A Message of Thanks From CEO, Torrie Taj:
• Donor spotlight •
Lennar Homes
Strong volunteer partners like Lennar help create the extra special experiences for children in emergency care. Since 2014, volunteers from Lennar have dedicated hundreds of hours to make the children in our Emergency Children's Shelter feel loved. The company has supported these efforts by contributing financially. During the 2020 pandemic they continued their efforts with increased safety protocol by sponsoring a trunk or treat for the children, providing them with a safe and fun outdoor celebration.

Thank you, Lennar Homes, for your passion to help create a stronger community and safety for vulnerable children.  
Virtual Services now available

Thinking about fostering or adopting? Join us virtually to learn more at our agency Meet and Greet and FAQs.

Join in on Child Crisis Arizona's Family Education courses from the comfort of your own home. Classes currently available over Zoom and on-demand. Find all the classes on our website.
If you're 70.5 or older, you can join fellow Child Crisis Arizona supporters who make tax-free gifts from their IRAs each year. Learn how you can save money while ensuring every child has a safe environment to heal.
How You Can Help
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Explore Making a Planned Gift
Virtual Volunteer Opportunities