Spiritually Open, Intentionally Inclusive since 1958
510 N Leroux
Flagstaff, AZ 86001
E-News for July 15 - July 22, 2021
- Sundays at Beacon -

Masks required.
10AM Sunday in the Sanctuary
Worship for July 18, 2021 - "A Curious Bunch! The Answer Is To Question" One of the most popular UU bumper stickers states “The answer is to question.” We are an inherently curious bunch. For decades, inquisitive researchers have been trying to figure out the science of our human "urge to know," and to decipher the way in which questioning happens. They’ve discovered that what is unique about human beings is that at the heart of our DNA lies the necessity of freedom, the potential to become something not yet defined. This morning, we’ll explore the rewards and challenges in how we UUs embrace free inquiry over catechism. Rev. Robin will also answer some of your “burning questions” from the pulpit (materials will be provided, think of a burning question in advance, as possible). Rev. Robin Landerman Zucker, preaching with Worship Associate Pia Driessen-Knittle. Recorded music selections and videos.
 Beacon UU – YouTube sensation! 15 months, 63 recorded and edited worship services that you can tune into anytime you’d like for a first viewing or a re-viewing. Share our channel with friends you’d like to introduce to Beacon. See our virtual service history on the "Beacon UUC" Youtube Channel.

Come to the Post-Service Gatherings at 11!
Come to the Post-Service Gatherings at 11 am to connect, share joys and sorrows, and reflect on the service. These will be held in person, in the backyard of the church so that we may remove our masks. There is a virtual gathering for those staying home at the Zoom link below.

~ Please join us after the service ~
Stick around after the service or join our post gathering discussion
by clicking the link below
Passcode: 968647
Or call +1 669 900 6833 and enter Meeting ID: 733 037 203
Religious Exploration

The 2020-2021 year Religious Exploration classes were a great success. We are so grateful for the dedication and creativity of our Beacon teachers, Dru Monroe and Stephanie Van Belle and their counterparts at Granite Peak UU in Prescott. Click "Check it out!" to learn more about what we just completed.
Kids at Beacon- All are welcome!
Our Summer/Early Fall plan 
for Family Ministry:  

Children and youth are always welcome in worship! We are not providing childcare or religious education currently at this time on Sunday mornings, but we would love to see young people at the worship service. We do ask that children over 3 years old wear a face mask while in the church building. There will also be activity packets available for children during the service.
August 8th will be an intergenerational service on Kindness with some fun activities and an ice cream social afterwards with individually wrapped treats. 

We’re working on a limited RE program focused on kindness for August 15 - August 29. We’ll need two volunteers to work with Linda Ochi each of those weeks. Lindaochi31@gmail.com

Sunday, September 5 is an all church bring-your-own picnic at Bushmaster Park. 

Sunday, September 12 will be an intergenerational homecoming with a water communion. Childcare for the youngest (under 5) 

Religious Exploration will begin its Fall season on Sunday September 19 at 10 AM with a combined in person/Zoom format …stay tuned for details. 

We will need volunteers to help in the classroom! Please volunteer your time on one Sunday for our youngest congregants and evolving UUs. Lindaochi31@gmail.com

Religious Exploration for Adults
New Programs Coming Soon

“Daring Greatly” was a success and a meaningful experience for participants. Thanks to all who attended. Rev. Robin is working on choosing a new resource for a similar type of reading and reflection format to begin in the Fall. Details and dates to come. 

Share Your Joys and Sorrows- Chime In!

One way we can sustain connection during this time apart is by sharing our personal joys and sorrows. These can be small things or large things that effect your life. Please send these to Rev. Robin by Saturday night each week at minister@beaconuu.com The Joys and Sorrows you send will be included in our first in-sanctuary service on June 27th.
Joys and Concerns
July 18th

Kim Angelo is moving forward with regards to medical issues. She thanks the congregation for their support on her journey.
We Have A Tree!
The tree donated to our backyard by Dora Harrison has been planted in our backyard. Thank you for supporting our backyard and adding to its beauty.
Please note: We recommend that you donate to Vanco directly from a bank account to save us the fees associated with credit card donations. More for us to sustain our congregation.

Porch Visits with Rev. Robin
(Weather Permitting)
Who is that minister in her "Soul" mobile? It's Rev. Robin! - ready to
come by for a visit on your porch, patio, or deck. She can be masked or unmasked, based on your vaccination status and personal comfort. Trailhead meet-ups and easy hikes, we could even meet at a park, or walk in your neighborhood. You decide! Just give a shout-minister@beaconuu.com 
or 978-505-7245
Thursdays - 7:00 pm with Katherine Kruse
Meeting ID: 997 2737 0395 | Passcode: 001050
~ Monthly Touchstone Theme: ~ Journey

Touchstone Chalice
July Theme - Journey
Chalice Circle Meeting
 Tuesday, July 27th at 7 Pm
Meeting ID: 756 535 1859
Password: beacon510

Touchstones Chalice Circles are designed to meet our needs for belonging (intimacy) and meaning (ultimacy) by building friendships and providing opportunities to ponder life's questions, small and large, with others who share the common values of our UU Principles. All are welcome.

Discussion examines subjects as provided in the monthly journal of Unitarian Universalism, Touchstones. To meet the needs of the congregation, we have made attendance open.
~ Beacon Connections ~
Volunteer At Flagstaff Food Center With Beacon!
The Flagstaff Food Center is doing small group volunteers for their dinner service! Beacon is looking for a group of 5 volunteers to help out!

Volunteers are needed the 4th & 5th Wednesdays of every month, from 3pm-5pm. The first dates for dinner service are June 23rd and June 30th at the FFFC Kitchen (1903 N 2nd Street)

The dinner service is different during the pandemic. There is no indoor dining as we hand all the dinners out in to-go containers through a walk-up window. We need help from volunteers to portion meals into to-go containers, hand food out through our walk-up window, and wash serving pans.

Volunteer Safety: Volunteers are required to wear a mask, closed-toe shoes, and long pants, and to regularly wash or sanitize their hands and practice six feet of social distancing whenever possible. Gloves for food preparation and distribution will be provided to you at the kitchen. We have plexiglass installed at our walk-up window as a safeguard against COVID-19. We provide hand sanitizer and handwashing facilities and encourage regular use. We have enhanced cleaning protocols at our facilities and sanitize surfaces daily.

Sue Strobel will be organizing teams monthly, she can be contacted at 928 522-3284 (cell) or 928-526-5156 (home) if interested in volunteering!

More summer volunteer opportunities can be found here.

Navajo Nation
continues to need our support

In the midst of snow and really cold temperatures, a heaping pickup truckload of food, cleaning, and health supplies arrived in Holbrook for our Navajo Nation neighbors at the beginning of February, thanks to the generosity and efforts of our UUCP congregation. Gratitude abounds in a situation of continuing COVID infections, lingering long-term effects, difficult infrastructure, long distances, scarcity of supplies, long lines. Many thanks to all those who were able to contribute cash, supplies, shopping to this effort. We look forward to hearing about a new effort they have begun in response to a need to improve nutrition: baking their own bread, for which we sent up ingredients. Don't we wish we could help test the results!
Many thanks for your assistance – spreading care and concern is a small way we can help provide an antidote to a spreading virus.
UUJAZ Upcoming Events
Keep Phoenix Together DACA Clinic A court ruling recently reinstated the DACA immigration policy, and the UUJAZ is partnering with Keep Phoenix Together to assist Dreamers with their applications. Anyone who can spare a few hours down in Phoenix on a Saturday is welcome to sign up to volunteer and help out with what can be a life-saving application for many! No special language or legal skills necessary. Held on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month, 12-4pm at First Church UCC Phoenix. Update: Between January and May, 19 clients have completed DACA applications!
Book GroUUp is back! The third Friday of every month, come to a virtual meeting to discuss a new piece of justice-centered literature from the viewpoint Unitarian Universalist thinking. The book for the July 16th, 2021 meeting will be Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler. Register here to join in!
Other Events in Arizona
LOVE & JUSTICE: Abolition and Alternatives to Policing UUs proclaim that no one is outside the circle of love, therefore, our goals are also abolitionist goals. Join UUJAZ team member Thoi every first Wednesday of the month in actively resisting the systems of policing and incarceration while building relationships and community with other passionate UUs in Arizona. Email Thoi to register for the next meeting.
UU Events Nationwide
Dream Group Are you interested in learning more about what your dreams can reveal about you and your life? The UUCM Dream Group meets on the second Monday of the month from 4:30 to 6:00 PM via Zoom. Bring a brief written description of a recent or past dream to share. Feel free to bring in a snack as well (which is optional). Instructions for new members will be provided. Please email admin@uumontclair.org for Zoom link.
A Special Message from Rev. Robin about BIPOC Allyship
Dear Beloved Community,

America is on fire with rage, weary from a pandemic, and aching with despair. Along with the rest of our country, we've read and heard so many devastating accounts over the past week, the most heart-rending from people of color coping with another case of murderous systemic racism in our country. I do not need to (nor, am I entitled to) add anything to their experiences or parse what they have to say about racism. They live it. 

...To read the full message on our website, please click here

Lifespan Religious Exploration Resources for Learning About and Responding to Racism

This painful moment in time calls us to focus our learning and reflection on allyship to people of color, understanding white privilege, and reflecting on how we can part of a systemic sea change and solution in our society. 

Beacon has provided resources for all ages addressing how we as individuals and as communities can learn about and respond to racism. For the full list of resources, activities and community meetings, visit Beacon's Religious Exploration pages.
Healing Racism and Murdoch Center Programs and Events
Healing Racism Arizona and the Murdoch Community Center in Flagstaff have several events in the next few weeks that might be of interest to the Beacon community. Healing Racism Arizona is accessible through Facebook. The live events for the Murdoch Community Center are also through Facebook
And can be watched afterwards on their YouTube channel Tune in here.
~ Wider Community ~
This Week at Beacon ~
Sunday, July 18, 2021
"A Curious Bunch!
The Answer Is To Question"

In-Person At Beacon!
Post-Service Gathering
Sunday, July 18, 2021
11:00 am
Passcode: 968647
In person at Beacon
You can keep up with future Beacon events by checking out the Beacon calendar!
Everyday Ways to Support Beacon UU 
1. When you go to Fry's grocery store, use the Beacon phone number (928 779 4492) as the Alternate ID when it asks for it at the beginning of checkout, and you will get shopping discounts for Fry's members, as well as donating a percentage of your expenditure to Beacon. You can also sign up for an individual account if you prefer that, or want to take advantage of the gasoline discounts. You have to pick Beacon as your beneficiary when you set up your own account.
2. If you shop on Amazon, please use "Amazon Smile" and choose Beacon Unitarian Universalist Congregation (do not abbreviate UU) as your recipient. We will receive a 0.5% for every purchase and that can add up! Remember that you have to start each shopping session at smile.amazon.com for us to receive the donation. 

3. Another online fundraiser is igive.comOnce again, create your own account with a user name and password, then select settings, my cause, and type in Beacon Unitarian Universalist Congregation (do not abbreviate UU). Then you can order from any of the hundreds of organizations listed under igive. There are also coupons listed online you can use when ordering from some organizations.

4. Basha's has a special debit card that you can charge up before shopping, and a portion of what goes through the debit card gets donated to Beacon because that card is tied to Beacon. Ask Anne Wittke for further information.

Have other ideas for our income incubator? leave them on a card in the bin in the lobby, or send them to Rev. Robin. 
Beacon Office Hours & Contacts ~
Office Phone (928) 779-4492
Rev. Robin Zucker

Mon: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Wed: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Thurs: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Or by appointment:
978-505-7245 - talk and text (confidential line) 
Get to know Rev. Robin at www.uurobinzucker.com
Director of RE 

Our engaging programs for all ages continue while we search for a new Religious Exploration Director.

Rev. Robin can answer your RE questions.
Office Manager,
Alexei Besser-Gilbert
Mon: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Wed: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Thurs: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Unitarian Universalist Seven Principles ~

Unitarian Universalist congregations affirm and promote seven Principles, which we hold as strong values and moral guides. We live out these Principles within a "living tradition" of wisdom and spirituality, drawn from sources as diverse as science, poetry, scripture, and personal experience. Learn more at beaconuu.com!
You no longer need to forward your spam emails to spam@uce.gov, because the Federal Trade Commission is now collecting spam through a honeypot, which is an online trap. This change makes it more efficient for the FTC to collect spam that is deceptive or violates the CAN-SPAM Act. This change saves tax dollars, your time, and helps the FTC collect deceptive and illegal spam. If you lost money to a scam that started with an email, please report it at ftc.gov/complaint. There, you can also report spam you receive. Read more about how to limit spam, phone calls, and mail. 

~ Beacon Google Group ~
If you are not on Beacon's dedicated Google group, you are missing out on an important communications link within our congregation. It is useful for spreading information about something going on in Flagstaff, informing others of social action activities, offering an item for sale or to give away, sharing enthusiasm about a book or movie, requesting information or recommendations -- and more! It's simple to sign up!
Contribute to Beacon's Weekly News

Newsletter submissions must be submitted by Wednesday at 4:00 pm 
to office@beaconuu.com in order to be included in the newsletter.