Finding Our Way in February
Hello everyone, 

It’s amazing that February is about to unfold. Omicron has certainly kept many of us a bit more secluded than we were hoping for in the new year. In these uncharted times, we just keep finding our way, to staying connected and carefully socializing. Valentine’s Day encourages us to feel and share the Love-toward ourselves, our friends and family, everyone and everything on our beautiful fragile planet. The forum this month is on employment and the Commission on Aging’s educational event zeroes in on “community collaboration and cohesion.” Hope to catch you online or maybe at the Barefoot Café for breakfast! Stay safe and engaged, however that might unfold for you!

The Age Friendly Fairfax Task Force: Jody Timms, Barbara Coler, Susan A. Brandborg, Francie Bedinger, Anne Mannes, Jessica Price,
and Jackie Engstrom. 
Aging in Fairfax, everybody's doing it!
Upcoming Events:

February 3:  Commission on Aging
February 3:  Ross Valley Seniors
February 16: Breakfast with Friends
February 23: Age Friendly Marin Forum
February 25: Age Friendly Fairfax Task Force Meeting
Marin County Commission on Aging

February 3, 10-11am

“Voces de Canal: Building Community and Creating Opportunities in the Canal Neighborhood of San Rafael.” Voces del Canal is a coalition of residents and Latino immigrants dedicated to the health and economic wellbeing of the people living in the Canal neighborhood of San Rafael. Over the past year, the coalition has worked with Canal Alliance on numerous projects, including COVID-19 health campaigns. Its members demonstrate that community collaboration and cohesion are key to genuine, lasting change. By attending, participants will: learn about projects, including transforming structural inequities, community safety and COVID 19 health campaigns; hear about research-based recommendations from Canal residents; and discover how the Commission and community can support the mission of Voces del Canal. Presenters: Members of Voces del Canal introduced by Omar Carrera, CEO, Canal Alliance. Simultaneous interpreting in English and Spanish available to all participants. 

Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 856 6169 0388   Passcode: 797332   
Call-In: 1+(669) 900-6833 
Ross Valley Seniors

February 3, 11-2pm

Please e-mail Kevin MacLeod at or call 415-258-4669 to RSVP or for more details.
Age Friendly Marin "Breakfast with Friends"

Wednesday, February 16, 9:30-10:30am

Socializing is important for all and it's fun to connect. Join us for coffee, tea and/or breakfast and a friendly and enjoyable chat at Barefoot Café, in person!  
Age Friendly Marin Forum

February 23, 10:30 - 11:45 am

“Employment after 50 in Marin.” Maintaining financial security is 1 of 5 top concerns for Marin residents across age, race, and income categories. We will discuss some of the challenges in the workforce, the increasing job opportunities and the employment resources available to older Marin residents. Learn how you can compete with confidence for part and full-time jobs and how you can get the training, coaching, and job-seeking tools you need to consider today’s in-demand jobs and build your financial resilience. Whether you are curious about returning to work, want to change jobs, start part-time work or chart a new course exploring self-employment, this Forum will have helpful information. Speakers: Diana Lopez, Chair County of Marin Commission on Aging, Certified patient navigator - Integrative Health Specialty, Age-Friendly San Rafael; Sita Williams, Workforce Development Analyst, Workforce Alliance of the North Bay; Bette Gundersheim, Business & Community Outreach coordinator, YWCA Golden State Silicon Valley; and Caran Cuneo: Age friendly San Rafael, workforce specialist (consultant). Host: Sara Robinson, Age Forward Age-Friendly County of Marin Coordinator.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 520 207 8153  Passcode: 572332  
Join by phone at 1-669-900-9128

Please Note: Prior Age Friendly Marin Forums are available on our You Tube Channel:
Age Friendly Fairfax Task Force Meeting

February 25, 9:15-10:30 am

Curious about Age Friendly Fairfax? You’re welcome to attend our monthly meeting, bring your questions, feedback, ideas and energy!  

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 853 935 7484  Passcode: 398715  
Dial in number 1+ (408) 638-0968 
Fairfax Recreation Classes

Free online classes for older adults such as our popular yoga classes. We are offering six classes per week!

Mat Yoga 9:30-10:45
Chair Yoga 11:30-12:30

Mat Yoga 9:30-10:45
Chair Yoga 11:30-12:30

Mat Yoga 9:30-10:45
Chair Yoga 11:30-12:30

For a full list of current classes and how to register, click here.

Dance a la Moxie
Tuesdays from 2-3pm 
Class will resume Feb 1st 
Right Field Side of Contratti Ballfield

A progressive, FUN total body workout guaranteed to make you feel better, look better and be better! No experience necessary.
New Class Starting in March

Chi Gong
Tuesdays starting March 1
10am – 11am 
Bolinas Park 

Chi Gong (Qigong) is the ancient Chinese practice of movement and meditation, deeply rooted in the balance and harmony of nature.  Chi is the vital life force energy that animates all living beings. Through gentle exercises we learn to cultivate and direct the flow of Chi within ourselves and draw from the Universal Chi all around us. Empower yourself to health!

Questions about services for older adults?  
Call 415-473-4636 (INFO)
Local News & Resources:

Marin County:
Adult and Aging Service's Information and Assistance Line, providing information and referrals to the full range of services available to older adults, adults with disabilities and their family caregivers: 415/473-INFO (4636) 8:30 am to 4:30 pm weekdays;

Emergency Preparedness! Sign up for Alert Marin and Nixle.

The Alert Marin Emergency Notification System delivers incident-specific information or potentially life-saving instruction to the precise geographic area(s) affected. Emergency situations may include:
  • flooding, wildfires, and subsequent evacuations;
  • public safety incidents including crimes that affect your neighborhood;
  • post-disaster information about shelters, transportation, or supplies.

When do we use Alert Marin?
  • Imminent flooding, wildfires, and evacuations with life safety implications
  • During-event information about evacuation routes, shelters, transportation
  • Other public safety incidents where lives may be at risk

Nixle is an emergency notification system. Nixle is used: 
  • When INFORMATION is needed in a ZIP CODE 
  • Road closures, general updates, issues affecting larger areas 
  • Post-disaster information about shelters, transportation, or supplies 
  • Police activity and general public safety information 

Free Rides for Seniors & ADA: Free rides on local fixed route service countywide are available for older adults (age 65 or older) and persons with disabilities. This will be a 6-month pilot starting from October 1, 2021 and will continue through March 31, 2022. Paratransit, Catch-A-Ride, Dial-A-Ride, Connect and Muir Woods Shuttle will be exempt from the free fare offerings. This offering is not valid on Golden Gate Transit routes. Seniors must have a valid Medicare Card, DMV ID card/license, valid LIFA Bus Pass or senior ID from another California transit service. Persons with disabilities must have a DMV Disabled Placard ID, RTC card, Medicare card, valid LIFA Bus Pass or ID card for persons with disabilities from another transit service. Personal service assistants will not be eligible for free rides and will continue to pay 50% off the adult cash fare ($1) when accompanying a person with disabilities.

Town of Fairfax: 
Are you receiving the weekly Town of Fairfax Newsletter? If not, we really encourage you to do so as there is LOTS of news, information and events listed. Click this link to start receiving the Town’s newsletter asap!

Fairfax Library: 

The Fairfax Library, a branch of the Marin County Free Library, wants to grow — outside. And if you’d like to help by donating an engraved brick or paver, click here to learn more: 

AARP Tax Assistance at Fairfax library by appointment only:
The AARP will be providing tax assistance this year on Mondays and Wednesdays from 10am-2pm starting Feb. 2.  This year they will take people by appointment only. Contact AARP: 415-320-6191  Email:

New Art Exhibit at the Fairfax Library: 
"Back In the Art Room Again" Ross Valley District Student Artists will exhibit their work in the Community Room Gallery 
February 4 through March 2, 2022
Wondering what IS Age Friendly Fairfax??