The purpose of this email is to share information regarding Wells Academy. It is a monthly newsletter featuring Wells Academy news and current events.
Wells Academy Elementary
 February News

Happy February Wells Academy Families,

Hello, again! We are comfortably into the second semester and are moving right along with teaching and learning. It looks like another busy month for us at Wells Academy. Take a look at our dates to remember to see what is going on this month.

Weather is becoming increasingly colder, please be sure to dress your student appropriately for outside play during recess with a winter coat, hat and gloves! 

Thank you for all that you do and allowing us to work with your child!
If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to call me at (740-282-1651)

Tommy Kotsanis
Principal, Wells Academy

What's Happening In February
Winter Weather Tips
Valentine's Day Dance

Friday, February 14, 2020

3:00-5:00 pm

$5 a person

Punch and cookies will be served

Safety on the Street!  
The morning “drop off” time before school and afternoon “pick up” times have students and parents negotiating a very busy street. PLEASE DRIVE SLOWLY AND CAUTIOUSLY and put the safety of our students first. This is particularly important during the winter. 
The drop off lane right in front of the school is a “hug and go lane”, please stay in your car, give them a hug, send them out to the sidewalk on the right side of your car. Children exiting cars on the left hand side could be stepping out into traffic. If you need to help your child out of the car or they must exit on the left, then you need to park in the lot to ensure everyone’s safety. We need the line to move quickly so parents with other morning commitments can be on time.   

Thank You!!
3rd Grade Parent Meeting
Who- All 3rd Grade Parents
What - Information about Disney trip
When- 5:30 on Wednesday, February 19
Where- Computer Lab at Wells Academy

Get information about joining The Wells Wizards Club and be a part of the Disney Youth Experience.
Friday, February 28, 2020 is the end of 3rd 8 Weeks.
Wells Academy Elementary
420 North 4th St.
Steubenville, Ohio 43952
Phone 740-282-1651
Fax 740-283-8937