The Evolution
of a Book Title

Everyone tells me they love the title Dragonflies at Night, right along with the book cover. How did I "come up" with it? Well, like all things in the realm of creativity, it didn't just happen!

When I first began writing, the story was just about Savannah and Ben. The characters were talking to me (and each other!), and I thought I was writing a regular romance. At the beginning, when I wasn't even sure it would become a "real" book, I was calling it Ben and Savannah: A Love Story.

After more listening to their stories—particularly Savannah's—I realized that the story wasn't just about their romance (as you will find out). I reached out in written dialog with Savannah's mother who died when Savannah was 15. Hearing Deirdre Rose's story brought in the importance of dragonflies and I heard that her last words to Savannah were "You're going to have a splendid life." So then the working title was Her Splendid Life. (I know... what was I thinking?)

And then. . . well, the dragonflies and their meaning kept working their way into and though the story. There's one scene at the beginning where dragonflies are showing themselves at night, and I wondered about that. Do dragonflies ever fly at night? It seems that they do, only rarely, and only when they are heading towards a light source of some kind. Aha! Dragonflies... flying towards the light... leading us all to a new title Dragonflies at Night!
Join Me For a Live Zoom Interview
Sunday 9/20/20 * 1 pm EST

This Zoom is for you if:

*You want an hour of light-hearted, up-lifting, conversation about manifesting your goals and dreams!

*You want encouragement to complete and publish your own book!

*You want to know how the Dragonflies at Night characters, plot, and love story came to life!

You can even ask your own questions!

LAST WEEK TO Pre-Order Dragonflies at Night

My new women's fiction novel, Dragonflies at Night, doesn't "land" until September 22, BUT... you can pre-order your very own SIGNED copy now and I'll ship it directly to you the week of September 21, with a beautiful dragonfly bookmark.

I only have a limited amount of extra copies that I can sign, so please order soon.

Please stay in touch by sending a reply to this email, or by saying hello on Instagram or Facebook!

Your questions are welcome too.

Peace, hope, and the light of dragonflies,