AY 2020-21, Issue XIX | February 19, 2021
Stacy Abrams will be speaking to celebrate Founders Week on Feb. 22
Courtesy of American University Student Government
This is the latest edition of our newsletter covering our work from Feb. 12 to Feb 18. To read any of these stories and more, check out our main website or our coronavirus website, which covers news related to the pandemic. 

In The Eagle's latest DEI Update, we share our plans to print a Spanish magazine in March, thanks to a grant from American University's School of Communication. 

In a previous version of this newsletter, we misspelled Opinion Managing Editor Riya Kohli's last name. The Eagle apologizes and regrets the error.

By: Isabel Wolff (
The Eagle Explains: The Opinion section is the place to amplify your voice
By: Riya Kohli, Opinion Managing Editor (

Being the managing editor of the Opinion section provides me with a unique opportunity to work with people outside of The Eagle’s hired staff. As a campus newspaper, our opinion section offers a platform for people in the AU community to give voice to their concerns. As a person who receives submissions from a variety of AU community members, one of the most important parts of my role is editing articles in a way that refines the writing but stays true to what the author hopes to convey. Last spring, that meant helping students express frustration when we were unexpectedly sent home and encouraging staff columnists to find their voice. In staff editorials published throughout the semester, I listen to over 40 people at editorial board meetings voice their thoughts and turn that into an article that presents the position of The Eagle. These aspects of my job represent a significant responsibility that I take very seriously. 

The power of an op-ed exists not only in its permanence, but also in its purposefulness. The op-ed can focus attention on something that goes unnoticed by others in our community, something only you with your perspective can identify. It can also be a call to action, a cause or demand that people can rally behind. When I was starting out as a freshman staff columnist, I didn’t understand that power. I pitched an article that would detail my experience as a minority at AU just because that was on my mind at the time. After the article was published, I had people from similar backgrounds reach out and tell me that they felt understood in a way they never had before at AU. While it was part of my job to write an article, it was a privilege to bring comfort to other students simply with the knowledge that their experience was shared. 

The Eagle’s Opinion Section doesn’t really just belong to us; it belongs to the entire AU community. I highly encourage anyone who feels strongly about an issue as it relates to our community to take advantage of this and submit your thoughts. 

COVID-19 Update:

  • On Feb. 15, 16 COVID-19 cases were reported by the University for the week of Feb. 8. There have been a total of 52 cases reported for the spring semester. Eleven of the previous week’s cases were reported from students living off-campus, and four of the cases were from faculty and staff. One case was reported among students living on campus. The total number of positive cases reported so far this semester has surpassed last semester's total of 41 confirmed cases. There have been more than 4,300 tests completed so far this semester, and over 1,700 tests were done last week. 

COVID-19 Case Numbers Graph
Eliza Schloss
  • Activist and politician Stacey Abrams will speak during Founders Week. Abrams will be the keynote speaker at an event with AUSG Kennedy Political Union and AUSG Women's Initiative on Feb. 22.

  • Out of the 1,250 slots that AU allotted for its Mid-Semester Residential Experience in March, fewer than half have been filled. Many students choosing not to participate have cited financial reasons as part of their decision.

  • With the dorms closed and classes still mostly online, first-year students who have moved to D.C. are navigating living off campus, all while being away from home for the first time.

  • CNN correspondent Abby Phillip spoke at a recent event for KPU’s Black History Month programming. She addressed journalism, politics, and media diversity.

  • Several AU alums are working in the administration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, including the press secretary to First Lady Jill Biden and White House deputy director of legislative affairs.

  • The Community-Service Learning Program, which allows students to add an extra credit to their course load by completing 40 hours of community service work, has remained strong despite most service opportunities being forced to move to a virtual setting. 


  • Silver Screen: Released on Feb. 12, "Barb and Star go to Vista Del Mar" is an absurd comedy guaranteed to put viewers in a good mood.

  • Silver Screen writer Stephanie Mirah writes that the film "The Map of Tiny Perfect Things" is a movie that reminds us to never stop looking for the good in things.

  • Scenes that Stick: "The Meyerowitz Stories" explores how siblings show up when they are needed, despite the ups and downs that life brings.

  • AU music programs have found new ways to blend technology and the arts while holding classes, rehearsals and performances virtually.


  • Jacqui Frazier-Lyde is one of AU’s most accomplished athletes in history and played basketball for the University from 1979 to 1983. In addition to her legacy on the court, she had a boxing career and has been in the judiciary since 2007.


  • Our latest Staff Editorial: "The University has failed to outline the real benefits of endangering athletes, staff and anyone who comes in contact with them by allowing athletics to continue this semester."

  • Opinion: "Theater is a reflection of the world and all who inhabit it. This isn’t a world solely inhabited by skinny people, so why are they constantly cast as the lead roles?"

  • Satire: "'Any social phenomenon has many determinants,' Pryor said. 'However, we know that University leadership’s divine wisdom to mandate AlcoholEdu training is the clearest reason alcohol consumption decreased.'"

  • Satire: "'I’m thankful that I was able to buy a $3 macaron to help Catholic University of America students in need afford books for the semester...'”