3 Adar 1 5782 | February 3, 2022
Bais Yaakov e-Newsletter
Lower Elementary

Parshas Teruma
Over 400 mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers joined us in all three siyumim combined on January 16th, to celebrate the completion of Parshas Bereishis. Another 700 family members joined us through a live video-stream. This annual, stellar and poignant event touches the hearts of all who watch it. The learning, singing and choreographed motions were impressive.  Special thank you to the moros who helped the girls reach this milestone. We are sure that the girls’ parents and grandparents derive much nachas from them! 
This year, the Second Grade initiated a new monthly assembly in honor of Rosh Chodesh.  In honor of the month of Shevat, we played a Shevat themed Jeopardy game, developed by Morah Chaya Bracha Waldbaum. The game was exciting and educational. Besides the activity, the room was filled with palpable ruach as the girls sang together a special Rosh Chodesh song written by Morah Yehudis Bamberger.   The girls look forward to the activity every month as do the moros!
The First Grade enjoyed a fantastic Tu B’Shevat activity! Gathering together in our cozy assembly room, the moros spoke about the meaning of Tu B’Shevat. The girls learned a beautiful song about the Shivas Haminim (the 7 special grains and fruits of Eretz Yisroel), received a Tu B’Shevat treat and played a kriah bingo game conducted by Morah Tzipora Cohen. What a super fun and enjoyable learning experience! 
How can we ensure a happy, confident, and more fluent Hebrew reader in elementary school, middle school, and beyond? The answer lies in the foundation, beginning with the letters of the alef bais. In Preschool, we focus on each child's development. Our kriah specialist, Mrs. Chaya Sara Mandel, works with our kindergarten girls to ensure they enter first grade as fluent and accurate readers. Using a multisensory approach involving visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and tactile modalities, Mrs. Mandel gives the girls extra reinforcement to ensure every student's success. The girls work on decoding, encoding, and phonemic awareness, following the Kriability program and enjoy drawing the letters in sand, tracing letters in the air, and eventually reading alef bais. 
As part of the Kindergarten Shabbos unit, the classes gathered together with Miss Shoshana Lieder, our preschool music teacher, on a recent Friday morning for a Shabbos sing-along. The girls excitedly sang all the songs that they had learned throughout the unit, starting with "Shabbos is Coming" all the way to "Shabbos is going away" and enjoyed being together with their friends from the other classes.
Using the Fundations program, our Kindergarten girls have mastered the letters of the alphabet! To celebrate, we had a round robin! The girls went into three different classrooms with students from other classes and made crowns, played bingo, and prepared an ABC puzzle. Then all the girls met in the auditorium for cookie decorating! As Morah Miriam Trout read a story to the girls, the pages were shown on the projector so everyone could see. It was a wonderful celebration!
Mrs. Rachel Sagal of Serene 613 led all of our Preschool students in gentle movement activities connected to the halachos and hashkafos of Shmittah. The children stretched, bent, and breathed to Mrs. Sagal's instructions which reinforced the lessons that they are learning about Shmittah from their moros.
We are so happy that we have two months of Adar this year! On the second day of Rosh Chodesh, our Kindergarten girls wore funny hats and headbands to school. The Nursery girls created happy crowns in honor of this happy month. We are looking forward to more excitement throughout the months of Adar.
Please Note: Events that are bolded
and underlined are clickable links.

2/10-2/15 - Winter Vacation
2/21 - Alumnae Shiur
2/22 - MS Parent Teacher Conferences
2/23 - ES Parent Teacher Conferences
2/27 - 1st Grade Siddur Parties
6th Grade Bas Mitzvah Dinner
2/28 - ES Parent Teacher Conferences

The Real Simcha of Adar
Mrs. Shifra Rabenstein

February 21, 2022
8:15 Soup and Sushi Bar
8:30 Shiur
Feb 3/ 2 Adar 1

In Memory of
Shoshana bas Gavriel A"H

Sponsored by
The Schwartz Family
Feb 2/ 1 Adar 1

In Memory of
Mrs. Esther Ehrman A"H

Sponsored by
Rabbi and Mrs. Yosef and Chanita Felder
Feb 1/ 30 Shevat

In Memory of
Tante Faigie Sky A"H

Sponsored by
Ari and Chani Herman and Family
Feb 1/ 30 Shevat

In Memory of
Mr. Avi Strimber

Sponsored by
Gobbie and Shayna Cohn and Family
Jan 31/ 29 Shevat

In Memory of
Mrs. Gilda Dunoff A"H

Sponsored by
Avrami and Ayala Gross and Family
Jan 28/ 26 Shevat

L'zchus Refuah Sheleimah
Chaya Liora bas Daniella Hinda Leah

Sponsored by
The Students and Parents of 5C
Jan 28/ 26 Shevat

In Memory of
Mrs. Rose Abramson A"H

Sponsored by
Rabbi and Mrs. Alan Abramson and
Mr. and Mrs. Shaya Abramson
To sponsor a day of Davening & Learning, 
or contact Rabbi Gross at 443-548-7700 ext. 511 or ragross@baisyaakov.net 
for more information.