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Veterans Day Edition
From the Council Office of Steve Rao
November 11, 2020
Veteran Homelessness
Veteran Homelessness
If you are a Veteran and are currently homeless or need assistance, please contact the National Call Center for Homeless Veterans today at 1-877-4AID-VET. This is a free service, and does not require enrollment in any VA health program or registration with the VA

For resources and locations for homeless veterans, please visit  
Important Updates
Governor Cooper signs Executive Order 176
Governor Cooper signs Executive Order 176, places limit of 10 to Indoor Gatherings due to spike in Covid 19 Cases and Phase 3 extended to Dec. 4th  Goes into effect on Nov 13th at 5pm.  

Biden creates a Coronavirus Task Force
President Elect Biden creates a Coronavirus Task Force, chaired by Former Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy. 

Affordable Care Act - US Supreme Court
Affordable Care Act Oral Arguments Begin at US Supreme Court.  Justices Kavanaugh and Chief Justice Chief Roberts are signaling Court should uphold Law.  

Wake County Schools
Wake County Schools will vote on Return to In Person for High School Students next week.  We will bring Chris Heagarty later in the week for an update. 
Covid-19 Vaccine News
Election Updates
Presidential Results
Joe Biden   290                                     Donald Trump   214
Joe Biden, Kamala Harris
Joe Biden Elected the 46th President Elect of the United States.  The Late Veteran and Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden’s dream is now true, there will be a President Joe Biden. 
Senator Harris makes history as the Vice President Elect of the United States.

Steve Rao Message - Biden/Harris Victory
Cunningham concedes Senate Race
AG Josh Stein
AG Stein and Chief Justice Beasley races will not be determined until Nov 12th when all absentee and provisional ballots are counted.

Stein expected to win.
Upcoming Events
Nov 11th Town of Morrisville Veteran Day Event
Nov 11 Town of Morrisville Veteran Day Event has been canceled.  A condensed version will be streamed virtually at
Nov 11th Veterans Day Webinar
Nov 11th 12:30pm Veterans Day Webinar:  Supporting our Veteran Owned Businesses 

Council Member Steve Rao hosts a webinar with special guest, Brian Hamilton, veterans and the North Carolina Veteran Business Association to talk about how we can come together as a state to assist Veteran Business Owners and entrepreneurs!

Streamed Live at and Live on Radio Mirchi on 99.9FMHD4, 101.9 FM and 1490 AM

For more information about NC Vet Biz, please visit and you can also go to to learn about funding, training, and federal contracting opportunities for Veteran Owned Businesses.
Celebrating our Veterans
and our Superhero Nation
Steve Rao Message: Celebrating our Veterans and our Superhero Nation

In the midst of fear and uncertainty of the Covid 19 Pandemic, we can look at our Veterans as an everlasting reminder that we are a nation of heroes.  

All of us love the idea of superheroes, living among us, extraordinary individuals, who make us feel safe, secure, and who go out of their way to protect us every day.

However, as we celebrate Veterans Day, I think it is important to remind our children, and ourselves that the greatest superheroes, or real Avengers, have existed in our nation from its inception, to the present day, our brave men and women of the Armed Forces.

These individuals, did not come from other worlds, or have special powers, but they have demonstrated the greatest courage, bravery, selflessness, and have sacrificed their own lives to preserve our freedom as Americans and to fight against oppression and for freedom all around the world.

On this Veterans Day, let us remind our children, and ourselves that the greatest superheroes, or real Avengers, have existed in our nation from its inception, to the present day, our brave men and women of the Armed Forces.

From the Revolutionary War which gave us our independence, to every war our nation has fought all over the world, the American solider has been the example for each of us of the model citizen, whose very existence is an enduring reminder of not only the greatness of our nation but the great potential which exists in each of us to make the world a better, safer place.

Today, I am reminded one of these superheroes, the late Sargent Dale Beatty, U.S. National Guard, at the EDM4US Troops Golf Tournament, whom I met a few years ago the Support the Troops Golf Tournament in Cary.  

On Nov 15 2004, on a mission in Afghanistan, his vehicle struck anti-tank mines that left him a double amputee below the knees. After a successful reintegration to his community in Statesville, NC, Beatty partnered with his long-time army pal, John Gallina, also severely injured in the same explosion to form a nonprofit service for disabled veterans, Purple Heart Homes. Beatty and Gallina have been profiled on Time Magazine and CNN heroes for their unparalleled work ethic to give back, having built over 70 homes for disabled veterans.

Sargent Beatty’s story of service and giving back, is a living example of the great superhero potential within each of us, to change the world and make it a better place.
As Americans, we often forget, amidst increasing division and the politics of hate and fear, that we are and can be a nation of superheroes. I see this great potential within our elected officials, the firefighters and first responders who keep us safe, the volunteers and community organizers, who raise money to cure cancer and disease and to help those less fortunate in our nation and around the world.

If each of us can strive to be extraordinary and recognize this potential, only then can we truly honor the great sacrifices our veterans have made to preserve our freedom from our founding as a nation to the present day.

Only then, can we truly live our lives in American as so well stated in our Pledge of Allegiance, one Nation under God Indivisible with Liberty and Justice for all.  
Happy Veterans Day to all and May God Bless our Superhero Nation, the United States of America.
The Morrisville Veterans Memorial Foundation, Inc. was chartered as a non-profit corporation by the State of North Carolina on March 2, 2016. Its mission is to raise funds for the construction of a memorial that will recognize and commemorate veterans of the United States armed forces for their service to the nation and its citizens.

The purpose of the memorial is to serve as a site for reverent reflection on the service and sacrifices made by veterans.

The Town has generously provided land next to the Indian Creek Greenway on which the memorial will be built. This centrally-located site has high visibility, easy accessibility, clean restrooms, and free parking.

If you are interested in donating or getting involved, please email  
For millions of Americans with disabilities, gainful employment remains out of reach. Enable America is a nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing employment among the 56 million Americans with disabilities including wounded warriors and disabled veterans.

Enable America work with all members of the community – including disabled individuals, service providers, government agencies, advocacy groups, existing organizations and employers – to eliminate barriers to employment and bridge the gap between disabled job seekers and the employers who want to hire them.

Enable America supports wounded warriors and disabled veterans in their transition to civilian society.  

Please consider a contribution to
North Carolina for Military Employment (NC4ME) is a comprehensive public-private partnership designed to make NC the number one state for military employment. Established by the Governor in 2015, NC4ME leverages existing workforce development resources and technology to implement an employer-centric strategy that: 

1) Educates NC’s business leaders on the value of hiring a military workforce,
2) Shows small businesses and human resource professionals how to hire military personnel
3) Connects military talent to open jobs, education, and training opportunities in North Carolina.

Learn more at and help the 78,000 Military Veterans who transition out of the Military every year. 
Wake Tech Veterans Zones are spaces for our Student Veterans and their family members to connect in a safe environment and interact in a unique academic and social setting.  

A variety of services are available at the Veterans Zones including a computer lab and activity center, as well as representatives from Veterans Upward Bound, NC Serves, and Student Veterans of America (SVA)

Please email Marilyn Terrill, Dean, Veterans Programs,, if you need assistance.

Other News
Wake County School Middle School Students Back to the Classroom
Approximately 6,000 middle school students in Wake County Public School System headed back into the classroom this Monday.  

The students will return in groups, with each group doing in-person learning for one week with one day off. Then they'll do virtual learning for two weeks.

The school district has had some students back in classrooms since Oct. 26. In that time, school staff member and students have reported 25 COVID-19 cases.

As has become normal for schools in 2020, students returning in-person will be required to adhere to various COVID-19 protocols including temperature checks, health screenings, mask wearing, and social distant classrooms and cafeterias.
Open Data in Morrisville
Exciting news and another milestone in our Smart City and Data Journey in Morrisville!

The Town of Morrisville has unveiled its Open Data Portal, which will allow the Town to continue to increase its transparency by simplifying public access to Morrisville’s information.

Open data is data and datasets that are freely available to the public. Users—anyone in the world with internet access—will be able to utilize the new web-based tool to create graphs, charts and maps based on the datasets. They will be able to download the data, interact with it, reuse it, and redistribute it.

Datasets are organized under the headings of Administration, Environment, Planning and Permits, Public Safety, Recreation and Transportation. The initial Open Data Portal
launch includes a handful of datasets with more datasets coming online at regular intervals.

The new website, which includes demonstration videos outlining how to use the site, can be found at
My Weekly Update:
  • For latest Covid 19 information, please dial 2-1-1 or 888- 892-1162.  
  • Get Updates by texting COVIDNC at 898211.    
  • For unemployment insurance, please visit NC Dept of Employment Security at    
  • Apply for Wake Forward program at
North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services reported 2,582 new COVID-19 cases, rising above 2,000 after Monday's case report dipped below the mark.

NCDHHS also recorded 25,590 more completed tests. 7.5% of tests are reported positive.

Currently, 1,230 people are hospitalized with COVID-19 with 96% of hospitals reporting. That's 61 more than Monday's report.

There have been 4,660 COVID-19 related deaths in North Carolina. For complete numbers, check the NCDHSS website.

2,582 New Cases
+ N.C. = 297,442 Cases (Deaths = 4,660)    
+ 7.5 %Positive Rate + Wake County = 23,223 Cases (Deaths = 280)
+ US = 10.2 million Cases/239K deaths 
+ Worldwide = 51.2million/1.27 million deaths
+ Completed Tests: 4,416, 365
+ 1,230 Hospitalizations.

Office Hours
Council Member Rao holds office hours on Friday from 12:00-1:00 PM by appointment only at 100 Town Hall Drive in Morrisville. 

For more information or to schedule a time to speak with Council Member Rao, please email and copy Town Clerk Eric Smith,, 463-6150.
Council Member Steve Rao
Town of Morrisville
Dedicated to transforming Morrisville into an ideal place to work and raise a family!
Learn more at: