Virtual Wellness Series
Acacia Network, in partnership with our affiliate, the Institute for the Puerto Rican/Hispanic Elderly (IPRHE), invites you to participate in our Virtual Wellness Series for Seniors and Essential Workers, which features diverse workshops and events in areas such as physical fitness, relaxation, mindfulness, music and dance, census outreach, and voting information, among others.

These workshops aim to nurture the social-emotional well-being of seniors in our programs, as well as our frontline workers. Everyone is invited to join, FREE of cost!

We hope you'll join us during one or more of the events listed below:

For more info, please contact Angel Santini at or 917-634-6963.
Join Us to Learn More about Acacia Programs!
Please join us during our upcoming Virtual Information Sessions, during which you will hear from our leaders across different Divisions and Departments as they present an overview of their programs and initiatives. We hope you will join us on the following dates:

No need to RSVP! Simply join us by CLICKING THIS LINK on the date/time of the presentation.

Did you miss our earlier presentations? We've got you covered! Click on the links below to download and view the presentations:

We hope you enjoy these information sessions, and encourage you to reach out to our Director of Communications, Gabriela Gonzalez, at, should you be interested in additional information.
Get Your Flu Shot & Other Immunizations!
Are you and your loved ones up to date on your immunizations? Acacia Network offers the annual flu shot and other important vaccinations at our Federally-Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) in the Bronx and Queens. We see patients of all ages, and offer:

  • Integrated Services
  • Annual Health Exams & Wellness Checks
  • Comprehensive Immunization for Children, Teens, Adults, and Seniors
  • COVID-19 Testing
  • Dental Care
  • Chronic Disease Management
  • Mental Health Services

For more info or to make an appointment, contact the Acacia Network Primary Care Call Center at 718-734-2539.
COVID-19 Nasal Swab & Antibody Testing
In an effort to ensure widespread testing in our community, Acacia Network continues to offer COVID-19 testing to our clients, staff, and community members at our Ramon Velez Health Center, located at 754 E 151st St, The Bronx, NY 10455.

We are conducting COVID-19 nasal swab tests for those who suspect they might currently be infected with COVID-19, as well as COVID-19 antibody blood tests for those who suspect they might have had COVID-19 in the past.

COVID-19 testing is taking place Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 1:00-4:00pm, by appointment only. Same-day appointments are available!

We accept most insurance plans, as well as Medicaid and Medicare. We also offer sliding scale and/or free testing for uninsured patients.

For more info or to make an appointment, please call: (347)352-2484 or (718)734-2539.
Voter Registration Info Session
On Thursday, October 22 at 11:00AM, Acacia Network in collaboration with NALEO Educational Fund will be hosting a Virtual Voter Information Session via ZOOM, featuring Beny Poy, Northeast Program Coordinator.

During the 1-hour information session, participants will have the opportunity to learn more about the upcoming 2020 election, how to request an absentee ballot, why it is important to vote, and how to vote early!

Join us for this informative event, and please share with your friends and families so we can spread awareness about the importance of exercising your right to vote!
Loisaida TV Virtual Programming
Tune into free weekly arts & culture programming provided by Loisaida Center, an affiliate of Acacia Network! Loisaida currently provides weekly programming Wednesdays at 7:00PM through their Loisaida TV YouTube Channel, among other special programs.

Plus, keep an eye out for the launch of the LOISAIDATV 24/7 live stream, featuring programming in Spanish language, thanks to our partnership with the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture (Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña or ICP), the primary government agency in Puerto Rico in charge of establishing cultural public policies that further the study, preservation, promotion, and enrichment of arts & culture in Puerto Rico, as well as the Puerto Rico Musical Arts Corporation (Corporación de Artes Musicales, CAM), a Puerto Rican government entity that seeks to promote music and theater arts, encompassing the Puerto Rico Symphony Orchestra Corporation.
Virtual Afterschool Program for Kids Ages 5-10
We are proud to announce our Fall Afterschool Camp in collaboration with the Puerto Rican theater company Y No Había Luz. "Zephyranth Fall" is a weeklong afterschool program for Spanish-speaking families that features art and play-based interactive workshops.

The workshops will be held from Monday, October 26 to Friday, October 30, 2020 from 4:30 to 6:00PM via Zoom. Registration is open to primarily Spanish-speaking families with children ages 5-10 years old. We are offering scholarships for a limited-time only.

For more information, please contact or 646-726-4715.
Harvest Home Farmers' Markets
Acacia Network has partnered with Harvest Home to provide our communities with access to farm-fresh local produce and educational opportunities to achieve healthier lifestyles.

With markets in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Queens, Harvest Home is a New York City-based, 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing access to local, farm-fresh produce in low-income neighborhoods. Founded in 1993, their markets create community gathering places that educate the public about health and nutrition, while supporting regional agriculture and providing job opportunities.

Please note: To ensure the safety of all clients and staff and to maintain clean market environments, all Farmers’ Markets are in strict compliance with health & hygiene guidelines currently in effect.

We encourage you to visit the Farmers' Markets and share with your families and friends!
About Acacia Network
For over 50 years, Acacia Network and its affiliates have been committed to improving the quality-of-life and wellbeing of underserved Latino communities by providing access to integrated health and housing programs, and by reinvesting in communities through innovative programming, employment opportunities and affordable housing ownership, among other initiatives. Acacia Network’s offices are located in New York City, Buffalo, Albany, and Syracuse in New York State, as well as Florida, Maryland, Tennessee, Arkansas, Georgia, Connecticut, and Puerto Rico. Acacia Network’s extensive array of community-based services are fully integrated, bilingual and culturally competent. For more information, visit: