May 27, 2020 @ 4:45 p.m.
Every other day, Dr. Sherrill Brown, Medical Director, Infection Prevention, Berenice Constant, VP, Government Relations, and Elizabeth Sepetjian, AVP, Talent Management (HR), give an update for clinic leaders and corporate line of business leaders. You can read today's notes here.
Sherrill Brown, MD
Berenice Constant
Liz Sepetjian

If you have questions about anything you've heard in the briefing, or for any COVID-19 related questions, click here to submit your questions. They will be reviewed by our COVID-19 task force and answered in our next daily briefing alert or as soon as possible.

Please don't hesitate to ask questions! Know that this is a safe space and that most questions will be answered individually prior to being shared anonymously with staff.

We continue to receive repeat questions - please be sure to check our running lists of FAQs, below, to see if your question has already been answered.

(Also available on Town Square)
U.S. Census Extended to October 31
The U.S. Census Bureau has extended the Census 2020 deadline to October 31. The results of the 2020 Census will help determine how hundreds of billions of dollars in federal funding flow into communities every year for the next decade. That funding shapes many different aspects of every community, including health clinics.

We have received $1.3 million in grants to advocate for Census completion among our communities. There are currently 35 Promotoras calling community members daily to encourage Census completion. They will also go to several of our sites to help patients complete the forms. To date, 58% of Los Angeles County has completed the Census.

Funding from the Census can impact many different aspects of our community. To learn more, click here .
Event Reminder: Mindfulness Town Hall Set for May 28 (Spanish only)
Community Affairs will host a virtual town hall in Spanish: "Enfócate en ti: Cuida tu salud emocional" on Thursday, May 28 at 5:30 p.m. Dr. Sandra Pisano , Director of Behavioral Health at AltaMed, and Dr. Jeffrey Ring , Principal at Health Management Associates, will be joined by Dr. Paula Helu-Brown , Assistant Professor at Mount St. Mary’s University, to conduct a one-hour session to help participants address fear and anxiety as we cope with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Employees will receive 50 LiveWell points. Register for the session here .

Please share this public registration link with staff and invite family, clients, and community members to follow us on Facebook to join tomorrow's live session.
Employee Open Enrollment Begins

The Employee Open Enrollment period started on Tuesday, May 26 and closes at 11:59 p.m. on Friday, June 12. W ebinars with Benefits staff, as well as one-on-one meetings with a representative from Aflac are available for employees. Please v isit Town Square for all Open Enrollment information and schedules.

As a reminder, the Benefits Support Center is available Monday through Friday from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. to assist with benefits-related questions or to help enroll over the phone. For questions, please contact the Benefits Support Center at or by calling (323) 720-5670, Option 1.
Safety More Critical Than Ever
As California and our local communities slowly reopen, safety becomes even more important. We would like to remind you of the following:

Screening and Assessment Protocols:
  • Reinforce that screening staff are asking all the required screening questions of each staff member entering clinics and work sites.
  • Any employee with new upper respiratory infection (URI) symptoms should be sent home until they can be assessed for COVID-19.
  • Any employee should work from home if:
  • they have had unprotected, close contact with family members
  • they are highly concerned that they may have been infected with COVID-19
  • they are waiting for a test result
  • Providers should be laundering their white coats frequently (ideally, have a new white coat each day).
Safety Reminders:
  • Patient-facing staff, including front office, should be wearing a face shield or eye covering in addition to a face mask – avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Face masks should be worn at all times over your nose and mouth (except when drinking or eating), and should be stored properly or discarded.
  • Employees must wear their appropriate PPE when on site.
  • Maintain hand hygiene all staff (especially in the front office) should have easy access to hand hygiene dispensers to clean hands frequently.
  • Practice social distancing – six feet apart from other individuals whether inside or outside.
  • Wipe down any work surfaces you touch.
AltaMed Physician Part of ABC Channel 7 COVID-19 Virtual Town Hall
Veronica Contreras , MD , from AltaMed Medical and Dental Group–Commerce, Goodrich, and local experts were part of a virtual town hall hosted by ABC Channel 7. Race and Coronavirus: A SoCal Conversation featured a discussion with local doctors and leaders about the way COVID-19 has affected the health and finances of racial and ethnic groups, as well as a rise in discrimination. Click here to view the town hall.
In the News: AltaMed remains a trusted resource to the local media especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. To view recent AltaMed news stories, please click here .
Please Note: If you are contacted by the media with questions about the coronavirus outbreak, or for any other reason, please contact: Veronica Orozco , Sr. Manager, Public Relations via email. The Public Relations team monitors all media coverage of AltaMed (social and traditional platforms) to uphold our reputation. If you have questions and concerns regarding media coverage, please call Veronica at 323-482-3073. If you'd like to read news releases from AltaMed, visit our external website, under Newsroom.