“The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that its center is really everywhere, it is within each of us.”
-Black Elk

November 16, 2020
Apply or Nominate for a 2021 Community Service Award!

John Carroll University recognizes and honors individuals who have made a difference in the lives of others through involvement in the community. Click on each award below to learn more about the application and nomination processes and see past winners.

  • In the spirit of St. Edmund Campion, the George B. Sweeney Endowed Campion Award for Community Service  recognizes one sophomore student and one junior student each year with a demonstrated record of involvement in community service and social action, dedication to a faith tradition and/or spirituality, and strong evidence of leadership potential. Students - apply now!

Application deadline for all awards is Friday, December 18 by 5:00 pm.
Apply for a 2021 JCU Summer in the City Internship!
Build advocacy skills, engage in community-based research, and explore Cleveland through an internship with CSSA's 2021 JCU Summer in the City Internship Program!

  • Early Action Deadline: Sunday, December 6, 2020 at midnight (informed of your status on December 18, 2020)

  • Regular Application Deadline: Sunday, January 31, 2021 at midnight (informed of your status on February 19, 2021)

The JCU Summer in the City Internship Program provides an opportunity for students to engage the issues of homelessness, advocacy, service, solidarity, and social change through this internshipNine paid internships will enable qualified students to explore the systems and structures behind many of the current social issues of our times. This ten-week, full-time, paid immersive experience will place students with a nonprofit community organization in Cleveland involved in advocacy work addressing these social issues. Students will use their internship experience to prepare a research project for the organization that promotes social change. Interns also receive a $3,500 stipend for their work. Internships are open to all sophomore, junior, and senior undergraduates and graduate students.

Visit THIS LINK for more information about the JCU Summer in the City Internship!

Questions? Email
Should you apply? Find out why from past interns!

Watch the recording of our Advocacy and Social Justice Summer Internship Showcase from Wednesday November 11, 2020. Also, explore our Summer in the City Internship Showcase website and hear from 2020 Summer Interns and explore their work, placement, and experience.
Assist Low-Income Individuals with Preparing Their Tax Returns and Earn Class Credit!
The Center for Service and Social Action and the Boler College of Business Kramer School of Accountancy and Information Science Department are recruiting students to participate in the federal Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program, which helps low to moderate-income individuals and families prepare their income tax returns without professional fees. Service-learning courses are being offered for 0 and 1 credit options in Spring 2021 through the Department of Accountancy.
Course registration is open now!

  • 0 credit - AC 273
  • 1 credit - AC 270

  • 0 credit - AC 373
  • 1 credit - AC 370

  • 0 credit - AC 473
  • 1 credit - AC 470
There is a mandatory virtual training, Saturday, January 23 from 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM, and students in the course typically are required to assist with two tax preparation Saturdays in the spring. The tax preparation will be conducted virtually with the assistance of Cuyahoga EITC Coalition. 

Students of all majors are welcome to register! 

For additional information, contact Dr. Jerry Weinstein in the Kramer School of Accountancy at or John Jackson in the Center for Service and Social Action at
Native Cinema Showcase
November 18-27, 2020

The National Museum of the American Indian’s Native Cinema Showcase is an annual celebration of the best in Native film. For this year's 20th-anniversary showcase, the museum presents the full program online — streaming new films, fan favorite classics, and conversations with filmmakers. The showcase provides a unique forum for engagement with Native filmmakers and stories from Indigenous communities throughout the Western Hemisphere and the Arctic.

Youth in Action: Conversations about Our Future—Indigenous Food Sovereignty

Native food systems and agricultural practices were disrupted upon European settlement and the displacement of Native peoples from their lands. For the last century, new foods introduced by U.S. federal policy were unhealthy and substantially different from traditional diets. The introduction of unhealthy food, combined with uneven quality of and access to medical care, continues to leave many American Indians fighting an uphill battle for their health. Today we see many young people returning to traditional food sources and sustainable ways of living through political action and sustainable practice.

For Native American Heritage Month, join us in a conversation to learn how these young Native foodies are working to decolonize their diets and restore balance in their bodies and communities. Learn more here.

Date: Thursday, November 19, 2020 at 4:00 - 5:00 pm ET
Location: Online
Cost: Free
Protect ICWA Campaign

In 1978, Congress worked closely with American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) elected officials, child welfare experts, and families whose children had been unnecessarily removed from their homes to pass the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 (ICWA). ICWA was designed to protect AI/AN children and families from biased child welfare practices and well-documented disregard for AI/AN families and culture.

The Protect ICWA Campaign was established by four national Native organizations: the National Indian Child Welfare Association (NICWA), the National Congress of American Indians, the Association on American Indian Affairs, and the Native American Rights Fund. Together, the Campaign works to serve and support American Indian and Alaska Native children, youth, and families through upholding the Indian Child Welfare Act. The Campaign works to inform policy, legal, and communications strategies with the mission to uphold and protect ICWA. Learn more about ICWA here.

Participate in the #ICWAForFamilies social media campaign from Monday, November 16, to Thursday, November 19 by utilizing this social media tooklit. Also, explore this fact sheet to learn more.
Living the Mission Episode 7: The Next Best Step
This week on CSSA's Living the Mission podcast with Delaney and Caroline, we present Episode 7: The Next Best Step with the CSSA Student Leadership Team . Episode 7 explores how the value of controversy with civility involves recognizing that there may be two different fundamental realities of any creative group effort. Delaney and Caroline explore how differences in viewpoint are inevitable, and that such differences must be aired openly but with civility in order to create change. Listen to learn more!

You can also listen to Living the Mission on Spotify, Overcast, Anchor, Google Podcasts, and Apple Podcasts
Reminder: No Service Over Thanksgiving Break

"Be kind.
Be thoughtful.
Be genuine.
But most of thankful."

We hope you have a great Thanksgiving break next week! Just a reminder, there is no service from Monday, November 23 through Sunday, November 29. Service will resume on Monday, November 30.
Our #MyMagisMessage for the week comes from CSSA Student Liaison, Caroline Bourjaily, a sophomore Sociology & Criminology major with Spanish and PJHR minors from Chicago, Il! Caroline has served with Boys Hope Girls Hope and the JCU Lobo Labs.

If you had to state your life mission off the top of your head, in one sentence, what would it be?
My life mission is to advocate for all humans equally by using my God-given gifts of knowledge, passion, and creativity.

For the greater glory of God, I am alive. Living the Magis looks different for everyone, and for me, that is simply being alive. With our world surrounded with uncertainty and divide, I think the most anyone can do right now is cherish that they are breathing without worrying about their next breath. We must hold on to the consistency in our lives right now since there is so much unknown. Through CSSA, I have found consistency through my weekly service this semester. Conducting the Lobo Labs virtually has been a challenge without a doubt. But as the weeks have gone by, I've realized that no matter how obscure it may seem to be doing children's fitness videos to my computer screen, it gives me a sense of normalcy. Seeing their faces and reactions across my screen every week is what reminds me that this is all worth it. I have learned that we put so much time and effort into things in our lives that result in pleasure. The difference between all of those pleasures is whether or not you can find meaning in them. Right now, meaningful pleasure for me comes through the form of grade school kids dancing to Katy Perry on Tuesday afternoons. Meaningful pleasure is when my mom leaves me Post-It notes on my computer so I see them when I wake up for class in the morning. Meaningful pleasure is the ability to exercise my right to vote for the first time this year. Meaningful pleasure is being alive.

During this time, I am living for the greater glory of God by finding the understanding in all of this unknown. I reflect on the fact that God would not have put me through all of my trials and tribulations if He truly didn't want me here. Sometimes it may seem like there is no meaning to certain things in life, but I remember that God created me for a meaning that I might not know yet either. So, amongst the ever-changing rate of our world, I encourage you to find meaning in your consistencies. For some, that may be the same morning coffee or daily exercise bringing you energy to get through your day. But for me, and I'm sure many others, my consistency is just being alive. And although I don't know what the future holds for our world, I can say that I am certain about one thing: For the greater glory of God, I am alive.
Monday, November 16 - Thursday, November 19 .... NICWA Campaign
Wednesday, November 18 - Friday, November 27 .... Native Cinema Showcase
Thursday, November 19 .... Webinar - Youth in Action: Conversations About Our Future
Monday, November 23 - Sunday, November 29 .... No Weekly Service, Thanksgiving Break
Monday, November 30 .... Weekly Service Resumes
Sunday, December 6 .... Early Action Deadline for 2021 Summer in the City Internship Applications
Sunday, January 31 .... Regular Application Deadline for 2021 Summer in the City Internship
Sr. Katherine Feely, SND, Ed.D  | Director |   | 216.397.1966
Heather Craigie | Assistant Director, Student Development & Logistics| |216.397.6233
John Jackson  | Assistant Director, Community Partnerships |  |  216.397.1662
Carolina Kane |  Marketing Specialist | | 216.397.2024
Amy Bartter  |  Administrative Assistant |  |  216.397.4698
Blake Yoho '22G  | Graduate Assistant | | 216.397.6283
JCU Center for Service and Social Action
Administration Building | AD-32
216.397.4698 |  (f) 216.397.1661

Stay Connected!