A Place of Sanctuary
Bringing The Grotto to You
Daily Spiritual Reflection

Have you ever counted how many words are spoken to you in one day?

So many words about so many things. Words that express ideas, emotions and relationship status must be sorted through that we may comprehend what is being expressed to us. Words can be helpful or confusing, sometimes in the same sentence.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus is continuing to prepare the disciples for what will shortly take place: His death, resurrection and the persecution of their community. In the confusion that the disciples must have been feeling listening to all that Jesus was telling them, the Lord reminds them to “remember the word I spoke to you” (John 15:20). He was reassuring them that in all that people would say to them and about them, to remember His words first.

Jesus says the same to us. We are not to get lost in the words of others, but first remember His words. These are the words He speaks to us: “remain in me”; “I call you friends”, “do not be afraid”; “do not worry”; “peace, be still”; “I am with you always”. In a time when so many words are spoken about so many different things Jesus reminds us that His words bring light and life, hope and peace. His words are our good news today and always.

Fr. Don Siple, OSM, Rector of The Grotto
A Prayer for Medical Workers, Caregivers and Researchers

Join Fr. Richard Boyle, OSM, for this special prayer at a time of pandemic.

Recorded outside the Monastery at The Grotto.

Bringing The Grotto to You

We will continue to share a piece of The Grotto with you each day until Masses resume and our gardens open. We hope this feature brings you joy.

Please share our emails with friends and family. Help spread the word that The Grotto is here, and looking forward to the glorious day when we can reopen our gates.
Day 62: Mosaics of The Grotto
Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine
The largest collection of mosaics at The Grotto is inside the shrine to Our Lady of Guadalupe.

This shrine, built in 2016, is one of the newer shrines at The Grotto. Located in the Upper Gardens, the Shrine to Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas, is one of five wayside shrines found on the multicultural shrine path.

To learn more about the shrine, click here to view an earlier edition of "Bringing The Grotto to You."
The Mosaics Tell the Story

The mosaics in this shrine tell the story of Our Lady's appearance on December 12, 1531, to Juan Diego, an Aztec Indian who had converted to the Catholic faith. Mary asked that a church be built on the hill of Tepeyac. Juan Diego delivered the message to the bishop, who asked for a sign from the Virgin Mary.

The humble man returned to the place of the apparition, and once more Mary appeared to him. She told him to gather some roses in his cloak and take them to the bishop. When Juan Diego opened his cloak in front of the bishop, an image of the Virgin, just as he had seen her, appeared on the cloak. The bishop believed and a chapel was built, which marked the beginning of the devotion to Mary in the new world and the spread of the Christian faith.
The Mosaic Artists

Local mosaic artists Hector Hernandez and Mark Brody designed and assembled the mosaics at the shrine.
Building of the Shrine to Our Lady of Guadalupe

Our Lady of Guadalupe is the Patroness of the Americas, and additionally the Patroness of the Knights of Columbus Organization.

Members of Knights Councils in Oregon coordinated the construction of this shrine in cooperation with the local Hispanic community.
St. Peregrine Shrine

This mosaic was erected in the spring of 1974 and dedicated during the 50th Anniversary celebration at The Grotto.
Servite Saint Peregrine Laziosi (1265-1345)

St. Peregrine labored as a brother in the Order of Servants of Mary (Servites). At age 60 he was diagnosed with cancer of the leg brought on by many years of disciplined prayer while standing, resulting in varicose veins which became ulcerous.

On the night before the scheduled amputation of his leg, Peregrine dragged himself to the foot of the cross in the community chapter room and fell into a deep trance-like sleep. Upon waking, he discovered that his leg was completely cured.

Peregrine continued his work with the poor and all who came to him in need. He experienced the forgiveness and mercy of God in his life and sought to share it with others.

When he died in 1345 he was already being revered as a saint. He was officially canoninzed in 1726, and is considered the patron of those who suffer from cancer, AIDS and other serious and life-threatening diseases.

The Grotto is a ministry of the Servite Friars.
St. Peregrine Ministry at The Grotto

The St. Peregrine ministry at The Grotto was established to help bring hope, strength and consolation to those facing serious diseases in their lives. We are committed to sharing the comfort and spiritual healing of Jesus to all who come here in need.

St. Peregrine Mass

A monthly Mass and blessing with the relic of St. Peregrine is offered on the first Saturday of every month at 12 noon. (Mass is currently suspended.)

It is a celebration of hope, comfort and encouragement: God loves us and forgives our sins; God will not abandon us in our time of need; God invites us to make peace with one another just as God has made peace with us.

At the Mass, the Blessing of St. Peregrine for the Sick is available to the chronically or seriously ill and to the frail. All intentions received at the St. Peregrine Shrine are included in the petitions of the Mass.
Learn more about St. Peregrine

The St. Peregrine Shrine is located on the lower level at The Grotto. There is no admission fee to visit the lower level; it is free to all throughout the year.

To learn more about St. Peregrine, click here to view an earlier edition of "Bringing The Grotto to You."
St. Anne Mosaic in the Chapel of Mary

This mosaic is located in The Grotto's Chapel of Mary, which was dedicated in 1955.
About St. Anne

St. Anne is the mother of Mary and the grandmother of Jesus.
Although not mentioned in the Bible, early Christian tradition held that Anne and Joachim were the parents of Mary and the grandparents of Jesus.

Their feast day in the Catholic calendar is celebrated on July 26th. A church in Jerusalem was erected in honor of Anne and Joachim in the 5th century.
Because tradition tells us that Anne and Joachim were childless for many years, St. Anne is the patron of childless couples, women in labor, and mothers.

To learn more about St. Anne, and St. Anne's Chapel at The Grotto, click here to view an earlier edition of "Bringing The Grotto to You."
Mosaic of the Seven Holy Founders

This mosaic is also located in the Chapel of Mary.
About the Seven Holy Founders

Before the Servites ever existed as an official religious Order, seven prosperous men came together in the city of Florence, Italy.

As a reflection of the penitential spirit of the times, it had been the custom of these men to meet regularly as members of a religious society established in honor of Mary, the Mother of God. Eventually, the seven left their comfortable homes, put aside their finery and went to live together in a ramshackle building outside the city walls.

The holiness and penitential lifestyle of the seven quickly attracted attention and people seeking prayers and spiritual direction became frequent visitors. To avoid these distractions that they considered a hindrance to the contemplative life they sought, the entire group moved to more peaceful surroundings, and established a hermitage on the summit of a nearby mountain, Monte Senario, sometimes known as the “sounding mountain.”
Coming to be known as the “Friar Servants of Mary,” others joined the first seven on Monte Senario, and as the group continued to grow, the seeds of the new religious Order took root.

The Friar Servants of Mary were approved as a religious Order by the bishop of Florence sometime between the years 1240 and 1247. In the year 1304, the Order of Friar Servants of Mary received definitive approval as a religious Order in the Church by the Holy See.

To learn more about the Seven Holy Founders, click here to view an earlier edition of "Bringing The Grotto to You."
The Altar Mosaic

On the Rosato marble frontal of the altar in the Chapel of Mary appears the Agnus Dei (Lamb of God) insert of genuine Venetian mosaic.
The Lamb

The lamb is an ancient symbol of innocence and sacrificial offering. The Lamb of God in religious art portrays Jesus Christ, now triumphant over death. The lamb is usually portrayed standing with a banner and/or cross.

In the celebration of the Mass, the congregation addresses Jesus as the Lamb of God in prayer before receiving Holy Communion.
The Chapel Tower

This mosaic is located on the tower of the Chapel of Mary, which rises over 100 feet about the Chapel floor.

To learn more about the Chapel of Mary, click here to view an earlier edition of "Bringing The Grotto to You."
Madonna and Child

This 14-foot imported Venetian mosaic of the Madonna and Child is located near the top of the Chapel tower.
Looking closer

We hope you have enjoyed this feature on mosaics found at The Grotto. Here are a few close-ups of this amazing form of art.
Light a Candle at The Grotto

Purchase a candle to be lighted at The Grotto. Your candle will burn for seven days in the outdoor cradles by The Grotto.

Your support will help The Grotto continue its ministry through this difficult time.

SnowCap Drive-Up Food Drive

Thursday, May 21
9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
The Grotto's Main Parking Lot

Help us gather much-needed items to stock SnowCap's pantry. During this pandemic, food insecurity is at an all-time high.

We will be collecting non-perishable food items and personal hygiene items. (No clothing items at this time, please.)

Items of Greatest Need:

Canned Vegetables!!!
Bar Soap

SnowCap Community Charities provides food, clothing, advocacy and other services to those in need. SnowCap has served the East Portland area since the 1960s. To learn more about SnowCap,  click here .

How to drop off your donation:  Come to The Grotto's main parking lot, located at NE 85th & Sandy Blvd., between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on Thursday, May 21. Collection bins will be located in the parking lot. If you are arriving by car, you may pull up to the bins where you can drop your items.

Thank You

We thank you for helping us make a difference at this very difficult time. If you have any questions about this drive, please contact our Director of Community Engagement, Vinci Paterson, at  vpaterson@thegrotto.org .

For SnowCap questions, please email  info@snowcap.org .
Mass Enrollment Cards
Perpetual Enrollment in The Grotto’s Guild of Masses and Prayer honors yourself, your family or your loved ones, and provides support for The National Sanctuary of Our Sorrowful Mother.

The Grotto Gift Shop

We hope to be OPENING SOON. In the meantime, we are open for online shopping.

If you do not see what you are looking for, feel free to contact our director of retail operations by  clicking here .
The Series

We hope you are enjoying our daily feature A Place of Sanctuary: Bringing The Grotto to You.

Week 1
St. Francis of Assisi
Celebrating St. Patrick's Day
St. Anne's Chapel
St. Joseph's Grove
The Marilyn Moyer Meditation Chapel
Spring in the Garden
Our Lady's Grotto

Week 2
St. Jude Thaddeus
Statue of Mary, Our Mother
The Pollinator Garden
St. Philip Benizi's Retreat
Pathways of The Grotto
St. Peregrine Shrine
The Servites

Week 3
Here Light Shines
The Peace Garden
Looking Up
Feast of Our Lady at the Foot of the Cross
The Rose Garden
Palm Sunday, The Christus Garden

Week 4
Crosses and Crucifixes
Sacred Heart Statue
Angels of The Grotto
Holy Thursday of The Lord's Supper
Good Friday, Stations of the Cross
Holy Saturday, Via Matris
Easter Sunday

Week 5
The Forest
Blessing of the Animals
Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine
Colors of The Grotto
Mysteries of the Rosary
Lighting a Candle
Chapel of Mary

Week 6
Come to the Water
Our Lady of Lavang Shrine
Celebrating God's Creation
Our Lady of Lourdes
The Labyrinth
Looking Out a Window
How The Grotto Began

Week 7
The Cliff and Elevator
Lithuanian Wayside Shrine
The Grotto by the Numbers
Music at The Grotto
May Flowers
Take a Closer Look
Outdoor Mass

Week 8
The Feast of St. Peregrine
Celebrating Your Favorites
A Year at The Grotto
The Seven Holy Founders
Views and Perspectives
The Rhododendrons
Mother's Day at The Grotto

Week 9
Twilight at The Grotto
The Peace Pole
Our Lady of Czestochowa Polish Shrine
A Seat Waiting for You
The Murals in the Chapel
Today: Mosaics of The Grotto
Tomorrow: The Chapel Saints
The Grotto
The National Sanctuary of Our Sorrowful Mother

NE 85th & Sandy Blvd.
Portland, Oregon
