The ICPA Monthly Insider
Monthly eNewsletter of the International Cast Polymer Association                       September 2020 Issue
Letter from Executive Director, Jennifer Towner
Hello Everyone,

Hope you are all doing well as we continue to navigate our businesses in this current economy.

September has been a busy month!
Zoom-In Roundtable discussions were offered in August and September and will continue throughout the fall with the addition of some live-streamed in the plant PolyTECH training sessions. Members not able to participate can access the videos at the website's educational support and videos page of the ICPA website.

The membership committee has created new promotional materials to continue to attract new members to the association. This new membership campaign will launch this month. If you are interested in joining the membership committee, please contact me.

The Marketing Committee is preparing to roll out a new website, exclusive of our association website, that will showcase and promote cast polymer products. The new site is expected to launch by January of 2021!

And more exciting news is that the ICPA board of directors at the October 1st meeting voted unanimously to schedule our annual event POLYCON for mid-September of 2021. Exact dates and location for the general session will be announced in the coming months. The event will be held in the Salt Lake City Utah area. Hosting the PolyTECH training sessions will be Utah manufacturer members, Sand & Swirl in Ogden and Whitewater/Tyvarian in Lindon. The event website, will begin to be updated with details over the next few months.

Enjoy the colors and cooler weather!

Best regards,

Jennifer Towner
ICPA Executive Director

The International Cast Polymer Association
4949 Old Brownsboro Rd., Suite 232
Louisville, KY 40222
Contact email:
for the list of ICPA BOARD OF DIRECTORS 
for 2019-20 
The new map of North America on the ICPA website will soon be made interactive with links to manufacturer members.

Click Here for a short video to find out how to update your listing to maximize your exposure.
Developed by ICPA members and partnering with OSHA and their resources, SAFE PLANT is a free, customizable, and comprehensive safety program-no matter where your company is on safety and health- initiating a program or energizing an existing one- click here to Join the Program today.

The ICPA now has two new social media platforms to promote our products!
"Like" our Grout Free Designs Facebook page and follow on Instagram at Grout_Free_Designs.
Watch for more ways ICPA will be promoting cast polymer products.
Cast Polymer Connection
Fall Issue

Fall's issue, in your mailboxes now, is an issue devoted to covering what is happening in the nation’s capital that may affect cast polymer businesses as well as addressing several technical issues that affect processes in our plants.

The issue also spotlights ICPA member Bradley Corporation, a company that is about to celebrate 100 years of success.

Interested in advertising in Cast Polymer Connection?

If you are not receiving a printed copy of Cast Polymer Connection, contact Jennifer Towner at to be added to the distribution list.

Tuned In?
With now over 40 episodes, Cast Polymer Radio is a podcast dedicated to industry news and interviews with manufacturers of cultured marble, cultured granite, and solid surface as well as their industry suppliers. 
The purpose of this new audio platform is to be a regular source for education and information in the cast polymer industry for those who listen to podcasts. You can subscribe by searching for “cast polymer radio” on your favorite podcast app. LISTEN