On March 8th, Team Anderson met with representatives from Angels Foster Family Network. Angels is a nonprofit that helps get children in foster care placed with families, and thanks to recent redistricting efforts, they are now based in my district.

At last night's "State of the County" address, Chair Fletcher mentioned how we need to do more to help children who face neglect and abuse. I certainly believe that every child deserves a stable family. A child or sibling group could be waiting around 18 months before the courts have decided the best home for them, which is why the families they are placed with in the interim is so important.

Unlike the traditional foster system, Angels Foster Family Network ensures that each family only cares for one child or one sibling set at a time. They are an independent charitable organization that connects young children to "resource families"; this is a newer term that replaces what we know as "foster families" to more accurately depict what the families do for these children— provide and connect them with the resources they need to thrive. They primarily serve children ages 0-5.

Right now, Angels needs to recruit, train, and approve more families to become resource families. On average, Angels receives between 60 and 70 placement referrals each year for East County. But this year to date, they have already received 50! The cases numbers are higher than they have seen over the past few years, which it's crucial they find families that can meet the needs of our most vulnerable population.

On the Angel's website is a blog with countless stories about what it is like to become a resource family, but one of the ones I found most interesting was titled, "This Resource Family is Setting a Good Example and Teaching Kindness to their Biological Children by Serving as Resource Parents."

The mother from the article, Brandi, shared, “We love these children fiercely and we are setting a good example for our bio children. This is a great learning experience that we hope they’ll pull from throughout their lives. None of us will ever regret this.” 

For more information on Angels Foster Family Network, and to start your journey becoming a resource family for a child or sibling group in foster care, please visit their website at
Recognizing the
USNS Mercy Crew
Team Anderson stepped aboard the USNS Mercy hospital ship at Naval Base San Diego last week to recognize the crew for their outstanding dedication to our country. By providing afloat medical care around the globe, the crew of the USNS Mercy has showcased a remarkable dedication to their country and to helping others in need. From emergency medicine to radiology to intensive care, the 1,000 bed hospital ship offers a complete range of surgical and medical specialties when fully manned and can be activated to deploy worldwide within 5 days when ordered by the President, in response to military contingencies, civil disasters, or humanitarian partnerships.
My staff presented a County Proclamation signed by the entire San Diego County Board of Supervisors to Captain Timothy Quast, proclaiming March 25, 2022 as “USNS Mercy Day” throughout San Diego County. We also provided Certificates of Recognition to each servicemember on the ship.

San Diego County is proud to be the homeport to the USNS Mercy!
East County Homeless Resource Fair At ECTLC
Multiple County agencies and partners came together to host an the East County Homeless Resource Fair on March 12, where people experiencing homelessness were offered direct access to DMV services, Child Support Services, substance abuse help, COVID-19 vaccinations, self-sufficiency programs, and more.

The multi-agency event was hosted at the East County Transitional Living Center in El Cajon. The goal was to give homeless individuals one easily accessible location to receive assistance from a variety of organizations that are normally spread across the County. In attendance were the San Diego District Attorney’s Office, the County Department of Homeless Solutions and Equitable Communities, Homeless Court, DMV services, behavioral health services, the San Diego County Sheriff Homeless Assistance Resource Team, and PATH San Diego.
With attorneys ready to provide legal help and staff from the DMV available to update ID cards, the event featured on-site personalized services for those experiencing homelessness.
I attended the event with some of my staff to thank all those involved in organizing the resource fair and to recognize the volunteers for donating their time and talents to the event. I am deeply appreciative of every individual that day that was ready to assist our neighbors experiencing homelessness and help them get back on their feet.
N Magnolia Homeless Encampment Update
"Before and After" photos provided by County Department of Public Works after one of their cleanups last week.
Last week, I shared an update on the County's efforts to address the homeless encampment on North Magnolia Avenue in an unincorporated portion of El Cajon. We received another update that I wanted to share here, too.

Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) and its partners reported the following statistics for the cumulative time period March 16 through March 24.
  • Total Individuals Engaged: 142
  • Connected to Housing: 15
  • Assisted/Provided County Benefits Program: 35
  • Hygiene Kits Distributed: 110
  • Behavioral Health Services Engagements: 3
  • Home Start Services Engagements: 7
  • PATH Engagements: 6
  • Declined Services: 1

The Department of Public Works was onsite last week for two days continuing to remove relinquished trash, debris, and hazardous materials. The photos above show a before and after for the cleanup of a site where a person was connected to housing. Additionally, the Sheriff Department's HART deputies were on site all week providing assistance to outreach workers, providing transportation to housing for 12 individuals, and providing DPW with assistance during 3 days of cleanups.
San Carlos Community Garden
This past weekend, I had the honor of joining the San Carlos Community Garden for their 10th anniversary celebration. I had a blast touring the garden, recognizing the volunteers, and chatting with San Carlos constituents. This volunteer-run garden not only brings beauty and fresh produce to the community, but also enlightens students with smart nutritional habits that will last a lifetime.
Give Your Feedback on the Housing and Community Development Services (HCDS) Draft Annual Plan
The County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency, Housing and Community Development Services (HCDS) has announced the posting of the draft FY 2022-23 Annual Plan and HOME-ARP Cost Allocation Plan. These funds support various projects and programs that support residents in our communities through affordable housing for vulnerable populations, park and sidewalk improvement projects, the mobile home repair programs sheltering for homeless individuals, and more. The County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 9:00 a.m. on April 5, 2022 in Room 310 at the County Administration Center, 1600 Pacific Highway, San Diego, CA to hear feedback. It is item #3 on the Tuesday agenda that will be posted here.

The 30-day comment period will be open through Tuesday April 5, 2022. Members of the public are strongly encouraged to submit their comments on the Plan, particularly on items such as the general proposed Public Housing Agency Annual Plan for Fiscal Year 2022-2023, Public Housing Admissions and Continued Occupancy Policy, and Housing Choice Voucher Section 8 Administrative Plan in person or via e-mail at
Supervisor Anderson In The News
Photo: Alejandro Tamayo for
The San Diego Union Tribune
“As the number of people fleeing Ukraine continues to increase, coupled with your recent decision to admit 100,000 refugees into the U.S., the citizens of San Diego are once again willing to welcome the displaced with open arms,” Anderson wrote to Biden Monday. “However, to do so successfully will require additional funding from the Administration to support this population.”

This topic was also covered by:
Photo: Peggy Peattie for
Voice of San Diego
"Pursuing strategies that prevent individuals from losing their homes in the first place is not only a better outcome for individuals, Anderson said, but ultimately less costly for taxpayers than services that aim to get them off the streets."

This topic was also covered by:
"When we have services like this set up, we can go there and offer them services, give them hotel vouchers, get them off the streets and put their lives back on track,” Anderson said.

This topic was also covered by:
"People in my district are suffering from these outrageous gas prices," Anderson said. "No one should have to choose between paying their monthly bills and affording to put gas in their car, especially when the overwhelming majority of my constituents rely on motor vehicles and there is no feasible public transportation alternative."

This topic was also covered by:
Along with praising the workforce study, Supervisor Joel Anderson said the county needs to consider new carbon capture methods, a biomass facility or planting more trees in the Cleveland National Forest, to reduce the threat of mud slides.

This topic was also covered by:
East County Magazine

“There are so many wonderful and worthy organizations in my district, and I am thrilled to be able to help support some of these organizations that are doing incredible work to improve our East County communities,” shared Supervisor Joel Anderson."
East County Californian

"Following Ray’s appointment, San Diego County District 2 Supervisor Joel Anderson said the sheriff is “well suited for the job” and he looks forward to supporting him. “His steady hand is what we need at this time,” Anderson said."
Supervisor Joel Anderson
Office Hours: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

County Administration Center
Phone: 619-531-5522

El Cajon District Office
Phone: 619-441-4327

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