Our Family Life Class, aimed at adults of a younger age and their families, we is studying new course, Alpha for Families. This is the well-known Alpha Course designed to encourage family conversations with your spouse or children about some of the ‘big’ questions of faith.

Every Sunday, we will watch a 15-20 minute video about a big question (e.g. “How do I have faith?” or “Does God heal today?”). You can watch alone or with your spouse, kids or friends! There’ll be a few ‘pauses’ in the message for you to think about what you believe and discuss it with whomever you’re watching.

For younger children, you will find a conversation starter guide in the email and on the website. So, after you watch the teaching, you can start having deeper faith conversations with your younger kids who might not sit through the video.

The Rev. Dr. Suse E. McBay
Associate for Adult Christian Education and Prayer Ministries

The Rev. Alex D. Graham III
Associate for Children and Family Ministries
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To respond to this Bible study, please email
the Rev. Alex Graham III at agraham@stmartinsepiscopal.org.
A Guide for Discussion with Younger Children


We encourage you to use this guide to have a conversation with your children. Maybe over dinner, before bed or on a drive somewhere, there are always opportunities to start talking with our kids about some of these basic beliefs of Christians, and to help them think it through for themselves. You, as their parents, have an important role to play in giving them permission to ask these questions, and you do not have to have all of the answers!

How Does God Guide Us?

If you’ve ever been on an adventure hike or participated in an exciting activity, you probably had a leader or a guide. What did that guide do for you? How was he or she helpful? How would you have felt if there’d been no leader or guide? It might have been quite scary! Let’s look at these questions to learn more about how God can be your guide in the adventure of life.

Questions for discussion with your children
  • Do we need God to be our guide in life? Is it a good idea to make decisions without asking him to be our guide?
  • What if we think we understood what God wanted us to do but aren’t sure?  
  • How can we know God guided us? What does that look like or feel like?