SHIP's 31st
Thanksgiving Dinner
SHIP's Thanksgiving Dinner will be held on Thursday, November 26th from 12 - 2 p.m. as a to-go meal.
They are in need of the following items:
Turkey Gravy in Jars
Stove Top Stuffing Mix
5 Spiral Hams
Chicken stock for stuffing
5 boxes of Instant Mashed Potatoes
Canned Yams
Potato Chips & Pretzels
100 lbs. potatoes
Brown Sugar
Please call 908-393-9545 to find out which items are most needed.
Also, they are in need of people to cook the turkeys and hams. If you are able to cook one of the donated turkeys/hams, please call Tom's number above.
Lastly, they have an "Adopt-A-Family" program for Thanksgiving. If you would like to adopt a family for $40, please send a check made out to SHIP at 87 East High Street, Somerville, NJ. 08876.
SHIP has provided over 35,000 meals during the pandemic. Thanks to all who have served.
Women's Group Meeting
Next meeting will be on November 15th at 4 p.m.
Discussion: Goodbye and Hello
Keeper of the Light
There is a light at St. Martin's that never goes out. We call it the "Sanctuary Light". It reminds us of the presence of Christ who is with us always. During this time when we are not able to be in our building, members of the parish have been taking turns caring for the light in their own home and then passing it on to another member for the next week, until we can all be together again in the church building. If you would like to be the "Keeper of the Light" for a week, email Philip with the subject "Candle" at
Your pledge supports St. Martin's and all the good work that we do in our community. This week we received $9,460 in pledges which brings us to a grand total of about $96,000. Thank you for your generosity. Please consider making your pledge this week so that we can dedicate and consecrate your gifts this Sunday, November 15- Consecration Sunday.
If you would like to drop off your pledge card in person, Kelly Slye will be at the church from 12 to 2 p.m. on Sunday.
Books I've Read During the Pandemic
The Detective in the Dooryard by Timothy Cotton
Tim Cotton has been a police officer for more than thirty years. The writer in him has always been drawn to the stories of the people he has met along the way. Dealing with the standard issue ne’er-do-wells as a patrol officer, homicide detective, polygraph examiner, and later as the lieutenant in charge of the criminal investigation division certainly provides an interesting backdrop—but more often he writes about the regular folks he encounters, people who need his help, or those who just want to share a joke or even a sad story. This is a whimsical, insightful look at the Bangor Maine Police Department and the people Tim meets along the way. His trademark saying is "Keep your hands to yourself, leave other people's things alone, and be kind to one another."
Alison Jandak
Pandemic Cookbook
I've finalized the cookbook thanks to the help of Yvonne and Kathy S. as my editors. The cost will be around $20.00 with the ability to have a soft cover copy as well as access to it on your phone or computer. The price is according to how many books we buy. There are almost 100 recipes in it, and would make a nice gift. Interested?
Outreach would again like to thank those that contributed to Operation Yellow Ribbon. As an update, we combined our collection with items collected by the Women’s Club of Bound Brook and we were able to send 76 stockings to the military. That’s a lot of stockings and your donations are greatly appreciated.
On November 15th, in celebration of St. Martin’s Day, outreach will be collecting WARM WINTER COATS AND JACKETS. Gently used children’s winter coats and jackets will be donated to FISH. The adult jackets and coats will be donated to Cathedral Square Senior Citizen’s Housing. In addition to the coats, the seniors could use warm winter clothing, including slacks, sweaters, flannel shirts, night clothes, etc. We are not looking for fancy clothes, dresses, suits, etc. We are asking that the children’s coats and jackets be put in separate bags. The adult clothes and coats can be put in the same bags. We are asking this so we will be able to place the appropriate bags in two cars for delivery. Collections will be held between noon and 2:00 p.m. in the church parking lot.
Eagle Scout Project
by Aidan Haddad
My project is to improve the picnic area by the playground by installing a paver patio. This will make the area aesthetically more pleasing as well as easier to take care of. I started last week cleaning up the area, but will need help purchasing the pavers. If 40 people donated $20 each, I could reach my goal.
Please consider donating to my project by using the GoFundMe button below:
EMAIL ALISON at if you have anything to put in this newsletter.