Serving Rhode Island & Southeastern Massachusetts
Upcoming Events

October 2020
Oct 11th  3-4:30pm (EST)
OA Virtual Region Workshop
"Demystifying the OA Service Structure:
What is the Inverted Pyramid?"

Oct 11th  2-4pm
Steps 4-9 Zoom workshop
(hosted by CT IG)
Meeting ID  897 8871 6915
Password  858154

Oct 23-25th
Region 6 Convention! (virtual)

November 2020
Nov 3rd  6:30-7:30pm
Ocean and Bay Intergroup Meeting
Meeting ID: 83110951408 
Password: 247365

Nov 8th  3-4:30pm
OA Virtual Region Workshop
"Abstinence and Keeping it: The Difference Between Abstinence & POE"

Nov 21st 10:40a-12:30p (EST)
IDEA Day: "Step Into Recovery"
Hosted by SW Florida Intergroup



Please check your meeting contact name and information on both the local Ocean and Bay Meeting List (send changes to [email protected]) as well as the Overeaters Anonymous website meeting list and make any necessary changes.
* Please call ahead to verify meetings are taking place, especially during holidays. *
Updated Jan 2020*

Stay Connected!


Please note that every effort has been made to adhere to OA's policy for newsletter publications. Opinions and experiences expressed within are those of the individual writer and not OA as a whole. 

REMINDER: This is your newsletter, so please feel free to submit your writing contributions to: [email protected]

You are also invited to be one of the members who provides answers for a Q&A. Again, just send us a note to: [email protected] 
*updated Oct. 7, 2020*
Please notify [email protected] about any group changes!

Note about 7th Tradition
(Updated: Aug 6, 2020)

Click for --> Region 6 Updates !


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Body Image, Relationships, and Sexuality: 
Personal Journeys to Recovery in Overeaters Anonymous 
... is a first-of-its-kind collection of member stories about how our disease can be deeply intertwined with the most intimate parts of our lives - our deeply held traumas, personal relationships, and changing identities. In this book, OA members share openly and honestly about their journeys from unfulfilled - even shattered - existences to lives overflowing with the acceptance, freedom, and serenity found by working and living OA's Twelve Step program of recovery. Find hope as you read in Body Image, Relationships, And Sexuality how these OA members became truly "Happy, joyous, and free."

If you'd like to order a book, please either:
  • write a check for $12 to Ocean & Bay Intergroup; 
  • OR put $12 cash in an envelope with your name on it; 
  • THEN Email Kara at [email protected] to make arrangements for contact-less pick up
Step Ten:
Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong, 
promptly admitted it.
(Spiritual Principle: Perseverance)

If we are to experience permanent recovery from compulsive overeating, we will have to repeat, day after day, the actions that have already brought us so much healing. 

Step Ten calls for daily repetition of the actions we took in the first nine Steps. As we do so, these actions become patterns for us to follow in the future -- patterns that will enable us to thrive, grow spiritually, and be happy without excess food or compulsive food behaviors.

The purpose of Step Ten is to identify and remove from our path today's stumbling blocks, those manifestations of pride, fear, anger, self-pity, greed, and other emotions that are bringing pain into our lives and keeping us from growing today. We have found that all of us inevitably encounter these feelings, and it only makes matters worse if we deny we have them or try to will them away. Step Ten allows us to recognize our emotions and walk through the pain they cause us. We then let them go, turning our feelings over to our Higher Power so that we can regain our emotional balance.

Tradition Ten:
Overeaters Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the OA name ought never be drawn into public controversy.
(Spiritual Principal: Neutrality)

Our members come from many areas and backgrounds, and we have many shades of opinion on every issue. If OA were to take a stand on any one of these, we could immediately alienate some of our own membership as well as many of our fellow sufferers outside of OA. By allowing controversy over outside issues to drive away people who need the recovery OA has to offer, we would take a step backward from our primary objective of carrying our message to the compulsive overeater who still suffers.

As individuals, we are free to believe in, and work for, any cause we choose. The Tenth Tradition asks us to leave these issues outside when we walk through the doors of OA. Even the most worthy of other causes has no place in an OA meeting.

We compulsive eaters can learn a lot from OA's Tenth Tradition about concentrating on our message and avoiding controversy. It is summed up in saying "live and let live." We find we can live happier and more effective lives when we focus our attention on doing our Higher Power's will each day rather than on conflicts.

The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous, Second Edition
Ocean & Bay Intergroup 
P.O. Box 41273, Providence RI, 02940
Tel: 401-438-1301 | Email:  oceanandbay[email protected]