“Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?” He (Jesus) said to him, “’You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” Matthew 22:36-40
Celebrate Our Worship
Physically distant, but connected together online!
Online Worship Service - Sunday at 9:00 am

In-Gathering Sunday

The Rt. Rev. Gayle E. Harris, Bishop Suffragan of the Diocese of Massachusetts

Prayer Requests
E-mail Tom Hussey at with your requests by Friday. If you would like someone added to our church prayer list, please email the office at

Prayer Requests for All Saints' Day
On Sunday, November 1, we will honor those we have lost since November 2019 and give thanks for those who have been baptized If you have any names for the list, please call the office at 978-465-5351 or email to
Outdoor Eucharist Service - "Mass in the Grass"
Sunday at 11:00 am, Monday through Thursday at 12:00 noon
(Thursday service will be Rite 1 with traditional language)
Note: Services resume Thursday, October 22

Registration is required. Click here to select dates or call the office
We need to be certain that our number of attendees is below 25 people.
Service Offering
Please make your offering by check, internet banking or the donation button on our website at

Service Available on YouTube and Rebroadcast on Local TV:
Our online services are available at any time on St. Paul's YouTube channel and
Channel 8 in Newburyport broadcast on Tuesday at 9:00 am, Thursday at 9:00 am, and Sunday at 10:30 am. Channel 9 in Newbury and Channel 18 in Salisbury broadcast on Wednesday at 9:00 am.
Note: On a Monday holiday the Tuesday at 9:00 am service will be the previous week.

Let us know if you have trouble accessing the service or our YouTube channel. We can help! Call the office.
Bible Study at Home this Week
On Monday of next week the church celebrates the Feast of St. Luke, Evangelist. Our gospel reading is Luke 4:14-21. Br Curtis Almquist offers a sermon entitled St. Luke the Physician and Evangelist. Find out why Br Almquist says St. Luke was the "odd-man-out" among the Apostles.

Hello St. Paul's,

I'm just back from a bit of time away with the family and feeling refreshed. We're looking forward to welcoming Bishop Gayle Harris this Sunday. Bishop Gayle will preach and celebrate at our spiritual communion online/televised service at 9am and also preach outside for Mass in the Grass at 11am. Be sure to register in advance for Mass in the Grass if you plan to attend and meet Bishop Gayle!

This Sunday is also Ingathering Sunday, when we would usually offer our pledge cards as part of our worship. This year is different, of course. If you register to attend Mass in the Grass you can physically submit your card there if you wish, or you can submit through our online pledge card at or by returning the card back to St. Paul's through the mail or by dropping it off at the church office (you should have received or will soon be receiving a pledge card by mail). 

Along with a letter from the stewardship committee about how to pledge your giving for the coming year you should also have received a letter from me that serves as a brief theology of giving. Even in a generous parish such as ours, it is easy to go along with our giving without serious prayerful consideration of what living generously means or why we give. I hope this letter helps: Why Give

In prayer,
Fr Jarred

We've met twice now, and it's been a great experience! Join us for our third meeting on Wednesday, 10/28, at 7pm: click here for the Zoom link.

Come to our virtual bookclub! We're sharing "This Book is Anti-Racist" by Montessori teacher Tiffany Jewell. New members always welcome.
For our next meeting, please complete through Chapter 5 - come even if you haven't had time to catch up! Questions? Email Linda.

For a list of suggested resources (your additions welcome!) click here & scroll down.
Take a look at our online classes, new ones every weekend!
For links to previous classes - to offer thoughts or say hi! - please email Linda.
This week's classes for children, arriving in your email this weekend: The Great Commandment

Online Sunday School and Youth emails continue; we have plans for interesting ways to stay connected & active as the year goes on. We'll keep you posted & in our prayers!
P.S. Back-to-school goody bags still available for our young scholars! Send Linda a note!
Read our OCTOBER newsletter - click here. You are warmly invited to reach out to our Children & Youth Program Coordinator, Linda Davis Siess: click here. Peace & joy!
Sunday Coffee Hour 10:00 am – Zoom Link Below! 
Click on the Zoom link below.

Meeting ID: 852 8932 7409
Passcode: 445064

Join us for coffee (yours) and conversation (us).
Stewardship Season - "Our Spiritual Home...Growing Together"
Discerning God's Call

On October 25th we will welcome Bishop Gayle Harris as our preacher. It is always a significant time in the life of our parish to hear from our Bishops and be led by them in our worship. This is our “In-Gathering Sunday” where we typically submit our pledge cards as an offering of our worship at the Eucharist.
This year we ask that you wait to submit your pledge card on or after InGathering Sunday, 10/25, and if possible, on or before 10/29. However, we do realize that some parishioners will need to or choose to submit their pledges later for job, investment, or other reasons. We are able to submit our cards by mail, online, or by bringing them to the church. Bishop Gayle will join us for our 9.00 am streamed service and at “Mass in the Grass” at 11 am (preaching at both), and those who register for the outdoor Eucharist can offer their pledge cards at that service.
The St. Paul's Stewardship Team

If you haven't seen the amazing Stewardship video, click here.
"Spiritual Home...Growing Together" Prayer
Generous God, author and perfecter of our faith, from you comes every good thing; teach us to share in your generosity with joy and thanksgiving and grant us the grace to grow together in faith, serve the world in your mercy, and offer ourselves in love to you and our neighbor. We ask this in the name of your Son Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us and lives and reigns forever with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
St. Paul's Virtual Fall Fair and Silent Auction is Coming!
St. Paul's Virtual Fall Fair and Silent Auction is happening this year from Friday, November 27 (Black Friday) through Saturday, December 5. The website is still under development but you can submit your donation via the online form HERE.

Don't worry if you don't know the value of your item or event. Our team will help determine the value once you submit the form.

In order to reduce person to person contact, we will not be collecting items. Everything will be done online. Buyers will collect items directly from donors. Volunteers will be available to help delivering or mailing donations to buyers when needed. All contact will be reduced to a minimum and done safely.

So use your imagination to create virtual events and experiences as well as donating desirable items worth at least $20. If you did not receive the letter describing the fair and silent auction, you can view it here St. Paul's Virtual Fall Fair and Silent Auction

Deirdre and John Budzyna/Co-Chairpersons
All Saints" Day Caroling - Sunday, November 1 at 11:40 am
Would you like to go “All Saints’ Day caroling” with us? We will meet at St. Paul’s next Sunday, Nov. 1, at 11:40. This will be an opportunity to visit some of our St. Paul’s family who have been unable to get out much during the pandemic. We will stay outside and sing a few favorite hymns near a door or window or in their yard, keeping our masks on at all times and staying safe distances from each other and from those whom we visit. We will return to the church no later than 1:45. I hope you can join us. Please contact me at 978-551-8107 or
Vote: Then Sing!
Do you feel stressed over the upcoming election? You are not alone. Here is a suggestion. The Center for Congregational Song, a ministry of The Hymn Society in the U.S. and Canada, is hosting a 12-hour program on YouTube Live on Election Day, Nov. 3, from 1:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Eastern Time. The first ten minutes of each hour will include prayers, scripture readings, and poems, led by clergy and church musicians from across the U.S. and Canada. The remaining fifty minutes of each hour will be songs and hymns appropriate for this important time in our history. There will be pre-recorded selections and live music. The Live Stream link is

For further information and a list of participating musicians, google Vote: Then Sing. Even if you can’t tune in, please pray for this ministry of peace and reconciliation, and sing whenever you can! Mark Meyer
Financial Support for St. Paul's
The Stewardship campaign for 2021 has begun. We hope you will prayerfully consider what you can pledge for the coming year. Thank you for your ongoing support to our beloved church in this unique time of virtual and outdoor services, and supporting our attempts to meet the increased need of those in our community. through our various ministries. We appreciate the many financial and personal gifts you continue to share with our church family and our community.
Faithfully, Stu Tuthill/Treasurer, Bronson de Stadler/Senior Warden, Ed Winslow/Junior Warden & Clare Keller/Clerk
Pastoral Care Team
Although the Pastoral Ministry Team is not making home visits during the COVID pandemic, we continue to reach out to our parishioners. And remember, prayer shawls are available. If you know someone who would appreciate a phone call or is in need of services please call St. Paul’s Office to let the Pastoral Team know. We will happily add their name to the list of people we call on a regular basis and reach out.
Nancy Jukins/Chairperson
Food Voucher Program
Please let us know if you or anyone you know are in need of help with food, medications, medical expenses and other needs. Call the office at 978-465-5351. All calls are confidential. Deb Hay/Administrator
Prayer List
If you have would like to add someone to our ongoing Sunday worship prayer list, please email the office at or call 978-465-5351.
Love is the Way
Holding on to Hope in Troubling Times

An inspirational road map to help you put faith in action

In Love is the Way, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry shares the tools we need to live the way of love. Using stories from his faith, his ancestry as the descendant of slaves and the child of civil rights activists, and his personal journey, Love is the Way shows us how we came this far and, more importantly, how to go a whole lot further.

In Love is the Way, Bishop Curry shares why love is essential for addressing the seemingly insurmountable challenges facing the world today. In each chapter, readers will discover the gifts they need in order to live the way of love: deep reservoirs of hope and resilience, simple wisdom, the discipline of nonviolence, and unshakable regard for human dignity.

Read more about the book here
We hope you enjoy reading our weekly newsletter which covers the current news of our parish life. If you have questions or news you would like us to include, contact Administrator Deb Hay at 978-465-5351 or
St. Paul's Episcopal Church | 166 High Street
Newburyport, Massachusetts 01950 | 978-465-5351