May 29, 2020

Aloha our beloved parish 'ohana,
Do you find yourself praying while you are doing something else? Maybe when you are mowing the lawn, driving your car, or washing the dishes? Running and paddling have long been a special time of prayer for me. The rhythm of the paddle going through the water or my feet touching the ground creates a space for me to be alone with God. Recently, I have been adding a bit of devotional time into my run. I have been listening to spiritual reflections by various folk. Yesterday, while running the Ala Kahakai trail, from Kawaihae to the end of Mauna Kea Beach, I listened to both our Bishop's Pentecost sermon and a Podcast by Bishop Rob Wright, the Bishop of the Diocese of Atlanta. Both focused on the passage from Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians . In it, St. Paul is addressing the young Church in Corinth. The Corinthian congregation was anxious, and they were starting to fracture. Evidently, they were being less than kind to one another, some thinking of themselves more highly than others.

Our Bishop's sermon for this Sunday is excellent. He invites us think about our individual gifts and abilities and how we are called to use them for the building up the Body of Christ. He points out how each one of us is needed for our church to be whole. I hope you will join in our 9 AM HST Sunday worship service (links to do so are below). We will “air” our Bishop’s message. I also commend to you the Podcast of Bishop Wright . In his reflection, "God's New Algebra" he emphasizes that the word "Algebra'" means "the reunion and balancing of broken parts."
Both have important messages for those of us who feel the pandemic is wearing us down. I don't see what happened in that Corinthian congregation happening in ours, but we, like them, are in the midst of anxious times that can easily cause us to be irritable and less than hospitable. I know I feel it in myself. I imagine most of us would say we do. I also know that we can feel guilty in saying that "it is wearing on me,” because we can imagine how much more it has to be wearing on those who are physically sick from the virus; those medical personnel whose feet are sore from running to and from hospital bedsides; sthe parents trying to balance working from home as well as teaching their children; or a host of other folks balancing so much more than we. Enlarge these stressors and mix in our personal biases, and it can cause for situations to fracture us further. I am thinking specifically about the horrific image of the police officer's knee on the throat of the man who is saying, "I can't breath." I look at the picture and think, “What were you thinking!” -- a question I have asked myself when I look back a something I did.
One of the reasons we set times aside to read the Word of God together is to turn us back to the way in which God thinks; to hear again the vision that God has for us and for our world. God is always seeking to bring us together, to bring about "the reunion and balancing of broken parts."
On that day of Pentecost that we will hear about this Sunday morning , the Holy Spirit brought the people together who were separated by many languages. While there is disagreement among scholars as to what this moment looked and sounded like, the important part for me is that whatever happened, it happened and it was something powerful and good and that it happened by the power of the Holy Spirit. And, if it can happen then, it can happen now! This Sunday's Scriptures remind us that God is always working to help us learn this new language: the language of Love and Mercy, Respect and Care for the dignity in one another, Humility and Forgiveness. All of this must come with a willingness to change, while, at the same time, knowing we can’t do it without God’s help. As the prophet Elisha prayed, some of us are in need of a double portion of God's Spirit. Our nation and our world is in need of a double portion of God's Spirit.
Wherever and however you pray, ask for the Holy Spirit to come anew upon you. Ask God to send the Holy Spirit to have its way with us; to bring about a reunion in our weary souls—a balance to our broken parts. While I do not believe God caused this Pandemic, I do believe God can use it. During this time, may we learn we are one people, all of whom can be brought down by a single virus, but all of whom can also be raised up into a newer and better self and world by the Power of the Holy Spirit.
Come Holy Spirit and make us whole. Give us a double portion of your Spirit.
With grace and peace,
When will we be worshiping in person?

The Vestry, Parish Medical Task Force, and Clergy are all meeting tomorrow, Saturday, to review recommended guidelines for gathering for "in-person" worship. Look for a statement in the next few days. Mahalo for your understanding and prayers as your parish leadership is working hard to review diocesan and governmental guidelines.

Whenever we do offer in person worship, it cannot be stressed enough that no one should feel any pressure to attend. In fact, some should not attend, especially those with compromised immune systems, those who are sick, or those live with someone who is vulnerable. We will continue to Live-stream our worship services and your clergy will be glad to bring you the Sacrament (bread only), doing so while observing proper medical protocols.

NEW - We are on YouTube LIVE
Do you have a SMART TV that has YouTube as one of the menu options? If so, you'll be able to join 9 AM Sunday's worship on the BIG SCREEN! Search for our channel by typing in: " St. James Big Island" . You may want to go ahead and find the channel and subscribe to it. That way you will be all set when Sunday gets here.

If it is 9 AM, and you don't see us live, refresh the page. It "should" then pop up. Also, mahalo for your understanding as we are still learning this platform.

Broadcasting via YouTube LIVE is part of the service we already subscribe. Mahalo to Lew & Pat Chartrand for the gift that has made our online upgrades possible.

This is one more way we are seeking to meet people where they are with the type of technology they are used to connecting.

Here is what the page on YouTube should look like:
Help with getting online is here!
Pass the word. Help is here. The Teen Tech youth are ready and waiting to help you with your computer issues.
ZOOM Update
There is a little bit of a bug that happens for people entering into the waiting room of Zoom meetings if they haven’t updated their Zoom app to Zoom 5.0. The update needs to happen by May 30 th

It is free to update and everyone who is using ZOOM to access programs like Bible Study, EFM, or Faith Confirmed should do it, or they run the risk of getting “stuck” in the waiting rooms of meetings. More information about the update can be found here: 
Share Photos & Grace Moments
Share a photo! Once you are settled in your virtual pew, tell us - where are you worshiping today? The kitchen table, your backyard? Share a photo!
Don't forget to wear RED for Pentecost and send us a picture!
From friends of the parish Keith and Judith from Ontario, Canada

There was a request to send pictures of people watching the service. This is Judith and Hobbes (the cat) enjoying this morning's service. Hobbes is more interested in a chin scratch - but he's a real "mommy's boy" type cat. Watched using your Facebook channel. 
Share some Good News!
Tell us what you think. How have you see grace at work in this moment, through your parish, while watching worship online...
From Jeannie Savage:

These are some photos I took when I ventured over to St James last week. Despite NOT having stopped at St. James' Circle in weeks, I still felt very connected... I consume the St. James' Newsletter as though I am a 14 year old and it is a secret love letter! I pour over it with excitement and giggles and curiosity. 

Thank you for the time, energy, creativity and skill you expend sending this love letter every week. Never has our parish ‘ohana needed the connection more, so again, I say THANK YOU. 

Sending you Aloha and Covid-free hugs,
This Sunday's Worship at 9 AM

This week, invite a friend to join you for worship, particularly someone you believe needs to be reminded of Jesus' abiding love.

Copy and send them this link:
Last Sunday's Service
Making My Offering
Mahalo for your offering/donation. CLICK HERE or on the green button to give online via credit/debit card or direct bank draw. Checks may be mailed to the church at PO Box 278, Kamuela, HI 96743.
Morning Prayer, Monday - Saturday, 9 AM

Weekday Morning Prayer, 9 AM

 HERE   is a link to  The Book of Common Prayer  online. Once on this site, click on  Morning Prayer, Rite 2 .
Home Devotional Resources

We are updating this list periodically to provide you and your 'ohana with helpful devotional and worship resources.

If you have something to share, please let Donna, our Newsletter Editor know, .
Bible Studies
Men's Bible Study
EVERY Friday , 7:30 AM.
Password: faith

We study the upcoming Scriptures that will be read in worship. CLICK HERE to review before we meet.

If you want to do a little research ahead of time, you might want to go to this site:

Scroll down to “Group Studies and Reflections.”

Barclay’s reflections very helpful as well. We often used his commentary in seminary for sermon prep.
Women's Bible Study
1st and 3rd Fridays, 10 AM
Next Meeting: Friday, June 5.
Password: faith

The Bible Study is reflecting on episodes of the series entitled, "THE CHOSEN."
"THE CHOSEN" is a free docudrama available via the app store to be watched on your handheld device. We are watching it as we transition from our study of Mary, the mother of Jesus, to Mary Magdalene and her role in the ministry of Jesus. Each episode is about 40 minutes. You do not have to watch the episodes to join the Bible Study, but it would be helpful. The Bible Study is led by the Rev. Marnie Keator.
Bishop's Bible Study
Every Wednesday, Bishop Fitzpatrick, offers an online study/reflection.

On Monday's, he offers a weekly message to the diocese.

CLICK HERE to access the most recent of either.
Parish Faith Confirmed Class on ZOOM
Faith Confirmed Course

Wednesday, 6 - 7 PM,
All Welcome.
Led by the Rev. Mary Haddad
Join us via ZOOM by CLICKING HERE . All recommended precautions are in place to make it a safe online space. You'll need the password FAITH to enter the room. You will be placed in a "waiting room" and welcomed in by the moderator.

Whether you are new to the Christian faith, exploring baptism or confirmation, or have been a longtime Episcopalian, this course is open to all.
If you have the book "Faith Confirmed", please read the chapter on baptism. If you need a copy, please let Jaisy know at . She will mail you a copy. You don't need to have a copy of the book to join us, but it helps.
Mary is a beloved friend of our parish and an Episcopal priest. She is lives in Paris and is currently on sabbatical from the American Cathedral of Paris. She is leading us in our weekly discussions on the basics of the Christian Faith.
Support & Help Available
Are you are in need of assistance? contact   Jeanne Cooper, who is the point person to call if you are in need of help with groceries, mail and/or prescription pick up or trash removal. Jeanne will put you in touch with one of the volunteer parishioners trained serve in pick up/delivery protocols. C ontact Jeanne at or by phone at ( 808) 348-4012.
Are you or someone you know in need help in assessing their eligibility and/or applying for Unemployment? Matt Binder, volunteer of our Community Meal Ministry is offering to try to help either in assessing their eligibility or actually applying for Unemployment. You are welcome to have them contact him at:
Mahalo Matt!
HELP FOR LANDLORDS & TENANTS  during Covid19 . Worried about paying rent? Concerned about covering your costs as a landlord? Our mediators are ready to assist both landlords and tenants--to talk and listen, explore options, and find your own best solutions.  The  Rapid Response Landlord Tenant Mediation Program  is  FREE  for commercial and residential landlords and tenants in Hawai'i County. Contact West Hawai‘i Mediation Center -
CLICK HERE for County of Hawaii Resources brochure covering help available for kupuna, financial aid, and food assistance among other topics. Hawaii County Call Center Representatives are standing by to answer your questions and help you.
(808) 961-8665 Monday-Friday 7:45am - 4:30pm.
The document HERE outlines available services and educational information for families. Compiled by the Keiki Coalition in Kona. 
Click HERE for Sen. Brian Schatz's or HERE for Sen. Mazie Hirono's Guides to Resources for Hawaii during the Coronavirus Pandemic. Includes information on unemployment benefits, loans and tax relief. Click HERE for State Rep. David Tarnas' current newsletter. Includes information about the current state of the Covid-19 pandemic in our area, and resources for families, individuals, farms, and businesses.
Click HERE for Home Schooling Resource Links - includes virtual tours, home schooling materials, and other resources for parents and keiki.
Helping Others
Share Your Aloha

Have you been doing something new or creative or interesting or funny or - well, whatever - during this time of enforced separation from the everyday and each other? Share it so we can all stay connected, in spite of physical distancing.

Your editor thanks you!
From Mary Haddad

Meditation Musings from Beyond the Walls

“Loneliness expresses the pain of being alone and solitude expresses the glory of being alone. 
 Although, in daily life, we do not always distinguish these words, we should do so consistently 
 and thus deepen our understanding of the human predicament. "  
    — Paul Tillich, theologian and philosopher

the world's covid19 crisis
has become our daily 
school for life
for deepening our understanding
of the human predicament
if we are willing to attend
that school of higher learning
harder than any other study that of
all human predicaments but
especially the one
that distinguishes
loneliness from solitude
but try we must
consistently daily 
two ways our language gives us
to express being alone
the pain of loneliness and 
the glory of solitude
pain and glory
not my word ‘glory’
so i replace it with
joy or serenity or peace
(find your own word)
pain we all know the word
and the feeling of loneliness
so it stands
but the glory joy serenity peace
of being alone in solitude
is life’s ultimate pursuit
start seeking it now
that inner place of acceptance that is 
all you
essence divine spark gift
no one can touch
start seeking it now
sit stay grow with yourself 
in the practice of meditation
trust it to 
transform and liberate
you from the human predicament
of loneliness
no one escapes
but for the work
daily work of
learning to sit with
yourself and
learning to love
and to find in the midst 
of a crisis or a crowded room
in the midst of an
empty room or staring up at the
night sky
you are always and never

(The Rev.) Mary E. Haddad
on sabbatical in Paris
From Raina Dale
Patricia Eckstrom, Sarah, Gloria Seiden, Narcisa Yagin, Nicole Anderson, Marlene Thees, Trevor, Carl Stanforth, Brad Young, Monica Parker, Gladys Takeya, Gerry Goodenough, Monique Abbasi, Jack A, Isaac DeRego, James Knox Everett,  Israel Kahoopii, Pedro Ka'awaloa, Jane Cook & Family, Mark & Kay Segal, Maurice Cecil &  Pukaua Summer Sommers, Betty Santorio, Cheyanna Lahnum, Jesse Osmun,  Mary Avery, Alex Ka'aua, the Reyes family, Vicky Tagaca, Steven, Kaipo Young, Nancy Davidson, Tony Abbott, Eli Ching, Shawn & Stephanie, Heidi Barnett, Gilmore family, Loreen Hackwalter, Paterno Balmilero,Jerry Reyla, Greg Sliva, Frank Wallace, Berlinda Toson, Maelle Wolfe, Nancy Maleno, Joyce Horrie, Zebediah Smith, Sterling & Lynette, Gael Burke, Riley Furlong, Debbie Roberts, Nona Hasagawa, Elizabeth Agustin, Yoko & Tim Donavan, Tali & Tom McCall, Syndi Texiera, Adi Kohler, Ron Teter, Sheri Mariscal, Mangarin-Kitchen 'Ohana, Quentin & Mary Murrell Faulkner, Tom Bailey, Jacque Miller, Frank Claire, Lorraine Hoffman, Scott Byron, Dave Warner,  Jada Rufo,  Sally Sakaitani, Finnen family, Matthew Latshaw, Tom Michelsen, Colin Schleifer & family, Pat Tubman, Richard Neely & family, Nicole DeSanto, Alex Roesch, Peter Lee, Frances Calkins, Clancy Calkins, Toni Kuhlman, David Caudle, Oaklyn M, Alexander Knowles, Donna ++
If you would like to be added to the Prayer List or would like to add someone else (please get their permission first), call the parish office at 808-885-4923 or email at   by the Tuesday before you would like the name to appear in the bulletin. Please mention 'Prayer List' in the Subject line of the email to Jacque so that she knows it's not a spam email from someone she doesn't know personally.
Names will remain on the list for 4 weeks. You must then request to have the name added again.  
IMPORTANT UPDATE: Now more than ever it is important for us to reach out to one another. Send a note, an email, make a phone call.

An updated parish directory will be available soon to our members. We are working on getting this to you. For now if you need someone's contact information, and they have given us permission to give it out, the parish office can provide. If we do not have permission to give out their contact information, we can take your information and get it to them to ask them to contact you.
Please keep in your thoughts and prayers parishioners who are unable to be with us in worship. Please reach out to them and let them know they are missed. 
Gerry Goodenough
PO Box 988
Kamuela, HI 96743

Tepa Farias
PO Box 1152
Kamuela, HI 96743
Do you know of someone else to whom we could reach out?
Please get their permission first, then contact the parish office to have them added to the list. email here or telephone at 808-885-4923
Birthdays: Mike Gehret, Ian Hersey, Barbara Kamrow 5/31; Melanie Rufo 6/1; June Sheppard 6/2; Robert Jones 6/3; CC Arnott 6/4; Rose Spencer 6/5
Anniversaries: Bill and Lynn White
Remembrances: Lionel Riley, Bill Cook
Congratulations to our High School Graduates; Elissa Mazkour, Grace Bollinger, & Braden Byron. We are so proud of you! Watch Sunday’s service for a special tribute to the graduates.
I know that a lot of families are trying to figure out how to move forward with the reopening of our Island. I am curious about your feelings and would love to hear from you. Especially in how we move forward with Sunday School, Nursery, and Godly Play. I am just a phone call away.
Susan Acacio
Youth Ministry Coordinator
Please consider taking one of our Godly Play at Home stories to share with your family. The response has been very positive and the keiki really enjoy the family worship time. We have the stories for Pentecost, Easter, Creation, Parable of the Good Shepherd, Circle of the Church Year and Christmas. Everything you need is in box.
We also know our parents and keiki are going to need support. See below for some ideas and resources for Home Schooling and other needs.

Here are some other links for resources for children and parents:

From Tim Bostock and Sue Dela Cruz

Venison Bourguignon for Dinner!

We were given 13 cases of bone-in venison by Maui hunters, via Hilo Food Bank and Kohala Center. We’re grateful to them, and to HPA who let us store the boxes in their freezers. This week we deboned the meat on Monday – took 12 people 4 hours, and then we were helped by the Imiola Church Kitchen Crew who did the last 3 boxes. Stanley, John Koga and Tim browned the meat on Wednesday, and the Kitchen Crew of Sue, Gregory and Bayardo chopped all the veggies in advance, so this morning we put it all together pretty fast so that the roasters could do their magic for at least 3 hours. Chef Tim was ably assisted by Tom and Adrienne, and Janice led the salad washing and chopping crew. 

The Packing Crew was on their best game! 6 coolers with 180 meals were ready before 4.25pm. The line of cars waiting patiently moved through the line swiftly, and we didn’t cause highway backups. Thanks again to Peter and Gerrit! The Car Hopping Crew of Eric Mumau, Tracy Yost, Betty Hannah, Tim, Tana, Mel, Edwyna Tancayo, and Tali Ritterbush were led by Frankie Pang – and regaled by Motown, The Beatles, Little Richard and Frank Sinatra…

We served 555 people tonight, from 130 cars and 8 walk through guests. We shared some leftover meals to the Waimea Fire Station and Honokaa Hongwanji
Mahalo to this week’s sponsors – HPA ‘Ohana Association, and Kamuela Inn. We welcome new sponsors and we’re open to sponsorship from July onward! Please contact Tim or Sue.
Special shout out Birthday to Mel Holt and Tali Ritterbush, who both deboned venison and on hand tonight as Car Hops! 

And CONGRATULATIONS to our very own packing volunteer - Grace Bollinger, who will be graduating from Parker School on Friday. She was greeted tonight by all her "packing auntie's" with leis and goodies! Grace texted after graduation practice-"The leis are SO beautiful and that bouquet is amazing! It made graduation feel so real. Thank you guys️️ !! and tell all the ladies how much I love them :)"

We’re so grateful to be able to help our community in this time of need, and we appreciate all the gifts from Waimea farmers that we can then package and share with all our guests. Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Sweet Potatoes, Cabbages, Lemons, Bread and Greens were shared with all – whatever we get, we share!!

Me ke ha’aha’a,

Tim and Sue

Sue Dela Cruz
Pa'auilo Community Meal Tuesdays
St. Columba's
4:30-5:30 PM

St. Columba's Community Meal had a wonderful turnout on Tuesday! We served 325 delicious meals!! Thank you to all the volunteers that helped make the amazing Chicken Mushroom, salad and cookies!! Thank you also for the hardworking St. Columba's folks that packed all those meals and gave them out with love and aloha! We are so blessed!
Wisdom Corner
It is impossible to speak of the glory of God – not that one day will be ours, but is ours even now – without using the language of poetry, the language of mystery, myth, and metaphor. As Christians we live in a poetic world because it is the only way we know how to express the mystery and majesty and reality not only of God, but of ourselves as well.
-Br. James Koester,  SSJE

An Episcopal Monastery in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
A Prayer for the End of Day
"Guide me waking, O Lord, and guard me sleeping' that awake I may watch with Christ, and asleep I may rest in peace. Amen" 
CLICK HERE for the approved minutes from the last Vestry meeting. CLICK HERE for the approved Treasurer's Report from the last Vestry meeting.

The next Vestry meeting will be Sunday, June 28 at 11:30 AM. We are meeting virtually. If there is something for which you wish to bring to the vestry's attention, please reach out to our wardens or vestry members. You can reach them via the Parish Office .
E Komo Mai!
Whether you have been coming to St. James', St. Columba's or the Beach Mass for 6 months or 6 days, if you have come to see this parish 'ohana as your Spiritual home we would like to welcome you as a member. If you have questions about becoming a member of this parish family, speak to one of the clergy.
Last Laughs
Our Clergy
Rev. David Stout, Rector
Rev. Marnie Keator, Associate Rector
Rev. Linda Lundgren, Associate Rector for St. Columba's
While the Parish Office is physically closed, the parish office hours are still being kept. 9 AM - 3 PM, Monday - Friday. The Parish Office phone is forwarded to Jaisy. She is standing ready to help you, as is the rest of the staff.

IMPORTANT: Your participation in physical distancing is needed and appreciated. But don't let that keep you from spreading aloha!

Parish Office, (808) 885-4923

David, , 238-4956
Marnie,  , 333-2247
Linda,  , 323-2627

Email and voicemail are being monitored and messages responded to promptly.
Our Ministries Staff
Susan Acacio, Youth Ministry
Sue Dela Cruz, Community Meal Ministry
Rona Scull, Thrift Store Ministry
Malu Lindsey, Sexton
Rona Lee, Choir Director, Music Ministry
Everett Knowles, Director of Music, Music Ministry
Our Office Staff
Jaisy Jardine, Parish Administrator
Clara Toma, Bookkeeper

To contact our Parish Staff

The Rev. David Stout, Rector , 
The Rev. Marnie Keator, Associate Rector 
The Rev. Linda Lundgren, Associate Rector at St Columba’s 
Susan Acacio, Youth Ministry Coordinator or 808-895-2086 
Sue Dela Cruz, Community Meal Ministry Coordinator or 808-498-7383 
Rona Scull, Thrift Store Ministry Coordinator 
Everett Knowles, Music Director, 
Rona Lee, Choir Director. 
Malu Lindsey, Sexton, contact via the parish office. 
Jaisy Jardine, Parish Administrator, 
Clara Toma, Bookkeeper, 
St. James' Episcopal Church, 65-1237 Kawaihae Road, Kamuela (Waimea), HI 96743|
P.O. Box 278
Kamuela, HI 96743-0278
Office: 808-885-4923