Summer 2018 - Issue 2
USDA California Climate Hub
News & Notes
The USDA California Climate Hub within the Agricultural Research Service at the UC Davis Muir Institute works with our USDA, university, state and other federal agencies and partners to help enable climate informed decision making and advance the adaptive capacity for the California's working and manged agricultural, range and forest lands. These monthly newsletters are just one approach toward meeting this objective. But if can be of further service or assistance we encourage you to get in touch with us.
Drought Monitor as of August 9th 2018
There isn't a great deal of change from the last two monitor releases. Still a good fraction of the state is abnormally dry or experiencing moderate drought conditions with a smaller fraction in serve of extreme drought along the southern CA coast and inland areas. You can click directly on the map above of the button below to access the US Drought Monitor (USDM) portal. And for tutorials on understanding the USDM outputs click here for link to US drought mitigation centers website. These maps are updated each Thursday, so be sure to consult the website for the latest on drought conditions for your region.
8-14 day and One-month Temperature Outlooks
In the next 8-14 days the majority of CA is expected to see a 40-60% chance of above average temperatures.

The 30 day outlook for CA also predicts a hotter than normal for the majority of the state.
NRCS Field Day on Warm Season Cover Crops
Join the NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Cente r on Wed. August 22 from 10 am-12 noon for a Field Day on warm season cover crops. Warm season cover crops are an underused tool in California agriculture. Their use can “add value” during a fallow “window” within a production cropping system. Advantages include: reduced soil erosion and increased water infiltration with fall rains, weed suppression, enhanced nutrient cycling, reduced soil compaction, and increased water holding capacity.

Where : NRCS Plant Material Center at 21001 N. Elliot Rd., Lockeford C A
When : Aug 22nd 10 am-12 noon
For more information or to arrange any special needs contact: or 209.727.5319;
New Report
Assessment of Nontimber Forest Products in the United States Under Changing Conditions
This new report is a forest sector wide assessment of the state of the knowledge regarding Non timber forest products (NTFPs) science and management information for U.S. forests and rangelands. This assessment serves as a baseline science synthesis and provides information for managing non timber forest resources in the United States. In addition, this NTFP assessment provides information for national-level reporting on natural capital and the ecosystem services NTFPs provide.
Fire Resources and Information
The wildfires burning throughout the state is a concern to many of us and something we here at the Climate Hub are keenly tracking. 2018 is unfortunately another record setting fire year and will continue to effect and impact 100's if not 1000's of everyday Californians. Like many of you, I am contacted almost daily to comment and to provide information around wildland fire activity, effects and impacts. The USDA climate hub program has amassed a list of numerous resources around fire activity, announcements, and associated orders that can be found on our website - please follow the link below to access these resources and feel free to pass this along to stakeholder groups or others that might find this helpful.
Save the Date
Reforestation and Natural Regeneration Symposium - Sacramento CA
November 28th-29th
The USFS - Region 5 and USDA California Climate Hub will be co-hosting a symposium on reforestation and natural forest regeneration this November at the wildland fire training center in Sacramento CA. Reforestation is a critically important management practice to protect and sustain forested ecosystems which in light of the tree mortality and the large fires it is important that managers have best science and resources available.
Stay in Touch
Let me know if you have news worthy items, outputs or products or associated resources that may be of interest to the USDA California Climate Hub community. You can email items to me, Steven Ostoja, USDA California Climate Hub Director by clicking here .