The Script 

Welcome to Caring Partners International's 
February 2018 Edition
In This Issue:
:: Partnership Guatemala
:: April 12th Banquet
:: Child Sponsorship Update
:: Prayers & Praises
Guate Feb '18 Collage
Clockwise, from Top Left: 1) Our Caring Partners Medical Mission Team in Veramina, 2) CPI Board Member Dr. Alex Gamber serving in the Dental Clinic with his Assistant - Dental Student Leo Marroquin, 3) Lifting up Prayers in our Clinic of the Soul, 4) CPI Board & Buckeye Church Member Daniel Million leading one of our team's translators to Jesus Christ, 5) Pastor David Schenck & his son Samuel with Miguel at Miguel's Prayer & Celebration Service
Growing Relationships for Christ
One of the tremendous blessings of the medical ministry of Caring Partners International is the ability to establish and grow relationships with our national church partners.
CPI's work with Pastor Fernando Marroquin has not only created a strong partnership with his home church in Guatemala City, Sembradores de Vida, but has now blossomed into a relationship with a U.S. church and a new church plant in Veramina, Guatemala.
Several years ago, Pastor David Schenck and members of Buckeye Baptist Church in Middletown, Ohio traveled with Caring Partners to serve with our first medical mission team in Veramina, hosted by Pastor Marroquin and Sembradores de Vida. Sembradores had begun a house church movement in the community, but no permanent church building had been established, so our Caring Partners medical clinic was housed in a local school building.
By God's grace, more than 200 individuals made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ as a result of that first medical mission outreach, and both Pastor Schenck & Pastor Marroquin had a burden - "Where will these people go to church?" Pastor Schecnk shared the burden with his home church in Ohio, and as a result, there is now a building for "Buckeye Veramina Church".
Through the years, Caring Partners has continued to minister in the community of Veramina. One outreach was to help a young boy named Moises receive a surgery to repair a dangerously large inguinal hernia. Moises' grandfather Miguel witnessed this act of love and compassion, and the Holy Spirit moved in his heart, prompting Miguel to enroll in theological studies with Sembradores de Vida. Two years ago, seventeen students enrolled in these classes. To attend, Miguel had to walk two hours from his home, then catch a ride to the seminary building. He'd wake up at 3:00 AM, before his daily work picking pineapples in the fields, and study his lessons by flashlight.
On Wednesday, February 7th, the day before our medical mission team arrived to serve in Veramina, Miguel graduated from his classes. Of the seventeen students initially enrolled, only two completed the course, and Miguel was the only graduate from Veramina!
Sembradores Church's Associate Pastor Ewald Marroquin led the entire medical mission team in a group prayer to celebrate Miguel's tremendous achievement. How thrilling for Caring Partners, Sembradores de Vida, Buckeye Baptist Church, and Buckeye Veramina to see how the Lord had assembled all the pieces of His wonderful work in Veramina, and all in His perfect timing! And during this year's clinic, 42 more souls were added to the Kingdom. We praise the Lord for His goodness.
"My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth."  1 John 3:18

Let Your Light Shine
The theme of this year's Caring Partners Banquet & Silent Auction is "Let Your Light Shine", focusing on how God is using the ministry and its national church partners to impact our world through medical missions. 

Our Banquet speaker will be one of Caring Partners' national church leaders from Thailand, Pastor Jay Orata from the northern city of Chiang Rai. And to highlight Caring Partners' medical ministry work in Thailand, our Silent Auction will have the look and feel of Chiang Rai's "Night Market." 
This will also be the second year for our Silent Auction to be "digital". Through a special website, you can bid early, and also use your smartphone that evening to continue to bid. We are also blessed with a beautiful venue in the Savannah Center, located in West Chester, Ohio - so come out on Thursday, April 12th and be a part of a Spirit-filled evening of fellowship and fun.

Tickets are $50.00 each, but those willing to be a Table Sponsor will receive 10 tickets for only $450.00, a savings of $50 per table! 

Doors will open at 5:30 PM for the Silent Auction, and Dinner, Dessert & Program will start at 7:00 PM. Corporate & Individual Sponsorships for the Banquet are also still available

Please Click on the red text directly below to purchase your Tickets by:

or reserve via email for payment by:

For Detailed Event Information & Directions, or to pay by Credit Card over the phone, Contact: 
937-743-2744  or

Event Level Sponsor
Russell TWM Logo

TLC Child Sponsorship Program Update
Caring Partners has re-tooled our Child Sponsorship Program in Guatemala, with exciting results. Our Program is now based at the Genesaret Church, and each Sponsored Child participates in an after school program at the church which addresses the mind, body & spirit - mental, physical, and spiritual needs. Each child is fed a nutritious meal, receives educational tutoring, and learns Biblical truth. Public health information is also shared to assist the children and their families in living healthier lifestyles. 

We are in need of new sponsors for eligible children! Interested? Please contact Lauren Cragwall at the Caring Partners office at
Two Children
Pray with us...

"And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive."  
Matthew 21:22 

Caring Partners' missionary leaders are taking a survey trip to Belize this Sunday, February 25th to investigate a potential new work in that country. Pray for the Lord to open and close doors according to His will!

Pray for Pastor Jay Orata and family as they make their preparations to leave Thailand to come to the U.S.A. for our April 12th Banquet

A tremendous amount of effort goes into our April 12th Banquet. Pray for all of our Silent Auction Volunteers, our Banquet Table Hosts, Sponsors, and Speakers as we continue to plan for the big event, desiring to bring God the glory in all that we do & say.

Pray for our upcoming medical mission journeys, including Belize & Guatemala this coming June, Ecuador in September, Thailand in November, and Guatemala in December. Pray the Lord will assemble the healthcare professionals needed to staff our teams, and also that the Lord will provide as we need to purchase additional diagnostic equipment to serve those in need on the mission field.  

Pray for some exciting changes for our Warehouse Ministry! To assist even more churches and mission groups with donated medical supplies for their evangelical healthcare mission outreach, Caring Partners is creating some "standardized" Medical Kits. If you'd like to receive more information about these new Standardized Kits, reach out to our Director of Mission Resources, CPI missionary  Andrew Wienhoff 
CPI Contact Information

Caring Partners International, Inc.
601 Shotwell Drive
Franklin, Ohio 45005
Phone: 937-743-2744 or
Fax:     937-743-2749

Roy W. Cline, Founder

Dr. Daniel Love, Chairman
Dr. Adam Reed, President & Director of Missions
Rhonda J. Reed, Executive Director  

Andrew Wienhoff, Director of Mission Resources

Rick Lalli, Director of Ministry Development

Jon & Karen Lambert, Mission Directors
Bill Wienhoff, Financial Administrator

Lauren Cragwall, Mission Coordinator

Kathy Ridenour, Executive Assistant

Web Site  

The Board Members and Staff of Caring Partners would like to THANK YOU for your PRAYERS and FINANCIAL SUPPORT for this ministry. Our PARTNERSHIP enables the Gospel message to be shared throughout the world!
Caring Partners International