January 28, 2022
There's still time (until February 15)
to have your logo included here weekly
and become an AGC Annual Partner for 2022!
Check out the media kit
or contact Jennifer to create a partnership customized to your needs.
Governor Releases Supplemental Budget Recommendations Ahead of the Legislative Session

The November 2021 budget forecast projected a $7.7 billion surplus for FY 2022-23 and December receipts are showing even a higher projection. Another forecast in February will be the guideposts for legislators to use for their ideas about how to utilize the projected historic surplus. Ahead of the 2022 Legislative starting on Monday, January 31st, Governor Walz released his full supplemental budget recommendations on Wednesday.

There are several items of note to the construction industry and contractors in the 100+ page proposal.
  • State funding (cash) to match federal funds from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
  • $280 Million in FY22-23  
  • From the $280m, $40M for Transit and Other Transportation
  • $240 million would go to the Highway User Tax Distribution Fund (HUTDF)
  • $373 Million - FY24-25, with $40M for Transit and Other Transportation

The governor's budget also includes funds for a state procurement study, increasing equity in apprenticeships, MNOSHA penalty conformity, and several other items of note.

STP Classes Begin February 23 & 24

The AGC Supervisory Training Program (STP) is a construction-specific training curriculum developed, updated and field-tested by and for contractors. Supervisory skill—or the lack of it—directly affects every company’s bottom line. You make your money in the field, and STP can help you improve your organization’s investment.

The comprehensive 6-course program focuses on the knowledge and skills that every supervisor must have to be an effective manager of people, time, equipment and materials. Sign your staff up for any or all of the following:

Lean Classes Begin (Virtually) March 29

AGC of America proudly offers Lean Construction Education Program (LCEP) Courses virtually with a series of three-hour sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning March 29th and running through May 19th, sessions held from noon to 3 pm EDT via Zoom. 

All students who complete the series are eligible to take the CM-Lean Exam and earn your Certificate of Management - Lean Construction
MnDOT Post Request for Letters of Interest on I-90 Unbonded Overlay from Hwy 169 to Hwy 22 Project

MnDOT has posted a new Request for Letters of Interest on the Design-Build website here.
The project is the “I-90 Unbonded Overlay from Hwy 169 to Hwy 22” project. It is likely to be let October, 2022 using new Federal money. While the exact size of the project is unknown (likely between $40-80M), MnDOT is moving forward with RFP writing and other preparation.
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Associated General Contractors of Minnesota 

525 Park Street, Suite 110 |  St. Paul, MN 55103