Thank you all for your continuing patience as we all work together to keep our members healthy and safe. We hope that we can all return to the show ring in June, when both the USHJA and USEF plan to reopen competition. Please visit the USHJA website for the latest information and resources regarding COVID-19. Unfortunately, due to the extended suspension in competition, the USHJA Zone Jumper Team and USHJA Platinum Jumper Championships have been canceled for 2020 and will return in 2021. We’ll provide updates on other USHJA Championships as the situation develops. If you missed it, be sure to watch
USHJA President Mary Babick’s May Town Hall for a discussion of the current situation.
As we mentioned last month, we are working diligently with show managers to ensure a responsible, safe, and timely re-opening of the sport. These are new challenges for all of us, and we welcome your input so we can move forward together. Take care out there, and we hope everyone continue to stay healthy and well!
Kathy Hobstetter and Ned Glynn.
Co-Chairs of the Zone 10 Committee
Updates and Information about COVID-19
Leaders in our sport are continuing to adjust plans and work toward solutions to best serve horses and riders as we move forward during the COVID-19 pandemic. The following links provide the most up-to-date information:
Competition managers: If your contracted USHJA event is being canceled, please send an email to
USHJA Feed Aid Designed to Assist Horses in Need
The USHJA has launched a new initiative, USHJA Feed Aid, to provide aid in purchasing feed for lesson horses as short-term relief for the businesses in the hunter/jumper community who provide lessons to non-boarders and may be suffering financially due to the impact of COVID-19.
To receive aid,
members must apply by June 1. Applications will be reviewed on a first come, first served basis. Feed vouchers will be made available to qualifying applicants as quickly as possible.
USHJA Educational Webinars Coming Up
Hunter Breeding 101
June 1, 7 p.m.
Curious about participating in a Hunter Breeding or Model class? Join 'R' Hunter Breeding judge Oliver Brown as he introduces the basics of Hunter Breeding in this how-to tutorial.
Hunter Breeding 102
June 15, 7 p.m.
Oliver Brown returns to give even more in-depth instruction on topics such as perparing your Hunter Breeding horse or pony, conformation, training tips for challenging horses, and tips for showing your horse or pony at its best.
Equine Business Basics
June 22, 7 p.m.
Holly Frenzel, CPA reviews basic business practices for equine professionals; from creating an LLC to good bookkeeping practices, come build or refresh your equine business skills.
HQC Study Hall Part II
June 30, 2 p.m.
Back by popular demand! Terri Young, chair of the Horsemanship Quiz Challenge (HQC) Committee, returns for another Study Hall.
USHJA Launches Virtual Clinics
USHJA is offering virtual riding clinics for members and non-members as a way to continue their riding education and horsemanship, while safely practicing social distancing.
Hunter, Jumper and Equitation clinics will offer members an opportunity to receive at-home exercises and feedback from industry experts. Complimentary auditing is also available.
The Hunter Virtual Clinic is underway with clinician Chris Wynne.
Jumper Virtual Clinic
June 8-9 and 15-16
Clinician: Jeff Cook
Video Submission Deadline: June 2
Equitation Virtual Clinic to be announced.
Zone 10 Member Q & A with Jamie Sailor
Q: What is the name of your barn and where are you located?
A: I work for Mike Edrick at Mike Edrick Stables in Agoura, Calif.
Q: How are you adapting barn life during these difficult times? What exercises are you focusing on to keep the horses in shape?
A: We had just shown multiple weeks at Thermal, so when quarantine first started we were happy to have the horses rest a bit with turnouts and trail rides. Our clients were understanding of the “stay at home” policy as well. Only Mick Edrick Stables employees were allowed at the barn. As we started working the horses again, our focus was their happiness and fitness. We did ground poles in many configurations, gymnastic exercises, and lots of lengthening and collecting of gaits – exercises to keep them sharp, listening, and fit, without overworking them. As things started to lighten up, clients were allowed back to ride. We limited their time spent around the barn, but not while on their horses. Lessons are now back in full swing with all precautions taken, and horses and riders are feeling ready to compete again, whenever that will be.
Q: What are you doing to maintain your mental health and wellness?
A: Mental health is so important as a rider. Horses can sense your mental state of mind so staying physically fit and mentally healthy is a must. We gave our clients weekly tasks with those goals in mind, like some at-home physical exercises and reminders to get some sunshine and fresh air every day. I personally have been able to eat better (since we aren’t eating out all the time) and have started jogging around my neighborhood with my dogs. Usually, I’m traveling for horse shows so much that these small things were overlooked.
Q: Tell us something positive or funny that has happened this month:
A: We haven’t been schooling the horses over much height until recently. It’s been a bit cool lately, so the horses have been very fresh and happy. I enjoy when they are a bit playful, but man, they all feel very excited to be jumping again which does make me smile! The clients are having to hang on too, so I think the horses are telling us it’s time to compete again!
Photo: Jamie Sailor, assistant trainer at Mike Edrick Stables, is working hard to make sure horses like Candy (pictured) stay fit at home. Photo by Christy Shapiro.
USHJA Affiliate Member Organization News
Shows may be starting back up at the local level in your area. Check with your local Affiliates about show schedules and what changes they may have made as a result of COVID-19.
Los Angeles Hunter Jumper Association
Member Highlight: Liz Corkett
Meet Liz! When she’s not in the saddle or working her day job as an architect, you will likely find Liz behind the camera at a horse show.
Over the past month, Liz’s architecture firm has been using 3-D printing technology to create PPE face shields for healthcare workers on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic. “We figured that since we have the machinery and materials, we might as well help where we can,” she explained. “We normally use 3-D printing to create models for our clients. It’s so meaningful to be able to use our technology to help protect those working on the frontlines. So far, we have delivered over 300 face shields to hospitals throughout the Los Angeles area.”
“I love architecture, but horses and photography are my passions,” she shared. “When I was growing up, my mom always had a camera with her, and I would always borrow her camera to take photos. Eventually, she got me a camera of my own and I did several photography internships. Later on, I started working with Sara Shier Photography. It has been a great experience getting to shoot at bigger shows, like Desert International Horse Park.”
Outside of work, she enjoys riding and competing with her six-year-old Oldenburg mare, Fontanesse or “Foxy” around the barn. “I’ve had her for just over four years now,” Liz said. “I got her as an unbroke two-year-old and we’ve learned a lot together. It’s been an amazing journey with lots of ups and downs. I started training with David Josiah last March, which was a huge turning point for us. At the beginning of this year, we moved up to the .90m jumpers for the first time. Within the next year, I would love to step up the 1.0m level and my long-term goal is to compete in the 1.20m jumpers.”
Photo Credit: Sara Shier
Sport History: Fun Facts from the USHJA Wheeler Museum
Did you know that a “liverpool” got its name from the water jump in the Grand National steeplechase at Aintree Racecourse near Liverpool, England?
The hunter/jumper sport has many traditions that originated in older horse sports like racing and foxhunting.
For many years at horse shows, the terms “liverpool” and “water jump” referred to any obstacle with water. Over time, “water jump” came to mean the roughly 14-foot “open” water with a low hedge or box at the front. A liverpool refers today to a shallow water tray placed in front, under, or behind a vertical, or in the middle of an oxer.
Photo: John Beer, The Grand National, the Water Jump, 1906
What do you want to see more of in the Zone 10 Update?
Information about USHJA Programs
Photos/videos and stories about members
Competition results (when competitions resume)
Educational opportunities for members
Take a Survey about Injuries in Equestrian Sports
A team from the University of Florida Department of Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation is
conducting a study of injury rates at equestrian competitions with the goal of improving safety practices titled, “Injuries Sustained During Equestrian Hunter and Jumper Competitions.”
This survey study is supported by the USHJA Safety Ad Hoc and is specifically aimed at reviewing falls during competition across all levels and classes of competition.
Know Your Zone 10 Committee Members
- Kathy Hobstetter, Co-Chair
- Ned Glynn, Co-Chair
- Denise Finch
- Kay Altheuser
- Michael Curtis
- Ellen Gates
- Sally Hudson
- Melissa Kalember
- Robert Leckie
- Stephanie Lightner
- Gry McFarlane
- Lynn Mullins
- James Waldman
Special thanks to these members who serve our zone! For more information about the committee and contact information,
click here.
Upcoming Events and Deadlines
Check the Calendar for Upcoming Outreach Competitions
USHJA Sponsors & Partners
Photos by: EQ Media, Tori Bilas, Tricia Booker, Kaitlyn Karssen, Jump Media
United States Hunter Jumper Association | (859) 225-6700 |