Genesis News and Notes
June 10, 2021

The popular Disney movie “The Princess Bride” contains many quotable lines including one word frequently repeated by the Sicilian criminal ringleader, Vinzini. Inconceivable! Whenever something unexpected or perplexing happened, Vinzini cries “Inconceivable!” Surprising things kept happening and each time there was a logical explanation. Finally, one of his comrades says, “I do not think that word means what you think it means.” 
There is a word that has become so overused in today’s culture that I think we have forgotten- or maybe truly never understood- its real meaning. That word is COMMUNITY. We use the word to talk about the geographic area where we live, our common civic ties, our network of friends, and even a quirky TV show on Netflix. But what does Community really mean?

At its core, the church is a community of people. We are a community with both traits similar to other communities, but also some true distinctiveness. What makes church or Christian community different from others? Over the next six weeks, we will look at scriptures that show us what Jesus-centered, Life-transforming, World-blessing, Spirit-filled community looked like for the early church. We will read through the Book of Acts and consider how Genesis is a distinctive community of people.

Before Sunday, I invite you to consider how you would fill in the blank:
Genesis UMC is a(n) _________________ community of people.
Pastors Amber & Paul

Music Moments
This coming Sunday LK and Chris will be leading the music as we move forward in talking about what it means to be a “community” of people; and specifically what it means to be from different cultures and backgrounds but have the Holy Spirit as a common thread that binds us together as the Church. I hope you will sing with great gusto (at home and in the sanctuary) as LK leads “Blest Be the Tie That Binds.”

The following is a reprint of a story I shared in April about this hymn, so if you didn’t have a chance to read it the first time, please enjoy!

The lyricist, John Fawcett, of one of our most beloved hymns, “Blest Be the Tie That Binds,” was born to poor parents in England in 1740. He came to Christ at the age of 16 through the ministry of George Whitefield, whom I have mentioned in connection to several conversion experiences in these articles. At the age of 26 he became a Baptist preacher and until his death in 1817 he served an impoverished congregation in Wainsgate, England where his salary for 50 years never reached above the equivalent of $200 per year. The rest of the story is that he had a wife, a large family, a calling to a large and influential church in London but wouldn’t leave his humble congregation, wrote this hymn text shortly afterward, later opened a school for young preachers on his meager salary, declined an offer to become the principal at a large Bible Academy in Bristol, wrote a large number of books on practical Christianity, and in 1811 was awarded an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree from Brown University in the United States in recognition of his life-long accomplishments that emanated from England.

The Swiss composer who wrote the music for this hymn text was Hans G. Naegeli, a music publisher and a great pioneer in the field of music education. His progressive teaching methods had much influence on the American Lowell Mason, who has been called the father of public school and church music education in the United States and who is included in the education of every university Music Education major to this day!

The Holy Spirit truly does draw us together from many paths of life for the edification of the Church and the community at-large!

June 12th

Hooray! Methodist Men will resume meeting in person at our June meeting. This will be an opportunity to see friends we haven't seen since the pandemic began and to share our experiences during these past months. The meeting will begin at 8:00 am in the dining room, and breakfast sandwiches and coffee will be available. Please enter by the door at the portico behind the Great Hall. All men in the church are welcome.
Open gym begins June 16th!
This summer, we will be having an "open gym" on Wednesday evenings, 6:30pm-8:30pm. This will primarily be for youth and young adults and an opportunity to (hopefully) connect with some other youth in our immediate community. We will need a few adult volunteers if you want to hang out and maybe get a little exercise!! For more info, please contact Pastor Paul.
Summer Bible Study - "Jesus & Justice"

Pastor Paul will be leading a Bible study this summer on "Jesus & Justice". We will look at words from Jesus, as well as stories and passages from the OT prophets, and how they have inspired and influenced Christians to be concerned about matters of justice. This study meets on Zoom at 1pm on Thursdays, and includes folks from both Genesis UMC and Christ UMC. We will meet every week beginning May 20 through the end of July, knowing that people will be in and out based on summer travel. If you are interested in more info or in joining the study, please contact Pastor Paul at to make sure he sends you a Zoom invite! 
Genesis Youth & Young Adults

Save the Dates!

Back to the Movies: In the Heights, June 12th
We have a movie theater reserved at Ridgmar Mall Cinemark on Saturday afternoon, June 12th @ 3pm to see In the Heights on opening weekend! This is primarily for youth, young adults, and their families...but if you are interested in joining us, contact Pastor Paul and he will let you know if we have an extra ticket! 
Youth & Children Mission Week, July 25-29

Kids - Grades 3-5 from 9am-1pm (M-W) will do age-appropriate mission projects onsite such as making Snack Packs and Hygiene kits. After a simple lunch, we will have some fun time!
Youth- Middle and High school from 8:30am-8:30pm. During the morning, youth will assist in the kid projects and then during the afternoon have off-campus projects at places like Refugee Services of Texas and First Street Mission. Lunch & Dinner will be served. Set up begins on Sunday, 7/25.
Wednesday evening, July 28, we will have a church-wide celebration event. Please let us know if you are interested in the Student Mission Week by clicking the form below and we will be in touch with more details!

Click here for more details on Student Mission Week
Connect with us online.
Join us for worship this Sunday on Facebook Live!
Also, find us on Instagram and Facebook!
Now Accepting Fall Enrollment
See our webpage for more details

Top 5 Needs

Want more concrete ideas about ways to serve with Genesis? Check out these volunteer opportunities...

#1. Adults willing to hang out during open gym on Wednesday nights this summer

#2. Help tidy up areas in our building following our successful garage sale.

#3. Prepare and serve snacks for children & youth during Mission Week

#4. Adults to assist with projects during student Mission Week

#5.Become a Lawn Ranger! A great time of fellowship as we help care for our lawn and grounds! 
Phone Problems

The church office is experiencing technical difficulties with the phone system. If you have tried calling the office after hours you have experienced this issue. Please be patient with us as we work through this problem. If you call the church office during the day, and don't get through, please try again. Currently, the voice mail system isn't working, nor is the rollover feature which allows us to receive more than one phone call at a time. We are working with our phone company and will update you on our progress. In the meantime, we kindly ask for your patience.
Genesis Open for In-Person Worship!
Our in-person worship continues to welcome those who desire to be in-person with others in our sanctuary on Sunday. We will continue live streaming in our sanctuary for those not comfortable with returning just yet. You can tune in at 10:30 every Sunday morning for live streaming our worship service. For those of you returning to in-person worship, we ask that you park in the front of the building. We look forward to seeing you!
Join Us for Worship on Sundays at 10:30
Go to our Facebook page at and worship with us on Facebook Live! every Sunday morning at 10:30 am. On Facebook, you will be able to interact through likes, comments, and a chat with our ministry team and other worshipers.
Go to our YouTube channel at to view the recorded Sunday morning service, which will be posted at the beginning of each week.
Pray with our Prayer Team | Sundays at 5pm
June 12th - UMM 8:00am
June 12th - Youth Movie Night 3:00pm
Small Groups at Genesis
We have a variety of small groups that continue to meet online throughout the week. Join us to help stay connected to God and others during this time! Contact Linda Walker for details about how to get plugged in!
Generosity Notes
Memorial Fund

The Memorial Fund allows you to remember or honor a person or event by providing funds for a current ministry of the church. To offer a memorial or honor gift, you may contact the church, mark a gift accordingly or go to our website,
Genesis offers electronic giving, which allows you to make donations on a scheduled, automatic basis. To set up electronic contributions, (checking or savings account or credit or debit card) you can come by the church office and complete an authorization form or go to the church website and give online.

Another great way to give is with a quick text message! Simply send a text to 817-697-2824 with the amount you would like to contribute. Make sure to include the dollar sign before the amount. Within a few minutes, you’ll be sent a text with a link to register. Once your registration is complete you will receive a text verification and a receipt via email.

It is important to know that we can depend on financial support from our congregation members to continue the missions that Genesis provides to so many, as we go through the summer, fall and upcoming holidays.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact Troy Chapman at 817-292-4551 or email him at

Thank you for supporting Genesis! 
Genesis Prayer List

Don Ward & his wife Julie Ward
Emily Peters, granddaughter of Margie Peschel
Martha Bayne, sister of Edie Jones
Lynn Matingly, submitted by Laura Stephens
Jamie Stephens
Clint Stephens
Brad Gissel, son of Joan Gissel
Devanye Carney, nephew of James & Kathleen Sassman
John Alelxander & family on the death of Suzanne
Rick Fowler, cousin of Linda Walker
Joyce Whalen
Liz Greer
Sharon McLaughlin, sister of Pam Paulson
David Belknap, son of Maurine Belknap
Jody Hoover
Jennifer Hoover
Travis Franklin, wife Lara & family
Don Chandler and his wife, Linda
Aubrey Simmons, wife of Bob & Liz Greer's nephew
Jennifer Johnson & Emily Pendergrass, family of Pat & George Poyner
The Reinhart family & friends
Gwen Gibson
Sylvia Dominey
Craig Bender, friend of Shayne & Dennis Rasing
Kerry Winans and her husband Chester
Dimphna Steyn
Syliva Dominey
Margaret Farmer
Kayleigh Krueger
Thad & Lisa Arms
Mona Foster

Contact our pastors at with your prayer concerns.
Co-Pastor - Rev. Amber Massingill -
Co-Pastor - Rev. Paul Massingill -
Missions / Interim FinanceAdmin - Troy Chapman -
Director of Music Ministry - Robyn Hollimon -
Organist/Pianist - LK Fletcher -
Director of Operations - Linda Walker -
Director of Handbells - Charlotte Hoffman - 
Weekday Preschool Director - Tammy Beck -
 Genesis United Methodist Church
 7635 S. Hulen Street, Fort Worth, TX 76133