Our first cohort graduated May 2021, began teaching Fall 2021, and has now completed their first semester of teaching. We are exticed to highlight how our graduates are faring in their communities. This month we showcase Christopher Shoup.
"Shoup" is at Heart Butte School teaching high school US Civics, Geography, and World History. As a teacher on the Blackfeet Reservation, he tries to incorporate as much of the Blackfeet language as he can into his classroom discussions and assignments. An example is his Geography class where he asks students to use Blackfeet words for the cardinal directions. One of Shoup's favorite memories thus far is overhearing his students discussing a concept from his class outside of the classroom.
Though the first year of teaching can be challenging, Shoup says, “as hard as the hardest days are, they’re always so worth it when I see a kid make a breakthrough on something on which they’re working.”
Our MRTP participants are happy to be in the classroom and contributing to the community. Those contributions include benefits from a great new teacher who is supported with two years of MRTP-provided mentoring as well as support for school leaders through SAM and trustees through MTSBA.