Dear Senior Parents,
Happy New Year! We hope that you all had a wonderful holiday break and are easing back into the second half of the school year. We continue to keep our fingers crossed that our Seniors will be back together again. However, we also remain realistic about the many unknowns that continue to challenge us during these times. We appreciate your continued understanding and patience as we get through this together.
Before the holidays, we provided you with an update that graduation is confirmed for Friday, June 18th and that we continue to plan and fundraise for all graduation events: Prom, Baccalaureate, Senior Breakfast, Grad Night celebrations, and Prom & Grad Night scholarships.
Thank you to all those who donated to the Gratitude Fundraiser. We were able to raise almost $4000! We are extremely grateful for your generosity and support. If you did not have a chance to donate during the month of November, our page remains open and you can donate here.
While our awesome Grad Night Co-Chairs are still planning an amazing celebration, we also recognize that there may be a possibility that a grad night event may look very different this year. The Co-Chairs are working hard with several different plans to ensure that we can still honor our Seniors. However, we have made a decision not to sell any tickets until early spring when we can have more confidence in sharing with you the type of event we will be able to hold.
Last week, Dr. Anderson sent an email with a link to purchase Caps & Gowns. Please get your orders in by January 30th (we confirmed that this is the correct date which was different from the email that students received). This is the information needed for your order:
Contact Card: [Need this to reserve Cap & Gown]
Class Meeting Video:
Order Website:
In recent years, the Senior Class has held a Parent Auction as a fundraiser for Prom. With the restrictions in place this year, they have had to reimagine their event and will be hosting an online team-a-thon and Senior Showcase. This will be held on March 1st with a follow-up on either March 3rd or 4th. We will share more details as we receive them, but please be on the lookout for this invitation from the Seniors, and please participate, if possible. It is completely student-led and is the only major fundraiser they will be able to hold for Prom.
Key Dates*:
*What we currently know. All dates/times are subject to change. For a more detailed calendar, please download this link.
March 1st and 3rd or 4th: Senior Showcase Fundraiser
May 22, 2021: Senior Prom
June 13, 2021: Baccalaureate
June 15, 2021: Salute to Senior Assembly
June 18, 2021:
Senior Breakfast
Graduation Rehearsal
Graduation Reception
Grad Night Celebration
Again, we will keep you posted on any additions or changes along the way. Please feel free to reach out to us at if you have any questions/comments/concerns. We would love to hear from you.
All the best,
Stephanie Dash and Thien-Di Do
Class of 2021 Parent Advisors