributed on the day of the program
Teen Tech Tutoring
May 12

Got tech questions? Let our savvy teen volunteers assist you. Bring your devices and your questions. No appointments needed - first come, first served.
When Life Gives You Lemons
June 8

Learn how to create a "lemon" garland in this arts & crafts program for adults. A $10, non-refundable fee is required to cover supply costs.

Registration opens May 9 via the library website. Space is limited. If program is full, please call the library at 845-534-8282 to be placed on a waiting list.
Programs For Kids & Teens
Readers of all ages! Come join us for a...
Spring StoryWalk®

Take a walk around the Children's Area in the library and read a story as you go. For added fun, see if you can complete the accompany scavenger hunt.
Family Story Time
Select Tuesdays
May 3, 10, 17
9:30am OR 10:30am

In-person story times are back! We are outside, on the portico, weather permitting.

Registration is required. Registration will open via the library calendar one week prior to each class. Adults only need to register their child(ren) - not themselves.
Dog Tales
Select Mondays
May 9 & 23
Grades K-12

Come read to a furry friend from Hudson Valley Paws for a Cause.

Please register via the library's calendar for a
15-minute time slot of your choosing. Registration opens one week prior to each program.
Chess Time
May 9 @4:30pm

All ages and skill levels are welcome. An instructor will be available to help.
A Drop-In Event - No registration required.
Art Afternoon
May 19 @4:30pm
Grades K-12

Work in the style of acclaimed artist Alma Thomas. Dress for mess.

Registration required and space is limited. Please register via the library website beginning one week prior to the program.
Book Group
May 3 @4:30pm
K-2nd Grades
Under One Rock: Bugs, Slugs and other Ughs
by Anthony Fredericks

Please register in person when you pick up a copy of the book at the library.
Book Break
Book Group
May 10 @4:30pm
3rd & 4th Grades
Igraine the Brave
by Cornelia Funke

Please register in person when you pick up a copy of the book at the library.
Readzza Readzza!
Book Group
May 17 @4:30pm
5th-8th Grades
by Patricia Reilly Giff

Please register in person when you pick up a copy of the book at the library.
Teen Book Group
May 9 @6:30pm
9th-12th Grades
The House in the
Cerulean Sea
by T.J. Klune

Hard copies are available at the library when you register in person. Digital eBooks are also available through Libby.
May 13 @6:00pm

Grades 6-12. A library teen advisory board for established members only. Please contact Lisa SinClair at for more information.