February 2020

How will you celebrate Bold Women's Day?
Women of the ELCA celebrates Bold Women's Day on the fourth Sunday of February every year, this year on Feb. 23.
On this day, congregational units honor or remember bold women from their community. To help you with your Bold Women’s Day planning, visit welca.org/bwd for resources, certificates, and other downloadable items.

Let us know how will you celebrate the bold women in your congregation and community?
Conference of Presidents to meet this month in Chicago
Presidents of the 64 synodical women’s organization will gather in Chicago February 21–23, 2020, for the annual Conference of Synodical Presidents with the theme, “The Power of Community.” The theme verse is Hebrews 10:24–25.

The presidents will be considering matters coming before the Eleventh Triennial Convention (2020) so they can best lead their synodical delegations.
Unit treasurers: Would you be interested in online training?
As a congregational unit treasurer, would you be interested in an online video training session customized for your needs?

It would take only a little more than half an hour. If so, please email Audrey Riley, audrey.riley@elca.org, and leave a note to say so. If there is enough interest, we'll put one together this spring.

Read how online video training for the treasurers of synodical women's organizations is a big hit.
Please download the Guide for Unit Treasurers and copies of Form A and Form B from our website! They're available for free at welca.org/toolsforleaders (scrolll down a bit).
World Day of Prayer is March 6
“Rise! Take your mat and walk.” This invitation written by our sisters in Zimbabwe is the foundation for the 2020 World Day of Prayer on Friday, March 6. Held on the first Friday in March, WDP is “a worldwide ecumenical movement of Christian women of many traditions who come together to observe a common day of prayer each year.”

Learn more about World Day of Prayer, officially celebrated since 1927, at  wdp-usa.org .
Celebrate National Quilting Day
National Quilting Day (NQD) is observed annually on the third Saturday in March. This year, it’s on March 21. NQD is celebrated around the country with special quilting shows, classes, open museums and much more. Spend this day recognizing and appreciating quilt makers, along with their long labor, love and skill that goes into the making of each quilt. Learn more.
Do you listen to Cafe's podcasts?
Cafe , an online magazine for and with young adult women, offers a podcast for each of its monthly issues.

Listen now to one or more of Cafe' s podcasts for young adult women who want to build Community, participate in Advocacy, strengthen Faith, and strive toward Enlightenment.
How do we just love our neighbor?
Does love mean valentines and chocolates and red roses? Or does love mean sacrifice? Maybe love means delighting in someone’s company, or maybe it means untiring service, as a middle-aged daughter might give to her aging mother. Or maybe love means all these things–and more. Read the devotion.
Gather's summer Bible study focuses on 'Just Love'
The Revs. Gladys Moore and Christa Compton are authors of Gather ’s 2020 summer Bible study, “Just Love.” This three-session Bible study invites readers to consider how justice and love intersect. What does “just love” look like? How is this kind of love more than a sentimental or sanitized emotion, but is instead a love-in-action that seeks to dismantle the various systems of sin that damage God’s creation and harm God’s people?

The Rev. Dr. Christa M. Compton is pastor of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Chatham, N.J.; and The Rev. Gladys Moore is pastor at St. John’s Lutheran Church, Summit, N.J.
The Rev. Gladys Moore is leading Gather 's summer Bible study, Just Love, at the Gathering 2020 in Phoenix, July 16-19.
Academic scholarship application process closes Feb. 15
Women of the ELCA's scholarship applications and supporting documents for the 2020-21 academic year must be emailed or mailed by Feb. 15. Scholarships are offered in two categories: Lutheran laywomen and ordained ministry.
Visit welca.org/scholarships for criteria and descriptions of the scholarships available. Scholarships winners will be notified in late June.
Horseshoe Bend
Phoenix area tours enhance experience at Gathering 2020
Phoenix in July is a cool place to be, even in the summer—especially when you’re in an air-conditioned building, tour bus, or steamboat.

Find out how you can participate in one of our tour offerings and enhance the fun you will have at the Gathering 2020, July 16-19, by enjoying top sights in Arizona.
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Women of the ELCA | 773-380-2730 | women.elca@elca.org | welca.org