The Crew's News
February 2022
Commodore's Corner
March in Boca is one of the most exciting and active months of the year! And there is no exception when it comes to our very own Boating Club.

We have TWO fun events planned for the month of March:
  • The first event kicks off with a luncheon at Frenchy's Saltwater Cafe on Wednesday, March 9th. Personally, I think it's the best grouper sandwich in the area. Plenty of dock space to take your boat or ride along with someone else. It's a very nice ride north to Clearwater that you won't want to miss! 
  • Then on Saturday, March 19th comes the return of our Annual Fun Fishing Tournament and after party lunch at Club Boca. This was such a blast last year that we just had to bring it back. 

Our Club continues to grow and we've now reached 120+ members! Please invite both your existing and new neighbors to join in on the fun. 

We always welcome your suggestions for the Club and look forward to seeing you soon. FYI, we'll have some exciting, new club merchandise items for you at the next event.

See you on the water,

Dave Buzza

A Message from
Vice Commodore Gloria Phillips
I hope you have been enjoying being on the water and our club events. If you are one of the 34 new members, we are delighted to have you as a part of the Boca Ciega Point Boating Club family! Please reach out to any of the Officers with questions, suggestions, or if you’re looking for another boater for a day on the bay.

Join us in welcoming our new members for 2022! John Causarano, Robert and Linda Coppola, Melissa Cummings, Art Dailey, John and Kristi DeCaprio, Cynthia Dickerson, Tom and Deb Graham, Terry Hux, Ellen LaFleur, Marty and Tricia Lambert, Barbara McElhinney, Andrea and Patrick O’Connor, Bob and Lisa Parke, Linda Patterson, Jack and Lauralee Rogers, Richard and Cecelia Scaglione, Alan and Denise Shedler, Gerry Smith, Ilona Thompson, John and Jennifer Weir, Larry and Karen Wilkholm, Greg and Paula Zablonski.
Share your Club experiences with your neighbors and encourage them to join in the fun. For membership info call 847-212-3013. Help make our 50th year a stellar one!

Go Boating! Be Happy!

Gloria Phillips
Fleet Captain Jim (JC) Charles


Warm weather and calm seas are in sight. Great for us, but spring break will also be upon us.

We lucked out and booked Frenchy’s Saltwater Cafe on March 9th. To avoid the rush, we are arriving
there at 11am to begin the festivities after a pleasant voyage, or drive, up to Clearwater. The Captain's meeting will be on the 7th at 6pm.

The Fishing Tournament is up next on March 19th.
This will be a great time trying to catch whatever
fish the red tide left for us! Awards for first fish, biggest fish, most fish by a person and most by a boat will be given out at the Club Boca lunch and party afterwards. Registration and $20 payment by the 14th is required for both fishing and party. Captain's meeting is on the 16th at 6pm.

For April, a Boat Scavenger Hunt will take place on April 9th with a Club Boca party after. This
will be a photo-taking hunt for various objects and fun things. It should be great fun on the hunt and at
the party! We are searching for a place to motor to for lunch later in the month but haven’t been
successful yet. Hopefully, spring break will wind down and places with adequate docks will want
us to come.

To register for the Fishing Tournament and after party including the lunch, just click on the red button below that says “Click here to register”. If you have questions, just call me!

Jim "JC" Charles
Are you on Facebook? Join our private group for Boca Ciega Point Boating Club members only! We will use this group to post events, share referrals for service providers, ask each other questions, and more. Click here and request to join. 
See you on Facebook!