Everybody In! Nobody Out!
Local, State, and National Happenings
January 2020 HCAO E-Newsletter
Save the Date
Healing the Health Care Blues and More Concert
4/25/2020, 7:00-11:00 pm. Aladdin Theater
We Can Do Better 11th Annual Conference
May 14, 2020 Double Tree by Hilton, Portland
HCAO Annual Membership Meeting and Conference
June 13, 2020 Salem, Oregon
Call to Action on Climate, Health, and Equity
Now is the time to help amplify voices in the fight for Clim
ate Justice by signing onto the "Call to Action for Climate, Health, and Equity."
OPHA is seeking: Individuals (students and workers) and organizations at all levels working in public health, health care, health systems, and community health. Are you or someone you know in this category. Please
Sign on here
, or direct those you know to
this page
In partnership with OPHA
representing leading voices in public health, health care, health systems, and community health organizations—HCAO calls on Governor Brown and State lawmakers to work with local, state, and national leaders to protect the health of Oregonians and prioritize the recommendations laid out in the
Oregon Call to Action on Climate, Health, and Equity
OPHA's mission amplifies the voice and leadership of health care
professionals to achieve a more just and equitable Oregon.
True Cost of Health Care in U.S. Shocks Us All
In the U.S., an Angioplasty Costs $32,000. Elsewhere? Maybe $6,400. A study of international prices finds American patients pay much more across a wide array of common services.
Read about it here
Poll reveals that one in four older adults puts off getting care for a serious medical condition.
Read about it here
It is time for Medicare for All.
HCAO is an OCAP Partner. This legislative session's goal is to allow importation of lower-cost prescriptions from Canada. On the path to universal health care it is essential that policies are instituted to control the price of drugs. We must fight Big Pharma's efforts to defeat these efforts. Here is how to help.
Importation of lower-cost, same-quality prescriptions from Canada will provide access to life-saving medications at a fraction of the cost to consumers.
Costs Are Nothing To Sneeze At
The $2,659 Bill To Pluck Doll’s Shoe From Child’s Nostril
The patient: Lucy Branson, now 4, is insured through her father's high-deductible plan with UnitedHealthcare.
It was supposed to be a fun evening out for Katy and Michael Branson. But their 3-year-old daughter, Lucy, apparently had other ideas.The couple had tickets for a Saturday night show in April in their hometown of Las Vegas and had arranged for a sitter. But while parents were getting dressed, Lucy came upstairs to their bedroom coughing and looking rather uncomfortable. “I think she has something up her nose,” Michael said. For reasons she couldn’t quite explain, Lucy had shoved a pair of pink Polly Pocket doll shoes up her nose—one in each nostril.
Listen and read here
Task Force on Universal Health Care Appointments in Governor's Hands
HCAO has succeeded in getting the message out. Interest in Task Force appointments as called for by SB 770 is high. There have been over 35 applicants for 13 positions. Applicants come from diverse backgrounds. It is now up to Governor Kate Brown to recommend appointments according to SB 770 specifications.
Stay tuned for a call to action to make sure the sunset is extended and for information on next year's public hearings as we strive for Better Care to More People for Less Money!
National Scene: Medicare for All Gets a Hearing
On Tuesday, Dec. 10, the House Energy & Commerce Health Subcommittee held a
"Hearing on 'Proposals to Achieve Universal Health Care Coverage'"
After a barrage of calls from advocates sayingr "No one would be a better witness in this hearing than a bedside nurse, etc." to the Committee Chair,
Jean Ross, RN and President of National Nurses United, was included as a witness. You can
read Jean's testimony
on HR 1384
Medicare for All Act of 2019.
You can also
read Rep. Jayapal's testimony
to all or portions of the 3.5-hour hearing. Ms. Ross's testimony is at 1
Oregon Business Owner:
Oregon needs a bold new health care model
Ron Loe is owner of Wood Castle Furniture Co. in Oregon.
"Like many other business owners in Oregon, I want to do right for my employees. But when I offered raises, much to my surprise, they told me not—repeat NOT—to increase their take-home income. Why? Because if I pay them more, they wonʼt qualify for health care through the Oregon Health Plan.
In a perfect world, I would offer employer-sponsored health insurance. In fact, I did for 33 years until premiums went up 47% in one year."
Read More.
Are you a business owner that supports universal care? If YES, sign up
HERE so HCAO can recognize your business as a supporter on our website and elsewhere.
HCAO past president and dedicated HCAO volunteer Lee Mercer chairs HCAO's Business Engagement Subcommittee. For more information e-mail Lee at
New Board Member Highlight
Kate Pfister-Minogue
: "
It is a privilege to work with individuals dedicated to providing a system of health care for all. As a health care provider, I have witnessed the effects of the lack of adequate health for too large a portion of our population — all while health insurance and pharmaceutical corporations control the health care we receive and become wealthy at our expense
Kate has taken on the challenging and essential work of organizing and supporting HCAO statewide Chapters as the Mobilization Committee Chair.
Kate brings deep direct understanding of the complexities of the current insurance-based system through her work in a wide variety of healthcare settings.
Kate is a recently retired Nurse Practitioner and continues NP work as a volunteer work. During her career, she worked in various hospital and home health nursing roles, including medical surgical care, emergency room care, and as nursing supervisor for a 350-bed hospital in Wisconsin. Here in Oregon she was an Assistant Professor of Nursing at OHSU La Grande Campus for 25 years. She opened one of the first nurse practitioner run clinics and served as its director for 17 years. Subsequently, Kate worked part time for the CHD in women’s health and high school health and also had a small private practice. Prior to retiring, she worked as a primary provider in Home-Based Primary Care for the VA. She served as president of the local home health board and facilitated the merger with the hospital.
Kate has been a part of Oregon Rural Action and its Health Reform Action Team for many years. She writes opinion pieces for the local
Kate holds a BS and MS in Nursing, and earned a PhD in 2008.
HCAO Member Highlight:
Oregon Rural Action Health Care Reform Action Team
Pictured above: Ira Cohen, Susan Boyd, and Margaret Mead (wearing the HCAO shirt) at open house for new ORA offices. Susan and Ira live in the city of Union and are strong HCRAT ORA supporters.
Pictured above: Members of ORA's Health Care Reform Action Team Anna Maria Dill, Jon White, and Bill Whitaker, writing postcards to Senator Wyden urging him to support medicare for all.
Oregon Rural Action
is concerned about the health and well being of people in Eastern Oregon. ORA invites everyone to participate in bringing universal, publicly funded health care to our state.
To underscore its commitment to health equity, in the spring of 2012 ORA joined Health Care for All Oregon (HCAO) and formed the ORA Health Care Reform Action Team (HCRAT)
Education and advocacy are two main HCRAT activities. HCRAT educates the public through tabling at community fairs, festivals, parades, farmer's markets, and house parties.
HCRAT's advocacy activities have included
making individual face-to-face educational legislative visits locally and in the Capitol. HCRAT volunteers also communicate with our elected representatives through letters, email, and by phone.
In 2018, HCRAT conducted a successful campaign in which the La Grande City Council passed a resolution to the Oregon Legislature in support of placing universal, publicly funded health care on the ballot.
To build the awareness needed to bring an Everybody-In Nobody-Out health care system to Oregon, we'll need to replicate persistent efforts like HCRAT's across our state.
Can you help build this movement? Do you have a skill that you can contribute to HCAO efforts? Please check out the "Volunteer" link below and
become a volunteer.
HCAO's ability to educate about and advocate for Universal Health Care is only possible because of YOU. Thank you for your past support and please
become a member, make an additional contribution or volunteer.
Everybody in! Nobody out!