eBay Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter
TUESDAY MORNING EDITION - September 22, 2020
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News came out recently that another couple of TORs have cancelled for the near future.  The New Hampshire show at Camp Carpenter and the Dallas TOR were the ones I read have been called off due to Covid. But hopefully there is light at the end of the tunnel.  I spoke to another TOR sponsor who is looking to reschedule his show for later in 2021 and I might get an answer Friday on my Charlotte TOR being rescheduled to 2021. 
Vintage Scouting Memorabilia On eBay
Last night at our Webelos den meeting I was trying to show the boys what Scout Spirit looked like.  So we sang the classic camp song "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean".  Only after each verse I asked Scouts how we could add a motion.  Pretty soon on the word "ocean" we were spinning around and on the word "back" we were clapping.  But the end of several runs getting faster and faster we all were laughing and out of breath.  And that my friends is what Scouting Spirit looks like to me! 

Order of the Arrow Top Selling Auctions
This week my daughter's Scouts BSA troop will return to in person meetings for the first time since March.  We will of course be outside only but this will be our first chance to all get together and spark that Scouting Spirit in these girls.  We were knocking on 40 Scouts prepandemic and I am hoping we can get more of those back but like a lot of troops we might be looking at a lot of missing Scouts after 6+ months of no programming.
Scouting Auctions Ending Soon on eBay
I shipped over 30 large D-ring binders yesterday via UPS.  These were all from a giant haul I got from an engineering firm that was parting with these on FB Marketplace.   It's kinda a pain to ship but these 3" and 5" D-ring binders are perfect for storing your collection.
Patchblanket eBay Store Santeeswapper
This week on eBay I have 266 auctions ending mostly on OA Conclaves.  On Sunday I have a group of 118 OA flaps from a nice collection closing.  This week I'm also running a sale on some stuff in my 30k item Patchblanket eBay Store.
I wanted to share information today on Scouting reopening to spread a little cheer.  Things have been rough (and still are!) but I am a glass 1/2 full kinda guy so I am always looking for the positive.
Keep Calm And Scout On,
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Jason Spangler
Hot Finds Newsletter

In Charlotte, North Carolina I have an antique mall booth that is filled with nothing but Scouting stuff.  I call this location my clearance center because I've marked down everything to move.  A lot of what you will find there are items that are too bulky to easily ship from an Internet store.  The booth is located in The Sleepy Poet which is a well established antique mall on South Blvd in Charlotte.  The mall is open 7-days/week year round.  So the next time you are in the area come check it out.