In This Issue: Three Calls To Action with Bonus Opportunities
November 2019
Dear Ambassadors,

Welcome to the third Call to Action newsletter of the PCORI Ambassador Program!

As a reminder, this newsletter offers concrete calls to action or recommendations for Ambassadors to share valuable PCORI-funded research results, PCORI products, editorial pieces, peer-reviewed literature, and events with their unique communities. 

Below, you will find three new calls to action to focus on for the next couple of months. You can also access the bonus opportunities at the end of the newsletter. Please complete a survey describing any completed calls to action and bonus opportunities through January 22. 
Keep sending your completed calls to action and bonus opportunities as it shows how Ambassadors are promoting patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR) and PCORI in the field. This information will be especially helpful for reporting to PCORI staff and leadership, including the executive team and the Board of Governors. 
Use and Promote the Engagement Tool & Resource Repository for Patient-Centered Outcomes Research 
PCORI recently created a repository of engagement-related tools and resources developed and used by PCORI awardees. This searchable peer-to-peer repository includes resources that can inform the planning and conduct of future PCOR projects. Tools focus on a variety of topics including team management, event materials, study outreach, evaluation tools, and more. You can even filter and sort tools by condition area of focus, population, phase of research, and more. This repository is intended to support researchers, partners, and others in finding concrete tools to meaningfully engage patients, caregivers, and other stakeholders throughout the research process. Access the repository here and the supplemental methods information here

Strategy #1: Are you part of a research team that is looking for ideas to do study outreach, PCOR capacity building, or research engagement? Search through the repository and share at least one with your research team.

Strategy #2: Are you part of a PCORI-funded research project or Engagement Award that developed tools to support meaningful engagement of patients and stakeholder partners? If so, share your tool to be potentially included in the repository by sending it to

Strategy #3: Do you work in an organization that engages researchers, clinicians, health systems, and others that might benefit from PCOR engagement tools? Share the repository with your membership listserv so they can learn more and check out some tools. 

Strategy #4: Share one of these prepared tweets on Twitter.

  • Explore a searchable repository of engagement-related tools and resources developed and used by @PCORI awardees that can help inform future work in patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR). 

  • Interested in the future of patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR)? Navigate a searchable repository of engagement-related tools and resources developed and used by @PCORI awardees.
Use and Promote the PCORI Ambassador Center
The Ambassador Center is an online searchable and sortable directory of the Ambassador community. You will find Ambassador profiles that describe their unique PCOR experiences, research involvement, health conditions and populations of interest, and more. It is a great tool for networking and creating partnerships both within and outside of the Ambassador community. As recently shared in our fall quarterly newsletter, we have received over 50 Ambassador Center requests! Ambassadors have been contacted for speaking opportunities, project collaboration, advisory panel membership, and more. But we are hoping to increase utilization in the field and need your help!

Strategy #1: Are you a researcher, or do you work on a research team, that is looking to collaborate with new researchers, patients, or stakeholders for a PCOR project or initiative? Use or share the Ambassador Center with principal investigators and research staff to identify Ambassadors that might meet your project needs.  

Strategy #2: Is your organization facilitating a convening or stakeholder meeting related to health? Do you need any panelists, speakers, moderators, or even planning committee members? Use the repository and send a Request to Connect to an Ambassador. 

Strategy #3: Share one of these prepared tweets on Twiitter.
  • Stakeholders in health care can connect and share information is various ways. See how @PCORI Ambassadors representing various stakeholder groups connect with each other. Check out PCORI’s Ambassador Center here:
  • PCORI Ambassadors help change the culture of health research to be more patient-centered. Interested in connecting with them? Explore their profiles through the @PCORI Ambassador Center:

Strategy #4: Are you an Ambassador and don’t see a profile for you? Fill out this survey and PCORI staff will make sure your profile is up and running in no time. 
Share Highlights of PCORI-Funded Research Results 
Since PCORI began funding research in 2012, a growing number of our funded studies have produced important results that are being reported in leading medical journals. PCORI has developed a fact sheet to highlight some research projects with highly impactful results. Part of being a PCORI Ambassador is sharing PCORI-funded research evidence with patients, caregivers, advocacy organizations, and other stakeholders to help guide healthcare decision making.  
Strategy #1: Share this fact sheet with organizations that focus on conditions areas, interventions, or populations included in the PCORI research highlights. Others might benefit from learning more about recent PCORI-funded evidence for future research, clinical treatment options, or even individual healthcare decision making. 

Strategy #2: Share a specific study included in the Highlights of PCORI-Funded Research Results on Twitter or other social media platforms. The fact sheet includes open access peer-reviewed publications that can be shared as well. 
As always, we appreciate your feedback on the newsletter. If you would like to share any thoughts, comments, or suggest future calls to actions that might help your organization(s) or PCORI-funded projects(s), please send them to the Ambassador Program team at .