Yvonne L. Reitemeyer
Licensed Agent
Life Insurance:
Protect the ones you love!
The Life Insurance Barometer study revealed 78% of the respondents agree that preparing financially for life’s unknowns is a way to show your loved ones you care.

This makes February and Valentine’s Day a perfect time to remind clients to protect loved ones through proper life insurance planning. 
What is Valentine's Day all about...

valentine is a sweetheart: specifically, someone who receives a greeting or attention on Valentine's Day. ... Asking "Will you be my valentine?" is like asking "Will you go out with me?" and saying "I like you." Sending a card is a common way to let someone know you want to be their valentine.
Ways to Celebrate Locally!
#insureyourlove #thinkfraileyfirst
FRM Group
1286 N Ninth Street, Stroudsburg , PA 18360
445 Coal St, Lehighton, PA 18235