CWSF Newsletter | February 2022
Organizational Highlights
State & Private Forestry Fact Sheets for the U.S.-Affiliated Pacific Islands
The Western Forestry Leadership Coalition (WFLC) recently completed a project with funding support from the USDA Forest Service and in partnership with Forest Solutions to assist six U.S.-Affiliated Pacific Islands with the development of their 2022 State & Private Forestry Fact Sheets. Over the course of the project, Forest Solutions worked directly with the Pacific Islands to document information, develop stories, and finalize content for the Fact Sheets. 

The 2022 State & Private Forestry Fact Sheets can be accessed by visiting and clicking through to each state/island. Fact Sheets for the U.S.-Affiliated Pacific Islands are linked below:

As a next step, WFLC staff will be working in cooperation with the USDA Forest Service and the six Pacific Islands to develop communication materials utilizing content from the completed Fact Sheets. These materials will be tailored to each island and will help to highlight outcomes resulting from investments into forestry programs in the Pacific Islands. 
Chapter 80 Good Neighbor Authority Guidance
The USDA Forest Service recently released the Chapter 80 - Good Neighbor Authority (GNA) Guidance in section 2409.19 - Renewable Resources Handbook. The Chapter 80 GNA Guidance, along with a link to the entire Forest Service Handbook, has been added to the GNA Information and Resources webpage (located under the USDA Forest Service/BLM Implementation Tools and Resources header)

The GNA Information and Resources webpage serves as a western repository of resources for state forestry agencies, federal agencies, and partners. To submit a suggested resource for inclusion on the webpage, complete the following Google Form
Policy Update
Fiscal year appropriations bills were still not finalized as the Continuing Resolution (CR) passed in December expired this month. Another CR was passed providing a stopgap until agreement can be reached. The U.S. Department of the Interior’s Office of Wildland Fire released their initial spend plan for the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.
Meet a Forester
Cal Mukumoto

This month, we are pleased to feature Cal Mukumoto, State Forester of the Oregon Department of Forestry. 

News and Notes from Our Members and Partners
Member and Partner Transitions

Dr. Homer Wilkes was sworn in as the U.S. Department of Agriculture Under Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment.
Job Opportunities
Looking for a job opportunity in forestry? Find your next position in western forestry on the Council of Western State Foresters (CWSF) job blog.

If you would like to submit a job posting, please email Halie Miyazawa.
Meetings Calendar
See the calendar of meetings and events hosted by CWSF/WFLC and partner organizations.
WGA Launches Task Force on Collaborative Conservation
The Western Governors’ Association (WGA) recently signed an agreement with the U.S. Department of the Interior and Department of Agriculture to form a Task Force on Collaborative Conservation.

According to WGA, “The Task Force will serve as a forum for federal, state, and territorial representatives to collaboratively and effectively respond to the land, water and wildlife challenges facing Western landscapes through shared expertise and dialogue, strategic resource and capacity coordination, information and data sharing, and joint problem-solving."

Questions, comments, feedback? Please contact us!