Bunche Center Newsletter
December 2020
Wishing you a safe, healthy, and happy Holiday Season from your friends at the
Ralph J. Bunche International Affairs Center!
Dear Bison Family and Friends,

2020 has brought us much to reflect upon. As we at the Bunche Center reflect, we are reminded of the beautiful, supportive, curious, brilliant, engaged, global community that we have created at Howard University and beyond, and we are grateful for you. This year uprooted us and forced us inside and online, but that has also allowed many of us to connect across time zones, borders (international and otherwise), and schedules…allowing us into spaces we never ventured before, and for that we are also grateful.

We move into 2021 embracing the silver linings of 2020 but hopeful that with the new year will come more health, more healing, more unity, more mobility and more Bison Abroad! We learned in November through the release of IIE's Open Doors report, that Howard University is currently the HBCU sending the most students abroad, a title held by Spelman for many years. While our students were not able to go abroad this academic year, we are encouraged that study abroad will resume in the fall and look forward to supporting our students in selecting the program that will suit them best. Meanwhile, we will continue to bring the world to Howard through our series #BuncheTalks: Shaping Our Future Through the SDGs and other unique events to engage and inspire. We hope you will join us.

We wish you and yours a safe, healthy, and happy, holiday season!

All the Best,

Tonija Hope
Announcing the 2021
Patricia Roberts Harris Fellows!
Please join us in welcoming the newest cohort of Patricia Roberts Harris Public Affairs Fellows! The PRH Fellows are outstanding Howard University students who are dedicated to public affairs, service, and developing the skills necessary to become the next generation of leaders in our increasingly global world.

The 2021 PRH fellows are:

Aissa Dearing, junior studying history and environmental science from Durham, N.C.;

Camille King, sophomore studying TV and film with a minor in English from Hamden, Conn.;

Katherine Gilyard, junior studying journalism with a minor in biology from Albany, Ga.;

Kenadi Maupin, junior studying political science with a minor in English from New Orleans, La.;

Makenli Raspberry, junior studying sports-medicine with a minor in chemistry from Houston, Texas;

Brielle Smith, sophomore studying public relations with a minor in business administration from Atlanta, Ga.;

Elon Stein, sophomore studying sociology with a minor in business administration from Mount Laurel, N.J.; and

Deanrea Sykes Jr., sophomore studying philosophy with a minor in African-American studies from Tulsa, Okla.

Stay tuned to hear more about the 2021 cohort of PRH fellows! View the full Howard University press release here.
HU Alumna Receives Peace Corps Franklin H. Williams Award
HU alumna Ms. Jalina Porter was among an esteemed group of returned Peace Corps volunteers who received the Franklin H. Williams Award on December 15th. Ms. Porter is a 2008 graduate of the School of Business and served from 2009-2001 in Cambodia as a Peace Corps volunteer. Currently, Ms. Porter is the Communications Director for Congressman Cedric L. Richmond (D-LA). The Bunche Center congratulates her on this important honor. Howard University has been the top-sending HBCU of Peace Corps volunteers for the last 15 years which speaks to our commitment to service on a global level. 2021 will mark the 60th anniversary of the National Peace Corps Association, the organization that represents returned Peace Corps volunteers, and Howard University will serve as host. Read the full 2020 Franklin H. Williams Award press release here.
Looking Forward to 2021...
Thank you to everyone who joined us for this semester's virtual installments of #BuncheTalks: Shaping Our Future through the Sustainable Development Goals. The 2020-21 Bunche Center annual series highlights the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In September, our opening event featured Dr. Clarence Lusane (Department of Political Science), Dr. Helen Bond (School of Education), and Alainna Lynch (Research Manager, Sustainable Development Solution Network), who shared an overview of the SDGs as highlighted in their recent co-authored article, "Never More Urgent: A preliminary review of how the US is leaving behind Black, Hispanic, and Indigenous communities.

Moderated by United Nations Association Howard University Chapter President, Ms. Oona Nelson, we were joined by Dr. Mietek Boduszynski (Associate Professor of Politics & International Relations at Pomona College), Dr. J. Jarpa Dawuni (Department of Political Science, and Alexandra Montgomery (Director of Programs, Amnesty International Brazil), for a timely discussion on SDG #16, "Peace, Justice, & Strong Institutions," to discuss the role and rhetoric of strong institutions, particularly during election seasons, both domestically and abroad.

Finally, our November edition of #BuncheTalks featured SDG #4, Quality Education. Our esteemed panel of scholars and experts in the field of education engaged in a robust conversation around the importance of culturally relevant education as necessary for achieving a just and equitable society. Panelists included: Dr. Kmt Shockley (School of Education and author of "The Mis-Education of Black Children,"), Dr. Anthony Jackson (Vice President, Education and Director of the Center for Global Education at the Asia Society), and Ms. Ayva Thomas (Assistant Director of Racial & Educational Justice for Northshore School District). Moderated by Ph.D. student in Higher Educational Leadership & Policy Studies, Ms. Lyndsie Whitehead, our speakers highlighted inequities and injustices in education and how they work to eradicate them in their respective positions.

The annual series, spearheaded by the Ralph J. Bunche International Affairs Center, was created to supplement and complement Howard University students' learning on issues of global importance. The 2020-21 virtual #BuncheTalks events are recorded, and will be uploaded to the Bunche Center's YouTube page. Please join us in January for the second half of #BuncheTalks: Shaping Our Future through the SDGs.
Bison Abroad
Fall 2020 has offered those of us with a passion for cross-cultural learning and physical global mobility an unexpected opportunity to sit in one place and reflect on our dreams of and dedication to global citizenship. Several questions that may be coming up during this time of sheltering in place may have included: 

  • What do I miss most about the freedom I once had to travel internationally? 
  • Do I feel a void or angst not being able to leave my country of origin? If so, why may that be? 
  • How can I connect cross-culturally from the comfort of my home? 
  • How can I build community with other globally conscious people remotely? 
  • When I can experience that special version of myself while abroad again, where will I go and how will I celebrate? 
  • What have I gained from not being away from my home country/community during 2020? 

As we exit 2020 and enter a new year, let us all be encouraged to reflect, be intentional, and show gratitude in advance for what is to come, especially the time when our privilege of owning a passport returns. And for those who are yet to take the life-changing step of acquiring a passport, be more encouraged than ever to take note of the significance and value of global mobility after experiencing 2020. 

Starting the first day of classes in January 2021, the Bison Abroad Office will be available for study abroad advising for the fall 2021 semester through our partner organizations. A list of our partners can be found HERE on the Bunche Center website, along with the slide for the Study Abroad Information Session!

Ms. Maraina Montgomery
Assistant Director for Study Abroad
Joint HBCU Series & Diversity Abroad Publication
The three-part series, Voices from the Diaspora, shed light on the experiences of HU international students, Semilore Olatunde (senior, Nigeria), Anire Atsangbede (senior, Nigeria), Black Latinx students, Cydney Davis (sophomore, Colorado) and Raquel Muniz (sophomore, Colorado) along with students from Prairie View A&M and Morgan State. In recognition of International Education Week, Ms. Montgomery moderated a panel discussion entitled "Building the Pipeline: Navigating the Field of International Education as Black Professionals." Five professionals, located across the US and in South Africa, discussed such questions as, "What have you achieved in your current role that has supported an increase in participation or access to study abroad for Black students?" and "What is an area within education abroad that you can recognize a need for growth in?" This series offered a powerful resource for students and created a sacred space for the HBCU community.

"The impact of the current global crisis, COVID-19, has directly affected work
of international educators. Yet it has also inspired many practitioners to reimagine effective methods for engaging and supporting the students they serve.

This piece showcases how we, three administrators from Howard University,
Morgan State University, and Prairie View A&M University, seized a moment
and the attention of our Historically Black College and University communities
to mindfully motivate our students to prepare for a “new normal” that centers
global connectedness and learning opportunities. " Click below to read the full article co-authored by Assistant Director for Study Abroad, Maraina Montgomery.
Bison Abroad Ambassadors
Ms. Montgomery hosted a socially-distanced grounding session for Howard Bison Abroad Ambassadors and Alumni, with learning objectives including:

  • Gaining a sense of connectedness with one and other and the natural world (outside of Howard's campus)
  • Reflecting on previous international experiences connected to nature and articulate the value placed on their experience(s).
  • Gaining a less common awareness of the indigenous peoples of the DC/DMV land that they currently live on.
  • Learning techniques for grounding one’s self, reducing anxiety, and being still to be used in any environment.
  • Experiencing appreciation for the role of the natural world and its rejuvenating qualities will increase.

Participants felt more relaxed, less anxious, more at ease, and self-aware as a result of having participated.
From the entire Bunche Center Family, we wish you a joyous, safe, and restful holiday season. See you in 2021!
Ralph J. Bunche International Affairs Center []