March 23, 2020, 3:00-4:00 pm Pacific
Sixty-six of us gathered via Zoom to greet old and new friends across the country and to share questions and ideas. There was a wonderful feeling of solidarity and connection during this time of anxiety, stress, and distancing. Together, we can creatively support our children and families through this – and challenge and deepen our pedagogical assumptions.
Several key areas were introduced or discussed. This summary is not exhaustive but should help carry us forward. The Alliance has scheduled ongoing sessions, starting Monday March 30. See below for the schedule; we hope you will join us.
We have also established a page on our new website for
Please send suggestions and resources to
Chamomile Nusz
Amala Easton
. This is a public page; please be aware of that when submitting suggestions for content (and please do send suggestions!)
A few major take-aways from Monday:
We are all committed to the social/emotional health of our students.
States have different requirements and levels of support.
We are working this out as we go – and the energy and commitment is spectacular!
We are very mindful of issues of access and equity.
We are not trying to recreate the classroom at home or expect parents to suddenly become teachers. Most of our parents are juggling a lot right now.
Our community and connections are a powerful resource that we will help to harness.
Distance Learning Approaches
Many schools are using Google Classroom and Zoom.
Other Google apps, e.g. Hangout, Meet, JamBoard work well within Google classrooms.
Parent Square website was mentioned.
Facetime can be helpful with younger children – to say hello, tell a short story, etc.
Teachers are establishing website for their classes.
Consider a website for parents (also look at Google classroom for sharing parent information).
Many teachers have sent home supplies for work and projects. Consider staggered pick-ups if you are still planning to do this. If your state is not yet closed down, do this now.
Regulatory Requirements
Some states are only allowing enrichment, not delivery of new material. Teachers are responding with review and activities.
Requirements for attendance vary by state.
California will count ADA based on February 28
Note that many regulations on minimum number of instructional days and end of school year are being relaxed. This is likely to continue.
Stay alert for directives from your district and state
Equity and Access concerns
Some families do not have hardware or internet capacity. Check with your district for computer access. Internet providers are making free hotspots available. Look at
Comcast and Xfinity
as an example.
It is not reasonable to expect many parents to be available to teach their children; this needs to be factored in when planning distance learning.
Questions about special education – this needs more attention.
Special Subjects
How to integrate our “specials.”
Ideas for song, poems, stories, activities to be shared with students.
Projects – 3
grade was specifically mentioned, but all grades.
Needs its own webinar – and we have folks eager to lead and this and share their ideas!
Movement needed. Offer of a eurythmy recording – can we get a link to this please?
Early Childhood
Discussion of the special needs of the young child.
How to balance remote access and protection of the child.
Short podcasts for stories or songs.
Facetime to see the child and check in?
For this age group, support of the parents is essential and primary – they are asking for ideas, activities, guidance.
Be well!