Volume 5
January 2020
About OK People, Places, and Accomplishments
The OK, Let’s Count! Census 2020 is now underway throughout the state
As we approach Census Day, April 1, we will begin to see more and more promotion of the event. Because the census is so important to our state as well as to our cities and towns, OML wants to encourage you to begin promoting it within your own communities. To read more about why and how to promote the census, please View Article.
2020 brings new development and watchful eye on the economy for city leaders
As a new year – and a new decade – has begun, municipal leaders across Oklahoma said 2020 will be a year of new developments and projects, continued discussions on ways to diversify revenue, observing new laws and state policies, and drumming up citizen engagement, especially in a big election year. 

Brown proud of work with ‘big impact across the city’
When Amy Brown received a call from newly elected Tulsa Mayor G.T. Bynum inviting her to join his team, she was slightly hesitant because she had recently completed her law degree and saw a different path for herself other than municipal government.

OML is very pleased to bring this monthly e-newsletter to you in order to tell the stories about our communities, our people, and your accomplishments.

We also want to ask that if you have story ideas, please let us know. The ideas can be about people, places, events, accomplishments, municipal issues, and human interest – anything that makes your community special! We would love to hear from you. Please send your ideas to:
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