May 27, 2021
from the
Florida Rural Water Association
Board and Staff
2021 FRWA Annual Conference
August 9-11, 2021
Hilton Daytona Beach
100 N Atlantic Ave
Daytona Beach FL 32118
Registration (386) 254-8200
Group Code: FRWA21
It's been way too long since we have been able to get together! Which makes this year's Florida Rural Water Association’s Annual Technical and Training Conference the most anticipated event of the year! The Conference will be held at the beautiful Hilton Daytona Beach/Ocean Walk Village in exciting Daytona Beach, Florida with the room rates starting at $115.00 (this rate does not include $9.00 self parking rate) plus tax. For reservations, please call 386.254.8200 or click here to reserve your room online. You will want to bring the entire family to take advantage of all the amenities that Daytona Beach has to offer. For those wishing to drive in for the day, there will be a reduced self parking fee of $6.00. Don't forget to pick up your pass in the Registration Area.

Things will kick off with the Twenty-Fourth Annual Carl Hongell Memorial Golf Tournament at the LPGA Golf Course! You will not want to forget to bring your water sample to the Registration booth before 2:00 pm on Tuesday to participate in this year’s Best Tasting Water Contest. The winner will be announced at the Exhibitor Social in the Exhibit Hall on Tuesday evening and have a chance to participate in the “Great American Taste Test” in Washington DC in February.

Don't miss your chance to be in the Exhibit Hall when your name is picked for the door prizes that are given away! These and other activities will keep you informed, inspired, and motivated so that we can help you to make sure the future of the water and wastewater industry in Florida is bright.

We are still in the planning stages of the Conference and do not have an agenda available, but your can go ahead and register or reserve your booth by clicking here. More information will be posted on our website at this link as it becomes available.

Make your plans now! Don't miss out on the fun! See you in Daytona!

Advancing Water Reuse in Small and Disadvantaged Communities Are you a small community interested in Water Recycling? Not sure how to get started? This free webcast is for you! more

Water Quality Association Releases National Opinion Survey Emerging from the coronavirus pandemic, Americans are more positive about their household drinking water quality, less likely to depend on government oversight and increasingly ready to spend money on home water treatment, according to a new national survey of consumer opinions about drinking water released by the Water Quality Association. more

NRWA on MDBPs Last week, EPA held a public meeting which covered possible expansion of the current microbial and disinfection byproducts rules (EPA Agenda and Inside EPA report). On May 19, NRWA submitted comments on the EPA process. more

House SDWA Subcommittee to Hold Tuesday Hearing on SDWA Reauthorization Bills The Subcommittee on Environment and Climate Change of the Committee on Energy and Commerce held a legislative hearing on Tuesday May 25, 2021, at 11:30 a.m via Cisco Webex. The hearing is entitled, "The CLEAN Future Act and Drinking Water: Legislation to Ensure Drinking Water is Safe and Clean." more

President Biden Proposes New $1.7 Trillion Infrastructure Counteroffer to Senate Republicans White House aides working on a bipartisan infrastructure deal made a counteroffer on Friday to Republican senators, reducing the Biden administration’s initial proposal by $600 billion. more

ASDWA, ACWA, ECOS, ASTSWMO Submit Joint Letter to EPA on PFAS Effluent Limitations Guidelines On May 17, ASDWA, the Association of Clean Water Administrators (ACWA), the Environmental Council of the States (ECOS), and the Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials (ASTSWMO) submitted a joint letter of comment to EPA on the “Clean Water Act Effluent Limitations Guidelines (ELGs) and Standards: Organic Chemicals, Plastics and Synthetic Fibers Point Source Category Advanced Noticed of Proposed Rulemaking.” more

New Report on Small Systems Customer Debt and Declining Revenue Impacts from COVID-19 The report examines how the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated challenges for small systems and underserved communities faced with rising water bills, financial and cyber insecurity, and additional costs for treating new contaminants in their water and wastewater. more

EPA Announces Winners of Innovative Ways to Destroy PFAS in AFFF Challenge This challenge is focused on identifying ways to destroy PFAS in concentrated aqueous film forming foam (AFFF) because of its high concentration of PFAS and widespread use to fight fires. more


Drought emergency declared in Sarasota County; residents urged to conserve water | Herald Tribune In a stark indication of the area's growing water system issues, Sarasota County on Wednesday declared a drought emergency and urged residents to conserve water for the next week. more

Stuart asks residents to conserve water as dry conditions continue | WPTV Technically Florida has entered the start of the rainy season, but sunny and dry conditions continue for much of the Sunshine State. more

Longboat Key proposes rate increases to fund utility projects | Your Observer The Longboat Key Town Commission is set to decide between two proposed increases for water and sewage rates to help fund critical projects during the next decade. more

Despite some legislative action, FL's response to rising seas and flash flooding will take some time Florida communities vulnerable to an estimated $30 billion in property damage from tidal flooding and flash flooding through 2030 will get unprecedented state help — but no time soon. more

As water sources run short, it becomes important to understand new underground pollutants Last year, one thing was revealed. We cannot live our lives without risk. In fact, every part of our day-to-day work has been the subject of analysis. How risky is the action and is its value worth the potential cost? more

Farm Hill Utilities Plans New Half Million Gallon Water Tank At Highway 297A, Highway 97 | North Escambia The above ground water storage tank will be located on the northwest corner of the Highway 297A and Highway 97 intersection. more

Developer offers up own land at last minute for Milton's new wastewater treatment plant | Pensacola News Journal Homebuilder Edwin Henry threw both Santa Rosa County and the city of Milton for a loop Tuesday when he made a surprise last-minute offer to donate hundreds of acres of his own land for the construction of a new wastewater treatment plant in Milton. more

Milton's new wastewater plant: Everything you need to know about the project and its future | Pensacola News Journal City officials broke ground on the treatment plant in February, a milestone more than a decade in the making. more

Water, sewer rates likely to rise | Gulf Breeze News Water and wastewater utility rates will, most likely, be changing in the future. Gulf Breeze staff and City Council will be considering exactly what those changes will be as they move into budget talks this summer. more
This Week in Water History
Wilbur Wright Dies of Typhoid Fever
May 30, 1912: Wilbur Wright dies of typhoid fever.

The year 1908 signaled the beginning of drinking water disinfection in the U.S. A lot of important things happened in that year and later. Jim Rasenberger in his book, America 1908, chronicled the technological, exploration, political and sociological milestones in the U.S. during 1908. On the first page of his book, he stated succinctly the thrills attendant to the year, “…1908, by whatever quirk of history or cosmology, was one hell of a ride around the sun.” During these 366 days, the Wright brothers amazed the world with extended flights of heavier-than-air machines, the Model T went into production, two explorers reached for the North Pole, a 20,000 mile race in automobiles from New York to Paris was started and completed, a new President was elected, the national pastime captured the attention of the country in a strange pennant race, the Great White fleet started its round-the-world cruise and deadly race riots and other violence scarred the national conscience.

The capstone to 1908 was a two-hour and twenty minute flight by Wilbur Wright on December 31 in a suburb of Paris, which shattered all previous records for continuous flight. For manned flight, this was truly a major year. “In tracing the development of aeronautics, the historian of the future will point to the year 1908 as that in which the problem of mechanical flight was first mastered…”

To put the achievements of the Wright brothers in the context of their time and the history of application of scientific principles, part of Wilbur’s obituary summed up their accomplishments.

“The death of Wilbur Wright has brought intense personal sorrow to all who were in any way associated with him…The science of aviation has lost its greatest student, and in time to come the name of Wilbur Wright will be recorded in the annals of invention with the names of such pioneers as Robert Fulton, Stephenson (first steam locomotive engine), Bell, and others who have given to the world the value of practical experiments and successful achievements.” (emphasis added)

Thus, Wilbur Wright was not the first person to gaze at a bird and wonder how humans could fly. Nor was he the first person to build an airplane and try to lift off the ground. He and his brother, Orville, were the first to actually accomplish powered flight, but, more importantly, they demonstrated in a practical manner how to control that flight. Once again, technological progress is made by those who make an idea work.  An original idea without practical implementation is just a waste of oxygen feeding the brain. more

To enjoy more opportunities to take a look at the past in water history, go to this link.