October 6, 2020
Community Updates
Free Bikes 4 Kidz

Last year, our community donated 275 bikes to Free Bikes 4 Kidz Maryland to help ensure children, who might not otherwise have access to a bike, have a happier, healthier childhood. This weekend, in the midst of these challenging times, our community showed our indomitable spirit of resilience and compassion by surpassing last year's impressive donations and helping FB4K collect 496 bikes!

We are so grateful to have such a giving county, where neighbors can put community first and look out for one another. Amid this pandemic, as we seek to embrace health and wellness, biking is a great opportunity for our youth to get outside and be active. If you would donate an old or used bike, or volunteer with FB4K, please visit their website here.
2020 Small Business Summit

Please join the Howard County Chamber, Economic Development Authority, and me for our 2020 Small Business Series. The seminar will provide local businesses with valuable information on financing, marketing and innovation strategies. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for resources and services available for our local, small businesses so they can remain successful and contribute to our overall economy.

I encourage small, local business owners and entrepreneurs to join me for this series.

October 7th, 9:30am - 12:00pm; featuring Brandon Bellamy, CEO of Velocity Companies.

October 14th, 9:30am - 12:00pm; featuring Anuja Sonalker, CEO of STEER Tech.

October 21st, 9:30 am - 12:00pm; featuring Nat Alston, the Horizon Group, Ryan Miller, Principal Functions, Dean Hof, Howard County Purchasing, and more.

To learn more and to register, please visit 
50 Years of Thunder Hill Elementary!
Since 1970, Thunder Hill Elementary School has been a safe, nurturing environment that values diversity; a place where all students are given the care, attention and support to thrive. For the last five decades one thing has remained unchanged at THES - our passionate teachers, incredible staff, and dedicated administration who have guided and directed its mission to help Thunder Hill SOAR for 50 years.

Congratulations to Principal Martha Miller, Assistant Principal Kim Dillard, our students, educators, and entire Thunderbirds community on 50 years!
Fire Prevention Week

As we begin Fire Prevention Week, I was pleased to join the Howard County Department of Fire and Rescue Services for their annual open house to encourage fire safety and distribute fire prevention bags filled with important tips and materials to help be prepared in case of a fire.

Our firefighters and public safety officials are invaluable to the safety and well-being of our community. Thank you Chief Anuszewski and all our first responders who strive to keep our community safe every day.

This week, I encourage us all to brush off our skills, make plans to ensure the safety of family, friends, and neighbors, and take steps for fire prevention.
MVMS - Blue Ribbon School

For the second year in a row, Mount View Middle was named a Blue Ribbon School by the Maryland State Department of Education. This recognition speaks to the incredible educators and school community who put so much passion and dedication into helping all of our students grow and thrive. We are so proud of our Falcons and the Howard County Public School System for this distinguished accomplishment.

Ma's Kettle

Ma's Kettle is a cornerstone in Savage, and I was so glad to stop by to show my appreciation for their delicious contributions to our community. Since 1976, they have been serving BBQ and other simple, homestyle meals to residents and visitors. Thank you to Karen Mitchell and Mary-Ann Mitchell for your exemplary service and wonderful meals!

I encourage us all to continue supporting our small, local restaurants by ordering carry-out or dine-in at these wonderful establishments. To see their menu, and to place an order, please visit their website here.

Our libraries are essential to lifelong learning, growth, and enrichment for our residents of all ages and abilities. I joined Tonya Aikens, CEO of the Howard County Library System, and members of her leadership team at the Miller Branch for a briefing and tour to better understand their current operations and reopening progress.

Throughout this pandemic, our team at HCLS has been instrumental in connecting residents with online resources, and now offer contactless pick-up for items. Thank you to every member of our HCLS for their effort to keep our community connected through thoughtful, effective, and innovative ways.
Unemployment Updates

Howard County saw more than 55,000 residents file for unemployment since March, but we’re now seeing a steady recovery of jobs throughout many sectors. We now have an unemployment rate of 5.4% for August - down from 8.1% in April of this year, and 1.6% lower than the Maryland unemployment rate of 6.9%. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic in February, Howard County reported a 2.7% unemployment rate.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, our team has been working nonstop from business support to worker trainings to food distributions to rent and mortgage assistance, to assist out of work employees due to pandemic. While there is still a long road ahead to combat COVID-19, it is welcome news to see that businesses in Howard County have been able to adapt quickly and are actively looking for job seekers in our region.

If you are currently unemployed or seeking a job, the Office of Workforce Development has resources and support online here.
Property Tax Credits

The Maryland State Department of Assessments and Taxation (SDAT) is extending the deadline to apply for 2020 Homeowners’ and Renters’ Property Tax Credits to October 31. These tax credits, including the Homestead Tax Credit, help residents feel more safe and secure in their homes, especially as we endure the current COVID-19 pandemic.

I encourage residents to apply for these important relief opportunities today here.
Substance Abuse Prevention Month

This Substance Abuse Prevention Month, we affirm our commitment to helping individuals struggling with substance abuse disorders. This year in Howard County, we have seen 25 confirmed overdose deaths, 109 non-fatal opioid overdoses, and 112 overdoses where Narcan was administered. Although we have seen a 27% decrease in nonfatal overdoses in 2020 compared to this time last year, there has also been a 10% increase in fatal overdoses compared to the previous year.

Over the last two years, we have worked tirelessly to address the opioid epidemic by developing solutions and identifying gaps in the service delivery system, which included crisis services. From opening Howard House, the first County-owned treatment facility, to constructing a new residential treatment center with Delphi Behavioral Health Group, we are ensuring residents can access treatment right at home, in Howard County. Additionally, we opened the 24/7 “New Beginnings Crisis Stabilization Center” at Friends of Grassroots Crisis Intervention Center so that individuals in need of a referral for substance use disorder treatment can receive immediate screening and intervention services.

To beat this crisis, we need to work together as one community. We must end the stigma around seeking help and substance misuse. If you or anyone you know is in need of help, please contact Grassroots Crisis Intervention Center at (410) 531-6006.
November Election Update

We want to ensure our residents are informed and empowered on the many options they have to vote this November. Voting is the cornerstone of our democracy and we must ensure that we are providing safe and easy methods to make sure that all Howard County residents are engaged and aware of how to vote in the general election this November.

I’m grateful for the staff at the Howard County Board of Elections who have been working around the clock to help ensure voters, of all abilities, are able to cast their vote in an easy, and safe manner. We will continue to work and assist our Board of Elections through consistent communications ensuring that voter turnout Howard County is not impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Early voting begins October 26th through November 2nd, and election day is November 3rd. To see the full list of early voting sites, click here, and click here to see election day voting sites.

Unlike the 2020 Primary Elections, voters will NOT automatically receive a mail-in ballot. Instead, voters will receive an application to receive their ballot through the mail. Voters MUST submit a request in order to receive their ballot by mail.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Howard County voters are urged to cast their vote by mail. To request your ballot right now, please click here. The deadline to request your mail-in ballot is October 20th.

Please note, mail-in ballots can also be returned to a ballot drop box which will be located at the Howard County Board of Elections Office, Meadowbrook Athletic Center, Marriotts Ridge High School, Reservoir High School, Long Reach High School, and Wilde Lake High School.

To update your voter registration, register to vote, or check your voting status, please visit the State Board of Elections website here.
Take Your Census!

The Census provides critical federal funding to Howard County communities for important initiatives. Although the deadline has been extended, it's important for residents to take the Census TODAY.

For every person NOT counted, we lose over $18,000 in funding, which can go toward important community programs like sensory friendly initiatives, healthy living, services for our older adults, our education, affordable housing, infrastructure, and so much more.

It only takes five minutes to complete.

Take it NOW at 
COVID-19 Updates
Status Update

As of 9:00 a.m. today and according to the Maryland Department of Health, Howard County’s 7-day average positivity rate is 2.41%. Our 7-day average of cases per 100,000 of our population is also at 7.9. To date, we have administered 146,465 tests and tested 92,487 county residents, which is 28.6% of our population.

Last week, Governor Hogan announced that indoor visitation may resume at Maryland nursing homes where no new cases have been reported in 14 days or more, along with greater flexibility for compassionate care visits. This is positive news for our older adults, many of whom have been extremely isolated these last few months with loved ones who have missed seeing them terribly. We must all continue, however, to remain vigilant and help keep them safe when visiting.

Robust testing continues to help us understand the significance of COVID-19 in our community. I cannot stress this enough, if you live or have been around high-risk individuals and/or are concerned about coming into contact with someone who tested positive, please take time to get tested today. To find an updated list of Howard County testing locations, please visit

The virus is not gone, and we are still combatting this deadly virus. As the weather cools, please remember that indoor activities are higher risk for transmission. It is critical that we continue adhering to prevention measures like washing hands, wearing masks, and physical distancing, even when spending time with family and friends.

For more data and COVID-19 information, please click here.
It's Spooky Season!

As the air becomes crisper, the leaves start falling, and stores begin filling their shelves with candy, we want to remind residents that we are still combatting a deadly pandemic. As Halloween slowly approaches, I encourage residents to begin planning now so we can ensure all festivities are done safely. In coordination with the Howard County Health Department, we have put together important guidance to help keep our children and communities safe.

The Howard County Health Department is recommending the following best practices for Halloween festivities and fall seasonal celebrations:

  • Avoid large gatherings, parties, and events. 
  • Door-to-door trick or treating is not encouraged, but if done, should be done in household groups, keeping physical distance between other groups and using flashlights or glowsticks so walkers can be easily seen. 
  • Treats are encouraged to be left outside. 
  • Trick-or-treaters should wash hands (or use sanitizer) between homes and after touching surfaces and objects. 
  • Facial covering should be worn even if wearing a costume mask. 
  • Indoor activities are riskier than outdoor activities (indoor activities should be avoided). 
  • Pumpkin patch and hayrides should be conducted in small groups and non-family members should be physically distanced 
  • Indoor haunted houses, where it may be difficult to maintain physical distancing and enforce other mitigation strategies, should be restricted. 

This year is a time for creativity not just with costumes, but in how to celebrate safely. Read more here.
Eviction Support

There is an immediate need for legal assistance to support tenants in demonstrating substantial loss of income-related to COVID-19. At the recommendation of Attorney General Brian Frosh’s Access to Justice COVID-19 task force, Howard County has provided funding for Maryland Legal Aid to assist residents facing eviction and other legal challenges exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

We’ve seen more than 46,000 residents file for unemployment since March, and there are many of our neighbors who are unable to afford private attorney assistance on top of their daily needs.

Read more here.
Rental Assistance

The longer this pandemic stretches on, the more urgent rental and eviction relief becomes. With more than 23,000 renters in the county, and more than 46,000 residents who have filed for unemployment, we are doing all that we can to keep people safely housed.

I'm pleased to announce a second round of HoCo RISE rental assistance funding, providing an additional $800,000 in CARES Act funds to support residents struggling to pay rent due to the pandemic. As we continue to battle this virus, we must deliver the necessary relief and services to make sure no one falls through the cracks.

For more information, please click here.
Food Distribution Map

Since the beginning of this pandemic, more than 46,000 Howard County residents have filed for unemployment or pandemic assistance, it’s clear access to food and groceries is one of the most urgent needs our residents are facing.

We’ve seen our community organizations, non-profits, and neighbors step-up to support one another, and we saw an opportunity to make it easier for folks to find what they need. This map clearly shows the daily options for groceries, food pantries, and meal pickups, and will hopefully reduce the stress for many people trying to figure out where to find the resources they need.

Visit the map today here.
Government Updates
Department of Community Resources and Services (DCRS)
Winter Coat Giveaway

With chiller temperatures upon us and winter weather just a couple months away, if you’re in need of a winter coat, I strongly encourage you to stop by the park pavilion at Recreation & Park’s North Laurel Community Center this Saturday, October 10th for Department of Community Resources and Services’ (DCRS) MultiService Center (MSC) winter coat giveaway event. From 10:00 a.m. to noon, OR while supplies last, MSC will be giving away FREE winter coats to all ages. This will be a grab n’ go event, where face coverings and maintain six feet physical distancing will be required at all times. For questions, more information and/or to inquire about donating a coat, contact MSC at 410-313-0220 or email
This year’s event was made possible thanks to Mt. Hebron High School student Sam Cohen, who raised more than $1,000 to purchase 45 winter coats, which he donated to MSC. Sam, your generosity and determination to help others is greatly appreciated. Job well done young man.
Virtual Offering Guide

For the past several months, DCRS’ Office on Aging and Independence (OAI) has been working hard to offer our older residents the resources they need to remain active and engaged during the COVID-19 pandemic. From exercise, cooking, social engagement and lifelong learning classes, there is something to help everyone get moving, get cooking and stay social this 2020. Check out OAI’s October Virtual Offering Guide for this month’s activities or visit OAI’s website to learn more about its services. For questions, contact OAI at
Department of Fire and Rescue Services

Kitchen Fire Safety

Next time you are in the kitchen making dinner, remember, cooking fires are the number one cause of home fires and home injuries. The leading cause of those fires is unattended cooking. This Fire Prevention Week (October 4th-10th), take some time to learn about cooking safety and how you can prevent a kitchen fire. Follow our Department of Fire and Rescue Services’ (HCDFRS) Facebook page and Twitter handle all week long for cooking and fire safety tips, as well as useful information to keep you, your family and home safe when you are prepping a meal in the kitchen.
Participants Needed

HCDFRS is looking for participants to assist with its Strategic Planning effort. On Sunday, November 1st and Thursday, November 5th, HCDFRS will be hosting a VIRTUAL input session to gain a better understanding from its stakeholders (county residents, businesses and organizations) regarding expectations, concerns and priorities when it comes to the department’s programs and services. Through this process, HCDFRS hopes to better serve all who live, work and play in Howard County.
Each session (you only need to attend one) will take place from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. If you are interested in participating, click HERE to apply.
Weekly Training Exercises

A message from HCDFRS’ Education and Training Bureau: Now through December 1st, HCDFRS will be conducting weekly training exercises throughout the county. For the month of October, HCDFRS will be holding training exercises every Tuesday and Thursday, and in November, exercises will take place Monday’s, Wednesday’s and Friday’s. These training exercise will involve theatrical smoke; there will be NO actual fire occurring during this training. For more information about these training exercises, including time and location, be sure to follow HCDFRS’ Facebook page and Twitter handle.
Health Department

Additional COVID-19 Testing Site

Robust and consistent testing is one of our most important tools to understand the spread of COVID-19 and quickly isolate those who test positive. That's why Howard County is partnering with Quality First Urgent Care to operate an additional diagnostic drive-thru testing site at the Elkridge Volunteer Fire Department. Beginning next Monday, October 12th, the site will be open Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily. A doctor's order will not be required and while scheduled appointments will be available, they are not required. For information about COVID-19 testing and a complete list of testing sites in Howard County, check out the Health Department’s Coronavirus Testing – Information & Guidance website.
You can also find a list of Howard County General Hospital (HCGH) community testing sites on its website. For these sites, advance registration is strongly encouraged, but same-day registration is also accepted. For questions and/or to learn more about these community sites, contact HCGH at 410-740-7601 or email
Mental health is just as important as physical health. We also know the importance of talking about one’s mental health, especially during times like now with the COVID-19 pandemic. That’s why we, along with the Howard County Health Department, have launched our new “Let’s Talk About Mental Health” campaign. This campaign is intended to promote mental and behavioral health resources and referral services available in Howard County. The campaign also encourages honest and open conversation among youth and adults about mental health and any ongoing struggles. Stigma is often identified as a key barrier to seeking help with a mental health challenge, but finding a trusted family member, friend or mental health professional to confide in, rather than suffering in silence, can be an important step in improving one’s mental health.
If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health or other behavioral health issues, I urge you to contact the Health Department’s Behavioral Health team today at 410-313-6202 or email, we can battle the stigma surrounding mental health and support one another through this trying time.
Department of Housing and Community Development
MIHU Enrollment Period

Held quarterly, our Department of Housing and Community Development’s (DHCD) Moderate Income Housing Unit (MIHU) program provides affordable homeownership opportunities for families looking to call Howard County home. This program is an investment in people, in socioeconomic diversity and in building a county that cultivates a better quality of life for all.
If you are looking to call Howard County home, I encourage you to check out DHCD’s MIHU this month, during its enrollment period, to learn more about the program and all the great homeownership and rental opportunities that it offers. Click HERE to learn more or contact DHCD’s Housing Opportunities Programs Division at 410-313-6318 (select option two) or email
Police Department

Please join me in CONGRATULATING Howard County Police Department's 2019 Annual Award winners. From patrol to telecommunicating to community service and everything in between, these officers have put integrity, pride and community at the forefront of their efforts to ensure every individual has the opportunity to thrive. Congratulations to all and thank you for your ongoing dedication to keeping our community safe.
Department of Public Works – Construction Report

Below are details regarding new, upcoming, completed and/or delayed Capital Projects and/or maintenance projects that have been announced.
Ellicott City

  • Gwynn Park Drive Outfall Stabilization (Capital Project D-1178) – Project to restore and stabilize a heavily eroded storm drain outfall channel behind 9676, 9680 and 9690 Gwynn Park Drive and 9696 and 9700 Riverside Circle. Signs will be posted near the site to advise motorists and pedestrians of the construction and flagging operations will be in place to direct traffic as needed during construction hours, Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Weather permitting, the project is expected to be completed by late December.
  • Patapsco River Road “Green Street” Improvement (Capital Project D-1160) – Project to implement “green street” improvements (curb bumpouts with bioretention facilities) near the intersections of Patapsco River Road/Orange Grove and Patapsco River Road/Rogers Avenue to reduce roadway runoff and provide stormwater infiltration, habitat areas and traffic calming in the area. Weather permitting, the project is expected to be completed by late December.
Past Project Updates – Completed

  • Cedar Lane Crosswalk (Capital Project K-5035) – Project to provide a safe crossing for pedestrians accessing Harpers Choice Middle School with the installation of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant sidewalk ramps and a crosswalk on Cedar Lane just south of Lightfoot Path.

Ellicott City

  • Old Annapolis Road Crosswalk (Capital Project K-5035) – Project to provide a safe crossing for pedestrians accessing Burleigh Manor Middle School and Centennial High School in Ellicott City with the installation of ADA compliant sidewalk ramps, a crosswalk on Old Annapolis Road just east of Waterford Drive and Whitworth Way and the addition of a pedestrian refuge island to the middle of the existing roadway.

  • Strawberry Fields Pond Repair (Capital Project D-1159) – Project to repair a stormwater management pond in the vicinity of 5362 Briar Oak Court.


  • Hitching Post Lane Sewer (Capital Project S-6268) – Project to stabilize a public sewer near 9170 Hitching Post Lane.

Past Project Updates – Completion Date Change

  • Kings Contrivance Sewer-House Connection (Capital Project S-6232) – Project to rehabilitate a portion of the public sewer along Stonebrook Lane and Blue Sea Drive. Originally expected to be completed by mid-September, weather permitting, the project is now expected to be completed by early October.
  • Walter Scott Way Drainage Improvement (Capital Project D-1125) – Project to improve drainage near 6728 Walter Scott Way. Minor modifications will be made, including the installation of a trench drain and an outfall into the nearby stormwater management pond. Originally expected to be completed by late September, weather permitting, the project is now expected to be completed by early October.
To learn about DPW Capital Projects currently underway, visit Searchable by project category and street name, from this site you’ll find additional project details, including news releases about the project. You can also contact DPW’s Customer Service Office at 410-313-3440 or email for further assistance.
If you have questions or are interested in finding out about a State road (numbered roadway) project in your area, visit the Maryland State Highway Administration’s website and search by “County” to learn more about State road projects in Howard County.
Maryland State Highway Administration
Starting this month, Baltimore Gas and Electric (BGE) will begin work to relocate its underground gas lines along MD 103 (Montgomery Road) between US 29 and the Long Gate Shopping Center in preparation for a Maryland State Highway Administration’s (SHA) widening project in the area. BGE relocation work will take place Sunday through Friday, 8:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m., when vehicular volumes are lower to limit the impact on area traffic. During this time, access to all businesses and residences will be maintained. If any work requires a service outage to a home or business, BGE will directly coordinate with the property owner. Weather permitting, this gas line work is expected to be completed this year. Additional utility work will follow with all relocations scheduled to be finalized by early 2022.
SHA’s MD 103 widening project between US 29 and the Long Gate Shopping Center will construct an additional lane in both directions of MD 103 to relieve congestion and enhance safety. In addition, SHA will add a “Do Not Block Entrance” sign and provide an area in the middle of MD 103 to improve left turn access for residents on Scottsman Road. The project is currently in the Design phase, with construction scheduled to start in Spring 2022, pending available funding.
For more information about this project, visit SHA’s MD103 project website or contact Elizabeth Harris, District Community Liaison, at 301-624-8157 or email
Department of Public Works’ Bureau of Environmental Services
Back by popular demand, our Department of Public Works' Bureau of Environmental Services is once again hosting two document shredding events this October. The first event will take place this Saturday October 10th at our Gary J. Arthur Community Center in Cooksville and the second on Saturday, October 31st at the Long Gate Park & Ride (exit 1A off of MD 100) in Ellicott City. Each event will take place rain or shine from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., OR until the trucks are full. Residents may bring up to three bags or boxes of paper to be shredded; however, residents should ONLY bring items that contain personal information. Junk mail, catalogs and office paper should be set out for regular curbside recycling. NOTE, face coverings and physical distancing will be enforced.
Department of Recreation & Parks
Enjoy the Great Outdoors

In case you missed it, our Department of Recreation & Parks has launched a new initiative designed to challenge residents to get outside and enjoy the great outdoors this month. Recreation & Parks' Great Outdoors Initiative challenges residents to head outside for at least 15 minutes each day in October and go on a hike, take a walk, go kayaking or try something new like fishing, kite flying or geocaching. This virtual challenge is free to join and participants are automatically entered to win prizes. To register for the Great Outdoors Initiative, click HERE. You can also download a free outdoor activity log to help you keep track of your October Great Outdoor activities.
Virtual Holiday Mart

Recreation & Parks’ first-ever virtual Holiday Mart is now open! Now through January, you can shop for seasonal gifts and merchandise hand-crafted by local artisans on Recreation & Parks’ Holiday Mart vendor portal. Also shoppers, be sure to join Recreation & Park’s on December 5th for a live virtual event, where you’ll be able to video chat with Holiday Mart crafts as you shop and place your order(s).
Fall Youth Programs

Looking for a fun, new activity for your child this fall? Be sure to check out the fall youth programs Recreation’s & Parks’ is offering in-person this autumn season. From trying out a new instrument with Learn Now Music, to expressing oneself through KidzArt and having fun with science with Idea Lab Kids, Recreation & Parks has something for every young mind this fall. Note, like all Recreation & Parks activities, these programs strictly follow our County’s COVID-19 safety guidelines for physical distancing and mask use.
Robinson Nature Center Programs

Let your young child safely explore nature this fall with Robinson Nature Center’s online and in-person preschool activities. Bring the fun of the Nature Center home with you through Recreation & Parks’ Lil’ Acorns – WonderFALL and Take Nature Home: Farming Fun program kits. Each kit includes curated, pre-planned activities and educational videos for you and your little one(s) to enjoy from the comfort of your home. Check out to register and/or to learn more about other available preschool programs at/taking place virtually through the Nature Center this fall.
Fall Food Drive

Fall Food Drive: On Saturday, October 17th, Recreation & Parks will be hosting a Fall Food Drive at its headquarters in Columbia. If in the area or even if not, I encourage you to stop by 7120 Oakland Mills Road anytime between 8:30 and 11:30 a.m. to drop off non-perishable food items to be donated to the Community Action Council's Food Assistance Program at the Howard County Food Bank. Right now, the Food Bank is in need of: canned and dried fruit; hot and cold cereal; soup; pasta and pasta sauce; tuna; 100% fruit juice; baby food, diapers and wipes; peanut butter; canned beans (pinto, kidney and black); and low-sodium canned vegetables. For questions and/or more information, email
Tree Removal

REMINDER: Recreation & Parks is currently removing 150 dead ash trees along the Dorsey Hall pathway system (beginning at Columbia Road and ending at Larkspring Row) in Ellicott City. The trees were destroyed by invasive emerald ash borer beetles and pose a potential danger to pedestrians and cyclists. The resulting wood and debris from the project will remain on site to allow for nutrient recycling and local wildlife habitat. Weather permitting, the work is expected to be completed by late October.
If you have any questions and/or concerns about this project, please contact Sean Poholsky at 410-313-0701 or email
Truck or Treat

Tickets are still availale for Recreation & Parks annual "Truck or Treat" event. Set to take place Saturday, October 24th, this year's event has been modified to incorporate physical distancing and to meet all CDC, State and local guidelines admidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Children will receive a pre-filled treat bag and have the opportunity to participate in an "I Spy" scavenger hunt and their picture taken in front of trucks, tractors, emergency vehicles and more. Tickets are $5 per child and adults are free; however, adults must obtain a free ticket to attend. Each member of your party must register in advance for a one-hour time slot to attend and spots are limited, so visit today to purchase your ticket.
Office of Transportation

As part of its planning study and preliminary design for a shared-use (pedestrian and bicycle) pathway along Robert Fulton Drive, our Office of Transportation will be hosting a virtual public meeting on Thursday, October 22nd. The goals of this project are to improve bicycle and pedestrian access to Columbia Gateway from surrounding communities and from Columbia Gateway to nearby "lunch hour" restaurants and retail destinations. The project also seeks to connect to nearby projects on Oakland Mills Road, McGaw Road and Snowden River Parkway, as well as the Columbia pathway network. Set to take place from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m., the meeting will provide participants with an opportunity to learn more about the project’s proposed design and provide feedback. For more information and to register for this public meeting, click HERE
RTA Free App

In case you missed it, RTA (Regional Transportation Agency) riders, to help minimize your wait time, especially on those rainy, hot and winter cold days, I am pleased to share that RTA has launched a new mobile app, “Transit.” This FREE app will allow RTA riders to track their bus in real time, see nearby options and departure times, plan trips and easily navigate our region. Riders can download the app by visiting or