ISSUE NO. 291 / March 2, 2022

Sunapee Happenings
"Deep and dark in the Webb Woods” Photo by Robin Webb.
From sparkly snow to crisp clear days... the beauty of winter is amplified by the brilliance of blue skies and longer hours of sunshine. Whatever your winter passion... hot cocoa by the fire with a good book... swooshing down the Mountain... skating or fishing on the frozen lake... building a snowman with the kids... or a walk in the silence of the forest... savor the little moments that get us through the winter with joy. The good news is... we’ve bid farewell to February, the longest, wintery-ist month... now March brings us ever closer to SPRINGTIME!
Cue the Music

Lara Herscovitch is singer-songwriter-poet-performer gem. As described in The Boston Globe, she brings "a luminous voice and a buoyant stage presence… big-hearted lyrics embrace the sum of life… Herscovitch's music blows on the embers of a lagging spirit or a dormant creative life." Lara leads with authenticity, integrity, humor and heart. Sound Waves Magazine described her music as "expertly written prose... songwriting at its best… good for your ears AND your soul." Acoustic Live in New York City added, "She possesses not only a huge reservoir of musical talent and a voice with a bell-like clarity, but a keen sense of global concern and a fierce intellect… It might seem too good to be true, but true it is."

Next week: Open Mic Night
March also means Mardi Gras... celebrated at the Fat Tuesday parade in New Orleans. Don’t miss sights and sounds of Mardi Gras at the end of this week’s message!
Town Meetings
For information on candidates, Project Sunapee is offering an online opportunity to ‘meet’ them and learn about their qualifications, personal background and why they are volunteering to serve our community.

Go to to view. 
Get to know your candidates!
To Register before Voting Day: 

  • Register anytime at the town clerk’s office during business hours : Mon, Tues, Thur, & Friday - 7am to 4:30 pm Wed , 7am to 12:30
  • If you own a home in Sunapee your residency is on record at the town office. If you rent, you’ll need a lease or other document that verifies where you live.
  • Or you can register when the supervisors of the checklist meet at Town Hall on Saturday, February 26 from 9:30 to 10 AM.
  • This is the last day you can register to vote before March 8, but if you don’t make it, don’t worry! YOU CAN REGISTER THE DAY OF VOTING, NO PROBLEM. PEOPLE DO IT ALL THE TIME!!!

To register on Voting Day:

  • When you get to the Sherburne Gym you can register just before you vote. You’ll need your driver’s license and some document that shows where you live like a tax bill or utility bill. 
  • Call the town clerk’s office if you have questions about this 603-763-2449

And a few more FAST FACTS:

You can get an absentee ballot if you will be out of town or have a disability - the application is on the Town website –

You are welcome to bring your children with you when you vote.

You can vote on any articles you choose – not all boxes need to be filled in.

Questions?  Call the Town at 603-763-2449 
Sunapee Spotlight
For your information, the School Board has published the following presentation about the bond issue. 
There is also a "Kids Ballot”... a tradition started in 2020 and taken very seriously by them. Parents are encouraged to bring their children to the polls, and introduce them to ‘one person, one vote’ right and responsibility.
Let's Get Artsy
March 4th - 7:00 KCPA's "Art in Motion"

An evening of all things dance!
Join us for an evening of dance as the Kearsarge Conservatory of the Performing Arts share their talents. 

Along with a "sneak peek" of their upcoming Spring show, the KCPA dance company, Art in Motion, will present "Living Sculptures" a new work choreographed by Artistic Director Angela Tarleton. "I am so excited to present this beautiful concert to the community for CFA FIRST FRIDAY" Says Tarleton.  In this new work, dancers become sculptures that come to life through innovative choreography danced to contemporary classical music, and vocalists perform intermittently. The show highlights all the disciplines of the performing arts that KCPA offers throughout the year. Learn More
MicroGallery - Members show February-April

The CFA Members Show is at The New London Inn, and Bar Harbor Bank and Trust on Main Street, New London and join us at our newest MicroGallery, Prospect Hill Gallery in Sunapee.  

At The Blue Loon Bakery and The Tatewell Gallery this month, Penny Koburger's artwork continues to be on display at The Blue Loon Bakery and Loa Winter's work continues at The Tatewell Gallery on Newport Road in New London. Learn More
2022 Call for Submissions to the Annual Poetry Contest

Theme: Farming in New Hampshire is vibrant and varied, from blueberries to bison, from eggs to emus and many tempting products in between. For our poetry contest 2022, submit a poem about a favorite farm, farmer or farm product that fascinates you. Have fun! Learn More
New Class: March Magic in Watercolor
with Instructor Patti Warren

Thursdays, March 3, 10, 17 and 24, 10-11:30am | $40 
Break out of the “March blahs” with Patti Warren and a few of her favorite things. Join a veteran watercolor instructor in a four-session remote painting experience.  Trees, flowers, tea cups and the coast of Maine, are a few of Patti’s favorite things to paint, which will be featured in each of the four step-by-step lessons. These online sessions get you inspired, painting, and involved in creative community, all from the comfort of your home. Learn More
Fun in the Snow
Winter Tracking
Tracking is the study and interpretation of the footprints and other signs left behind by animals as they go about their lives. Tracking does not necessarily mean following a string of footprints to locate the animal that made them. It means understanding the footprints, scrapes, chews, digs, and scat that we inevitably run across when we are out in nature. Tracking begins with identifying the animal that left the tracks and signs behind for us to see, and grows into an understanding of the intimate details of that animal’s life. ~ Jonathan Poppele
In The Old Naturalist, Jonathan Poppele identifies several techniques for tracking and how to read the story in the snow.
Read or listen to acclaimed wildlife tracker Sue Morse on Something Wild or check out her website: Keeping Track

Want to go out and do some of your own tracking?
Check out these amazing books to help guide you on your adventure and learn all about tracking!

Tracking with Snowshoes!
Go out and start tracking with some snowshoes from Abbott Library!

Remember, if you are out and about exploring the wonders of the great outdoors this winter, to "leave no trace" and minimize the impact you have on the environment.
Did you know? The “Library of Things” at the Abbott offers everything from crochet hooks to snowshoes for rent.
Community Services
Healthful Hints
Why You Should Give Chess A Try. 

Although it is a well-known pastime of geniuses, did you know playing chess can improve anyone's mind? According to several studies, playing chess helps improve memory and creativity while preventing dementia and easing ADHD symptoms.
Cute Critter
Surprising encounter: Baby Moose stops traffic on snowy highway.
Mardi Gras
Mardi Gras sights and sounds as celebrated in New Orleans.
The World
Our thoughts are with the people of Ukraine. 
Until Next Week
We hope you take time on a winter’s day to do what you love with friends and family closest to you. “HAPPENINGS” will be waiting in your inbox next Wednesday.
Wednesday’s email “SUNAPEE HAPPENINGS
highlights a selection of events in our community each week.

For complete details on everything happening around the
Lake Sunapee area, check out the
Project Sunapee Community Calendar
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