Week of March 4, 2022, With St. Martin's
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The Leaflet for this week's service can be found by going to
Upcoming Dates
March 13th - 9 - 2 p.m. American Red Cross Blood Drive in the Undercroft.
If you are able to volunteer to be in the undercroft for any time between 9:30 and 2, please email me asap. You really don't need to do anything; just direct people to where they need to go.
Theological Musings
LENTEN PRACTICES: Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving

In the earliest days of Christianity, converts to the faith underwent a rigorous process of study and initiation which lasted several years. Such rigor was necessary because of the threat of persecution by the Roman Empire; so the Church needed to ensure that a person seeking baptism knew that their conversion could lead to martyrdom. Baptismal preparation concluded with a final 40 day period of "purification and enlightenment" culminating with their baptisms at Easter. In time, the baptized fasted during this 40 day period in solidarity with the catechumens. Today, we see the 40 days of Lent as a special time of conversion, repentance, and growing closer to God. We reflect on the things in our lives which have led us away from God, and we turn our hearts towards God again. 

The Church has traditionally recommended prayer, fasting, and almsgiving as practices that help us refocus our attention on God and the way of love. Any form of prayer which helps you quiet your heart and mind will help you discern the presence of God in your life. If possible, especially during the season of Lent, try to commit to a daily practice of prayer. 

Fasting includes the special days of fasting and abstinence, Ash Wednesday, and Fridays, but the practice of "giving up something" is essentially fasting. Giving up a small pleasure or a bad habit, and offering that to God can lead us back to God's way of love by re-centering our lives in God and refocusing our desires on the things that God desires. It can also help us strengthen our trust in God, and, depending on what we give up, enable us to develop more empathy for the hungry and the poor as we fast in solidarity with them.

Almsgiving is a way of sharing our time and treasure with the poor, and shouldn't be seen as a replacement for fasting and prayer. Prayer and fasting motivate our service, and our service informs our prayer and fasting. You can engage in this Lenten practice by volunteering or by supporting service organizations financially. Some people combine the three practices in an intentional way which helps them care for the poor in a more holistic way. For example, if someone gives up their daily trip to Starbucks for Lent, they may decide to give the money that they would have spent at Starbucks to the local Food Bank, and commit to remembering the hungry in their evening prayers.

However you choose to observe this holy season, I pray that you will be empowered by the Holy Spirit to grow closer to God in the way of love. I hope you will learn to be kind and gentle with yourself, to forgive yourself for the mistakes you have made, and to follow Jesus into the way of loving God with all of your beings, as you love your neighbor, as you love yourself.

The Summer trip to PA is filling up, but there are still a few spots available. If you are interested in going, please send an email to Father Daniel Gunn, the rector of St. Andrew's, as soon as possible and let him know of your interest. You can reach him at
Prayer Requests
  • Kathy Picazio asks for prayers for a special high school friend who has a son, daughter-in-law, and her daughter in Ukraine. Doug Newton, his wife, Zhenya, and her adult daughter, Anya.
  • Juanita asks for prayers for Anna Crisolog who was just admitted to Hospice care and Heather Rotz who passed away suddenly at 23
  • Bonnie Whalen requested prayers for her 28 yr old grandson.
  • Linda Virtue
  • Chris Semanchik, who is very ill.
  • Jane Linn's, granddaughter-in-law, Rachael.
  • Keep Mike, Christine Kellam's dad in your prayers.
  • Mary Irwin is experiencing some health issues.
  • Philip and Nancy
Please send your prayer intentions to Philip at
During the month of March, we will be collecting items to assemble Easter Baskets for the children of our adopted family plus other children serviced by HOME (formerly IHN). We will need approximately 40 baskets for children ages 2 to 13. We would like contributions of baskets, grass, individually wrapped candy, and small toys & books. A labeled container will be in the narthex for contributions. This is a good way to find a home for all those floral baskets you have received over the years and didn’t have the heart to throw away!
SHIP is once again offering hot meals from the food truck. St Martins’ night is the third Wednesday of the month and we will need one or two volunteers each month to distribute the meals at Sacred Heart Church in Manville. There is a signup sheet on the bulletin board.
Search for a New Bishop
The Search Committee for our new bishop invites all members of the diocese, lay and clergy, to participate in a survey to help them understand more fully both the unique needs of the diocese at this time and what qualities we feel are necessary for the next bishop. If you would like to participate in the survey, please follow the link below by March 8th. The survey takes about 20 minutes.

Please continue to pray for our diocese during this time of discernment and transition.
Are you interested in being Confirmed? If so please email Father Rob and let him know of your intention. There will be two confirmation classes offered: one for teens and one for adults. Information will be forthcoming, but we would like to compile of list of Confirmands as soon as possible.
Lent at St. Martin's
Mondays - 7 p.m. Bible Study - Women of the Bible at Juanita's house
Wednesdays - 6 p.m. Mass in the Lady Chapel
Thursdays - 10 a.m. - Noon Private Prayer and Adoration with the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (come and go as you desire) in the Lady Chapel
Fridays - 7 p.m. Stations of the Cross in the church
Lenten Book Study
All are welcome. This year we will be learning about and discussing six women from the Old Testament in five sessions. They include Jephthah’s daughter, the Shunammite woman, Esther, Judith, and Naomi and Ruth. Some will be familiar and some probably will not. All have a story to tell and things to teach us about their time and place, their beliefs and spirituality, and their relationship with God and their people.
We will be using the book “Bible Women: All Their Words and Why They Matter”, by the Reverend Lindsay Hardin Freeman (ISBN 978-088028-391-5), It is available online, in both hardcopy and electronic format, from a variety of vendors, including Amazon. This is the same book we used for the 2018 Woman in the Bible program.
Meetings will take place each Monday during Lent beginning on March 7 and continuing on March 14, 21, 28, and April 4 at 7:00 pm. We will be meeting at the home of Juanita Hawkins
                       90 Vandeveer Drive
                       Basking Ridge, New Jersey 
The Stations of the Cross are a series of images of Jesus Christ on the day of his crucifixion. Each station highlights an event from that day and is accompanied by a description and prayer. Christians have been walking the Stations of the Cross for centuries, especially during Lent. The objective of walking the Stations is to assist Christians as they contemplate the Passion of Christ while making a spiritual pilgrimage through Jerusalem. The images here are from a set of 14 icons recently given to St Martin’s in memory of Gloribel Ayala. We hope you will join us at the Church on Fridays during Lent, especially Good Friday, to walk the Stations of the Cross as you contemplate the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you: Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.

Christ Jesus, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped; but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, and was born in human likeness. And being found in human form he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name which is above every name. Come, let us bow down, and bend the knee, and kneel before the Lord our Maker, for he is the Lord our God.

Let us pray. O God, you know us to be set in the midst of so many and great dangers, that by reason of the frailty of our nature we cannot always stand upright: Grant us such strength and protection as may support us in all dangers, and carry us through all temptations; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you: Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.

To what can I liken you, to what can I compare you, O daughter of Jerusalem? What likeness can I use to comfort you, O virgin daughter of Zion? For vast as the sea is your ruin. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. The Lord will be your everlasting light, and your days of mourning shall be ended.

Let us pray. O God, who willed that in the passion of your Son a sword of grief should pierce the soul of the Blessed Virgin Mary his mother: Mercifully grant that your Church, having shared with her in his passion, may be made worthy to share in the joys of his resurrection; who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.
The Rev. Canon Montgomery
Congratulations to Father Bruce Montgomery on being named by the Bishop as an Honorary Canon of Trinity Cathedral. May God continue to bless The Rev. Canon Montgomery.
Jubilee Parish
A Jubilee parish is a parish committed to the social justice ministry of advocacy and service for the poor and oppressed. It is a network of parish and diocesan Jubilee Centers throughout the Episcopal Church. It was established by an act of the 1982 General Convention as “a ministry of joint discipleship in Christ with poor and oppressed people, wherever they are found, to meet basic human needs and to build a just society.” The term “Jubilee” means the fiftieth year. It is derived from Lv 25:10, which says that the fiftieth year shall be a jubilee: “you shall return, every one of you, to your property and every one of you to your family.”  

If you have a special heart of compassion and concern for the poor and oppressed and want to work for a more just church and society, perhaps God is calling you to be a member of our newly formed Jubilee Commission. We will be prayerfully discerning over the next several months what God is asking us to do in service of the poor in our county, in our state, our nation, and the world. Please speak with Father Rob if you are interested in this important work.
St. Martin’s Episcopal Church
1350 Washington Valley Road,
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Call Us: 908-526-1350
Contact information for Fr. Rob or