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View the November Newsletter on our website now.
Happy Halloween
from the Wauconda Area Library!
Remember to Fall Back this weekend!
The last day to vote is November 3rd:
Election Day 2020!
October 28, 7:00 pm

Think you know Chicago? Join author Jessica Mlinaric for weird Chicago trivia from the city's spookiest secret places.
Come test your knowledge and learn about Chicago’s most obscure surprises.

Register to receive the Zoom webinar link. 
November 2, 7:00 pm

Let’s take a refreshing look at the beverage that has been called "liquid bread." German Historian Anette Isaacs will be with us live on Zoom for a fascinating exploration of the history of beer; from Germany’s pride to American Beer Barons.
Virtual Book Clubs

The Five by Hallie Rubenhold

The Glass Ocean by Beatriz Williams, Lauren Willig, & Karen White
October 28, 11 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Register to read with a librarian.
Each child will receive their own 20 minute appointment to read one on one via Zoom. A great way to build confidence and increase fluency.

Sign up each week for a slot, families with multiple readers sign up each reader individually.
November, weather permitting

All items for the nature hunt are located at the library. 
Enjoy the outdoors and get some fresh air while you find all of these hidden items. 
New adventures each week.
November, weather permitting

Enjoy interactive stories on the library lawn. 
We will feature two stories per week that are available from 9 am to dusk.
Each page of the story will be action packed and engaging.
Recommendations for...
That Fall Feeling

Read a classic (as voted on by PBS viewers):

Cozy up with an unconventional mystery:

Watch a new movie:
by Paulette Jiles

Submitted by Kelly K.
This is an inspiring story told by a masterful writer. It’s just after the Civil War, set in Texas. 
Simon is travelling around with a group of musicians, trying to stay afloat and out of trouble. He finds a girl that captures his heart and finds a way to keep her in his sights despite a lot of obstacles. 

If you enjoyed News of the World, this book will make you love Jiles’ style even more.
by Gene Weingarten

Submitted by Lynn M.
I like the concept of this book – pick an ordinary day in the past and find out what happened to ordinary people living ordinary lives on that day. And indeed, the author found momentous tragedies, quiet triumphs, lives begun, ended, and irrevocably changed. In practice much of the book was necessarily devoted to background and follow up, sometimes covering decades before and after this One Day.
Still, it’s hard to see how any of the events covered would have made sense without this information, and the final chapter tied it all up well, bringing back into focus the people readers had met and the events in which they were involved.
by Nnedi Okorafor

Submitted by Stefanie M.
Nnamdi lives in Nigeria, where he believes his father was killed by a local crime lord. A year later, the murder is still not avenged, and Nnamdi is visited by his father’s spirit, who gives him an Ikenga--a small statue that gives Nnamdi the power to turn into a powerful, Hulk-like superhero. Will Nnamdi be able to control the rage he feels and use his power for good? Or will his desperate need for revenge consume him?
Perfect for anyone who loves a good superhero story.
Recommended for Grades 4+
by John John Bajet

Submitted by Lauri C.
Do you have a baby shark lover in your house? This book will have you singing along as baby shark brushes his teeth, reads a book, turns his nightlight on, and gets tucked in.
Guess what?
There is even a baby shark bedtime dance!

Happy Reading!

Learn technology, creative and business skills you can use today. LinkedIn Learning offers online video tutorials for the web, design, photography, audio and music production, video, 3D animation and much more. 
You will need your valid Wauconda Area Library card and PIN to login.
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